Results 101-110 of 1,249 sorted by relevance 1775. under General Montgommery appeared before Quebec, then my residence, a Merchant in...
...their upper Posts—To expect the conquest of Quebec the same season, unless by the dispersion...
...this City of the state of our army before Quebec, and in other parts of the Province of Canada...
...royal proclamation, by treaties, and by the Quebec Act of 1774 had been surrendered to the...
...account of the Temperature of the Air in Quebec was given me by a gentleman from that...
..., can so far succeed as to reach & take Quebec by the first year’s operations. All you...
..., and two Hessian regts are sailed for Quebec[.] The fleet under Admiral Arbuthnot......Quebec...
...without artillery officers, than the Strong Hold of Quebec can be taken without them. It...Quebec
.... His small fleet was captured en route to Quebec, but Carleton eluded the Americans and made...
...1, after Gen. Wooster had left for Quebec, the commander of the garrison in Montreal...