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Documents filtered by: Volume="Washington-04-05"
Results 391-420 of 468 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
391 Jay, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Jay, 25 July 1787 1787-07-25 I was this morning honored with your Excellency’s Favor of the 22d Inst: & immediately delivered...
392 Stuart, David Washington, George To George Washington from David Stuart, 4 December 1787 … 1787-12-04 Letter not found: from David Stuart, 4 Dec. 1787. GW wrote Stuart on 11 Dec. “to acknowledge the...
393 Morris, William White Washington, George To George Washington from William Morris, 11 November … 1787-11-11 I take this opportunity of returning you my most sincere thanks for the fusee you were so...
394 Madison, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Madison, 16 April 1787 1787-04-16 I have been honoured with your letter of the 31 of March, and find with much pleasure that your...
395 Washington, George Hanson, Samuel (of Samuel) From George Washington to Samuel Hanson, 27 September … 1787-09-27 By your letter of the 23d, with which I have been favoured since my return home, I perceive there...
396 Morris, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Morris, 23 April 1787 1787-04-23 The Public Papers have announced Your consent to serve as a Member of the Convention to be held...
397 Madison, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Madison, 30 September … 1787-09-30 I found on my arrival here that certain ideas unfavorable to the Act of the Convention which had...
398 Washington, George Augustine Washington, George To George Washington from George Augustine Washington … 1787-09-02 Letter not found: from George Augustine Washington, 2 Sept. 1787. On 9 Sept. GW acknowledged...
399 Washington, George Pettit, Charles From George Washington to Charles Pettit, 7 September … 1787-09-07 Having received the dimensions of three more of my Chimneys for which I want castings, I have to...
400 Washington, George Humphreys, David From George Washington to David Humphreys, 18 February … 1787-02-18 Colo. Wadsworth has handed me your obliging and much esteemed favor of the 20th ulto for which I...
401 Washington, George Augustine Washington, George To George Washington from George Augustine Washington … 1787-06-24 Letter not found: from George Augustine Washington, 24 June 1787. On 1 July GW wrote George...
402 Roussilles, Pierre Washington, George Enclosure: Memorial, 12 August 1787 1787-08-12 The Memorial of Pierre Roussilles sheweth—That he is the son of a merchant of Bordeaux; and that...
403 Smith, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Smith, 22 May 1787 … 1787-05-22 Letter not found: from Thomas Smith, 22 May 1787. On 22 Feb. 1788 GW wrote Smith : “I have, at...
404 Morris, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Morris, 25 October … 1787-10-25 That you may not think me guilty of Neglect, I acknowledge the receipt of your obliging letter of...
405 Washington, George Washington, George Augustine From George Washington to George Augustine Washington … 1787-05-27 In my last I acknowledged the receipt of your first letter; and I have now to do that of the 20th...
406 Washington, Bushrod Washington, George To George Washington from Bushrod Washington, 26 … 1787-10-26 Letter not found: from Bushrod Washington, 26 Oct. 1787. On 9 Nov. GW wrote Bushrod Washington:...
407 Knox, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Knox, 26 March 1787 1787-03-26 I have attended my dear Sir to your request respecting the Chevalier D’anterroches, and the...
408 Washington, George Randolph, Edmund From George Washington to Edmund Randolph, 28 March … 1787-03-28 Your favor of the 11th did not come to my hand till the 24th; and since then, till now, I have...
409 Washington, George Powel, Elizabeth From George Washington to Elizabeth Powel, 23 July 1787 1787-07-23 Genl Washington presents his respectful Compliments to Mrs Powell and will do himself the honor...
410 Washington, George Weedon, George From George Washington to George Weedon, 3 December … 1787-12-03 I have received your letter of the 25th Ulto enclosing the proceedings of the Cincinnati of this...
411 Deakins, William Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from William Deakins, Jr., 9 March … 1787-03-09 I have sent by your Boat 200 Bushels Oats, tho the price is higher than I could have Wished but...
412 Washington, George Marsteller, Philip From George Washington to Philip Marsteller, 25 July … 1787-07-25 You would oblige me by letting me know whether there is a prospect of your purchasing, on the...
413 Washington, George Madison, James From George Washington to James Madison, 7 December … 1787-12-07 Since my last to you, I have been favored with your letters of the 28th of Octr & 18th of...
414 Knox, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Knox, 1 February 1787 1787-02-01 Notwithstanding my expectations of receiving particular accounts of the operations against the...
415 Lewis, Joseph Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Joseph Lewis, Jr., 12 … 1787-11-12 Being in company with a Party of young Gentlemen last sunday morning it was proposed taking a...
416 Lawson, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Lawson, 25 April 1787 1787-04-25 Your favor of the 17th is now before me, & this day only Neptune made his appearance he says his...
417 Rutledge, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Rutledge, 1 October 1787 1787-10-01 I recd the inclosed by the last Packet, from my Son, at Paris—He requests me, to present, to you,...
418 Gordon, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Gordon, 6 September … 1787-09-06 I rejoice to find that your Lady has of late been troubled less than formerly with the bilious...
419 Washington, George Powel, Elizabeth From George Washington to Elizabeth Powel, 7 September … 1787-09-07 Genl Washington presents his respectful compliments to Mrs Powell. He has, with much pleasure,...
420 Washington, George Kirk, Bridget From George Washington to Bridget Kirk, 20 February … 1787-02-20 I must beg the favor of you to give the bearer (Mr Lear a young Gentlemen who lives with me) a...