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I have it in contemplation to sell the Reversion of between three and four Hundred acres of land near your seat in Virginia, and as it is Probable this land will not only suit you, but that you will give as much, or more for it, than any other Person I beg leave to make you an offer of it. It is land I obtaind by marriage with a Miss Slaughter And the old ladys life is to be reserved in it,...
Honord with an opportunity by my respected friend General Lincoln I pray you would permit me to mention that the same motives which induced me in the early stages of difficulty to step forth and give aid, though feeble, in support of the Liberties and defence of the rights of my Country, now lead me to offer service in any department, wherein I may be usefull. Having had the happiness of being...
I enclose you several proclamations expressing the lines which are to bound the District of ten miles square for the permanent Seat of the general government, which I wish you to have made public with all expedition. And in the most general and extensive manner that you can to prevent any kind of speculation. Let them be published in the News Papers—put up in public places and otherwise so...
I send by the bearer for the use of the President of the United States, a set of the Atlantic Neptune in three volumes folio, and a volume of the West India Atlas, which I imported from the England for public service—I have only to request that your would please to sign the duplicate receipts herein enclosed. I am Dear sir Your humble servant LS , DLC:GW ; LB , DLC:GW . This letter accompanied...
We The free coloured people of the Island of Grenada, having taken into consideration a writing, the purport of which (they are informed) is your Excellency’s generous dispositon of giving that unfortunate Class of people, an Asylum in the southern parts of the States of your Excellency’s Government; have inclosed herewith, a Copy of the same humbly requesting your Excellency to Confirm its...
In execution of the powers with which Congress were pleased to invest me by their Act intitled “An Act for establishing the temporary and permanent seat of the Government of the United States” and on mature consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of the several positions, within the limits prescribed by the said Act, I have, by Proclamation, bearing date this day, a copy of which is...
157Proclamation, 24 January 1791 (Washington Papers)
By the President of the U. States of America A Proclamation Whereas the general Assembly of the State of Maryland, by an act passed on the twenty third day of December, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, intituled “An Act to cede to Congress a District of ten miles square in this State, for the seat of the government of the United States,” did enact, that the...
I lay before you a statement relative to the frontiers of the United States, which has been submitted to me, by the Secretary for the Department of War. I rely upon your wisdom to make such arrangements, as may be essential for the preservation of good order, and the effectual protection of the frontiers. LS , DNA : RG 46, First Congress, 1789–1791, Records of Legislative Proceedings,...
Give me leave to introduce and recommend to You Mr Kellerman the Son of an Able and patriot General officer in the french Service—it is Not Under the Embroidered Regimentals that we find the Greater Proportion of friends to the Revolution—for which Reason I am the Better disposed to oblige such as Have Sided with us. The National Assembly Have, whilst I was Engaged in quelling a Riotous fight...
Sarah Leitch, and James Frisby Leitch Infants and Children of Major Andrew Leitch by this their humble petition beg leave to Shew. That their said father being a Merchant and possessing but a small Capital was in a great degree dependent on his personal exertions for the support of himself and his family, but actuated by Zeal in the cause of this Country entered into the Army of these States,...
Mr McHenry begs the President will do him the honor to accept a small parcel of asparagus sent by the stage. It is carefully packed up in dry earth, and if delivered according to directions Mr McHenry hopes it will be found to have lost but little of its vegetable properties ALS , DLC:GW . Tobias Lear replied to McHenry on 31 Jan. 1791: “The President of the United States has received Mr...
It would give me pain if I thought Your Excellency had the least idea of my neglecting your Wool: as no judgment could be formed of it correctly but by having it manufactured as far as spinning and combing &c. were concerned, I put it into the hands of an ingenious person at Bury who has but now returned it. The following is the account. It weighed 5 lb. 3 oz. value at present here 8d. per...
The President of the United States has received Mr Bailey’s polite note offering him the perusal of an english translation of Lavater’s treatise on physiognomy and has commanded T. Lear to return his thanks to Mr Bailey for his politeness, and to inform him that the President’s time is so much occupied by business as not to permit him to profit of Mr Bailey’s offer. LB , DLC:GW . Johann Caspar...
