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From George Washington to Battaile Muse, 6 February 1791

To Battaile Muse

Philadelphia February 6th 1791


It has been intimated to me, that Mr Windsor, a tenant of mine, wishes to relinguish the Lease which he retains for a pa⟨rt o⟩f my land in the Co⟨unty⟩ of Frederick; ⟨and as my⟩ Sister Lewis ap⟨pears anxio⟩us to ⟨get it for th⟩e purpose ⟨of concentrating⟩ her ⟨property adjo⟩ining and ⟨agrees to take⟩ it ⟨upon the⟩ same terms by wh⟨ich it is held⟩ at present; this will explai⟨n to⟩ you, my approbation of her proposal, provided, Mr Windsor is still disposed to surrender his occupancy.1 I am, Sir, your Most Obt Servt

Go: Washington

LS, NcD; LB, DLC:GW. Words in angle brackets are taken from the letter-book copy.

1Joseph Windsor (Winsor, Winzor) held a 14–year lease, running from 1 Jan. 1785, to 172 acres belonging to GW in Frederick County. The land was part of about five hundred and sixty acres GW acquired from the sale of George Mercer’s Frederick County land in 1774. Windsor proved an unreliable tenant, and Muse sued him for back rent on GW’s behalf in 1790 (see GW to Muse, 28 July 1785).

Muse advised GW on 22 Aug. 1791 that your “Letter in favour of Mrs Lewis respecting Winzors Lease came to hand,” adding that “nothing has taken place as Yet” (DLC:GW). Windsor apparently did not surrender his occupancy immediately, since the accounts kept by Muse’s successor, Robert Lewis, indicate that he paid £17.9 on 25 Dec. 1792 for a year’s rent (Accounts with Sundry Tenants, 1791–92, ViMtvL). The lease was then or thereafter taken over by GW’s nephew Howell Lewis (Rental Accounts, 25 Dec. 1792 [ViMtvL]; Rental Accounts, December 1794 [ViMtvL]; Rental Accounts, 21–25 Dec. 1794 [ICHi]; and Rental Accounts, 1794 [ViMtvL]).

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