Permit me to request the honor of a place in your Library for a volume of “Reports of Cases ruled and adjudged in the Courts of Pennsylvania.” The work, as far as it depends on my labour, is of little value; but considering it as a useful example in a literary walk, which is almost untrodden in this country, and as a respectable production, in the articles of paper, types, and printing, of...
In July 1787 Your Excellency honored me with a Visit, and encouraged me to proceed in my attempt to bring the Culture of the Vine to perfection in this Country—To this Employment I have devoted all my time; but at the very moment I am about reaping the benefit of my Labor and Industry, and on the point of succeeding in my Attempt, I find myself so situated, that without assistance I shall be...
I lay before you the copy of a letter from the President of the National Assembly of France to the President of the United States, and of a decree of that Assembly which was transmitted with the above mentioned letter. LS , DNA : RG 46, First Congress, 1789–1791, Records of Legislative Proceedings, President’s Messages; copy, DNA : RG 233, First Congress, 1789–1791, Records of Legislative...
I received with particular satisfaction, and imparted to Congress the communication made by the Presidents letter of the 20th of June last in the name of the National Assembly of France. So peculiar and so signal an expression of the esteem of that respectable body for a citizen of the United States, whose eminent and patriotic services are indelibly engraved on the minds of his countrymen...
In order that you may be fully informed of the situation of the frontiers, and the prospects of hostility in that quarter; I lay before you the intelligence of some recent depredations, received since my message to you upon this subject, of the 24th instant. LS , DNA : RG 46, First Congress, 1789–1791, Records of Legislative Proceedings, President’s Messages; copy, DNA : RG 233, First...
Upon reciving in this Town your proclamation locating a district of ten mile Square it was deemed proper to run the two first lines to discover the point on Great Hunting creek which was to be the Begening of the district, it appears from this actual Survey that running from the Court house a South West Cour[s]e 160 poles that we were brought to Potowmack river above the mouth of Great Hunting...
Soon after your appointment to the Presidency of the United States, I took the liberty of informing you, that I should be willing to serve my country in any public office, in which I could be usefull —By the newspapers, I perceive Congress is about laying an excise on distilled Spirits &c.—altho’ I have not been informed, what will be the mode of collection, yet as there are a Number of...
Finding, by the Excise Bill now before the Senate of Congress, that Inspectors will be appointed in the different districts, for the purpose of collecting the revenue arising from said bill, I beg leave to offer myself a Candidate for the district of Philadelphia, or the one adjoining it, Should your Excellency be pleased to Nominate me for either. I have the Honor to be Sir, your most...
Custom has given sanction to what at first View in a modest Mind would seem too assuming; therefore I shall without any further Apology, offer myself to your Excellency as a Candidate for the Office of Collector or Inspector of Excise, (as the case may be) for the District of Boston in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: To detail all my Pretensions would be needless (the sum of them are) that...
Awed by a sense of your Dignity, it is with extreme reluctance that a Citizen of Newbury Port in the County of Essex & state of Massachusetts, presumes to crave a Moment of your Excellencys Attention, or trouble you with his sollicitations. from late information, that Congress are progressing in a new System of Excise to increase the Revenue of the United states and if establish’d, Officers...
A sincere desire of promoting the good of the United States, & not merely my own concerns, will, I trust, prove a sufficient apology for the interruption I am now giving your Excellency. Your country I apprehend has the advantage of Europe, for the erection of particular towns, by reason of the several great falls to be met with in the American rivers. The papers have announced the...
My being from home when Mr Washington passed this place was the Cause of the inclosed letter; I am willing to take Royal Gift to Stand here this Season & indeed wish it much; I am very fond of mules, & think it a very favorable Stand for him as I have a dozen mules, & there worth is well Known in this part of the Country & I wish to get a few more of a larger Size. I have no doubt but he will...
This day, I received most particular pleasure in a carefull & attentive reading of your address to Congress on the 8th of last December. I rejoice that Kantuc⟨ey⟩ is received as another State of the Union; it will now prove a Barrier towards Canada, but had it not been amicably settled, it might (at some futare Period) be a troublesome Nieghbour, & resent its being rejected by the original...
I observe by the treaty of peace between the United States, and Creek Indians, that the running of certain lines agreed upon by the Secretary of War, on behalf of the United States, and the principal Chiefs of the Creeks, (limiting the claims of the two Nations,) is to commence next October. From a long, and extensive practice in the running of astronomical, and other lines, and being likewise...
As the collection of the Excise duties, about to be imposed by Congress, will probably riquire a number of appointments; I humbly beg leave to offer myself as a candidate for the district of Hartford in the State of Connecticut; which is the place of my established residence. Should your Excellency think fit to notice this request, my character will be given by the Honble Members of the Senate...
Nothing in the enclosed letter superceding the necessity of Mr Ellicots proceeding to the work in hand—I would thank you, for requesting him, to set out on thursday; or as soon after as he can make it convenient: also for preparing such instructions as you may conceive it necessary for me to give him for ascertaining the points we wish to know; first, for the general view of things—& next for...
I do myself the Honour of transmitting to you herewith “An Act” of the General Assembly of this State passed at their last Session “to carry into Effect a Resolution of Congress passed the twenty-ninth Day of September in the year 1789.” which I have to request you will please to communicate to the Congress of the United States. I have the Honour to be with most respectful Consideration Sir,...
Forgive My lord, that a Stranger takes so much a Lyberty, as to trouble such a great men as You are with a Letter. But as you are the Præsident in the Magistrate of the United Provinces, I lay a Case with all humbly Submission for Your Excellen⟨z⟩e and call for Right! Two Merchand Partners Mr Leek & Melbek at Phyladelphia own me a Debt of R.,dollar, 2483 in franz Louidor a 5 R.dollar, for...
When I was at Bush Hill this Morning it was my intention to have requested your Company to dine tomorrow at the Presidents, by his desire; but as I did not see you at that time it slipped my recollection, and occasions you the trouble of this letter, which is to make the same request—to which you will be kind enough to give an Answer by the Servant. I am Dear Sir Your most Obedt Servt ALS ,...
In asking your aid in the following case permit me at the same time to ask the most perfect secrecy. The federal territory being located, the competition for the location of the town now rests between the mouth of the Eastern branch, and the lands on the river, below and adjacent to George town. In favour of the former, Nature has furnished powerful advantages. In favour of the latter is it’s...
I will thank you to send me, from time to time, two copies of such bills as may be printed by order of the Senate, previous to their passing into laws; and likewise two copies of your Journals as they are printed. I am induced to make this request from a wish which the President of the United States often expresses to see the bills in this stage. If there are any bills of this description now...
The subscriber being informed, that, by the Excise Law an Inspector of the Revenue will be necessary for the State of New Jersey; he begs leave to offer himself for that appointment. For his Character and Pretensions he refers to the Testimonials herewith transmitted, and to the Senators and Representatives of this State in Congress. ALS , DLC:GW . Aaron Dunham (1759–1802) of Hunterdon County,...
A pressure of public business just at the moment Mr Roberdeau was about to leave this, allowed me no time to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 28th Ulto—and now I have little more than to thank you for the communication which was given by it. As the exactitude of the District called for a Scientific character I have engaged Mr Ellicot to make the Survey, and hope that every aid...
Without troubling your Excellency with a detail of circumstances, which induce me to wish for some employment, under the general Government, I beg leave to offer my self as a candidate for any office in the proposed sistem of Excise, which I may be qualified to fill. As I can not claim the honor of such a personal aquaintance with your Excellency, as will furnish you with sufficient...
Acknowledging the receipt of your letter of the 29th of December, and offering you my best thanks for the interest it expresses in my behalf, I beg you to be persuaded that neither my late silence nor my present brevity are in any degree the consequence of diminished regard. Your friendship receives from me the same grateful & affectionate return which I have ever made to it—but the multiplied...
As the letter, which you were pleased to address to me on the 27th of November, relates to an event of public import, yet to be determined, and on which the decision may be governed by circumstances not yet considered, I can only do myself the honor to acknowledge the receipt of it—and to express the respectful consideration with which I am Madam Your most Obedt Servt ALS , CSmH ; LB , DLC:GW...
Letter not found: from John Greenwood, 6 Feb. 1791. In a letter of 16 Feb. 1791, GW wrote that “Your letter of the 6th and the box which accompanied it came safe to hand.”
It has been intimated to me, that Mr Windsor, a tenant of mine, wishes to relinguish the Lease which he retains for a pa⟨rt o⟩f my land in the Co⟨unty⟩ of Frederick; ⟨and as my⟩ Sister Lewis ap⟨pears anxio⟩us to ⟨get it for th⟩e purpose ⟨of concentrating⟩ her ⟨property adjo⟩ining and ⟨agrees to take⟩ it ⟨upon the⟩ same terms by wh⟨ich it is held⟩ at present; this will explai⟨n to⟩ you, my...
The bill for laying certain duties on distilled Spirits being now in great forwardness in Congress, will it is expected shortly come before your Excellency and in Case you should be pleased to pass it into a Law, it is provided by the said bill that the States may be divided by you into General Districts and an Inspector appointed for collecting the Duties in each. From my long residence in...
No Seneca ever goes from the Fire of his Friends, untill he has said to him, I am going: We therefore tell you, we are now setting out for our own Country Father, We thank you from our hearts, that we now know that there is a Country that we may call our own, on which we may lie down in peace. We see that there will be peace between your Children and our Children, and our hearts are very glad....
M. de De la Fayette m’a remis le Brevet de Capitaine au service des Etats-unis d’amérique que vous avez eu la bonté de lui envoyer pour moi: permettez-moi de vous en faire mes remerciements et de mettre à vos pieds l’homage de ma Reconnoissance et du Respet avec lesquels je suis de Votre Excellence le tres humble et tres obeissant serviteur. ALS , DNA : RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters. See...
Your readiness & patience to hear the wants of every citizen, hath emboldened me to lay before You my situation, & claim Your patronage. Early in the late War, contrary to the advice of my Connections, I entered into the Army, where I continued to its disolution—Although, it was my lot to fall into a Regt that was unhappy on many accounts, & proved injurious to its Officers, Yet, I am...
Letter not found: from William Deakins, Jr., and Benjamin Stoddert, 9 Feb. 1791. In a letter to Deakins and Stoddert, 17 Feb. 1791 , GW refers to “favors of the 9th and 11th instant.”
The messages to the two Houses, as altered are quite agreeable to. Whether, as it is equally known to both houses, that we have no person in a public character at the Ct of London it is best that the word “informal” should remain in the message to the Ho. of Representatives, or not, Mr J. may decide by the fair copy he shall send to ALS , DLC : Jefferson Papers. For the background to this...
I humbly beg leave to present you a Paper signed by a few of my respectable Neighbours. It would not have been the least difficult for me to have Increased the Number but considering that it is well known with how much facility the General Benevolence is mov’d to Acts of this kind, I concluded to spare you Sir the trouble of a lenthy Scrawl and my self the pain of soliciting Suffrages that...
I have received from the Governor of Vermont authentic documents expressing the consent of the Legislatures of New York and of the Territory of Vermont, that the said territory shall be admitted to be a distinct member of our union; and a Memorial of Nathaniel Chipman and Lewis R. Morris Commissioners from the said Territory, praying the consent of Congress to that admission by the name and...
At the sametime that I acknowledge the receipt of your letter of June last, with which I have been honored, I must beg you to accept my best thanks for your treatise on Education which accompanied it. The anxiety which you express for the welfare of this Country demands a proper acknowledgment; and the political sentiments which are contained in your letter merit a more particular reply than...