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Documents filtered by: Volume="Madison-01-13"
Results 21-30 of 310 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
21 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 31 December … 1790-12-31 Letter not found. 31 December 1790. Acknowledged in Jefferson to JM, 1 Jan. 1791 . Gives his...
22 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 24 January 1790 1790-01-24 A dysenteric attack at Georgetown with its effects retarded my journey so much that I did not...
23 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 24 September … 1790-09-24 I recd. yours of the 23 inst: by the bearer who now returns with the Horse. I will consult with...
24 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, [13 March] 1791 1791-03-13 Your first proposition having been arranged, I have only in answer to your last to acknowledge...
25 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 14 February … 1790-02-14 We proceed slowly in business. The Report of Mr. Hamilton has been, of late, the principal...
26 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, [11 January] … 1791-01-11 T: J. to J. M. Dr. To advances for him on the road to Philada. £14..5..6 To Horse   Credit   By...
27 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 4 February 1790 1790-02-04 Your favor of the 9th. of Jany. inclosing one of Sepr. last did not get to hand till a few days...
28 Madison, James Jones, Walter From James Madison to Walter Jones, 28 February 1790 1790-02-28 Letter not found. 28 February 1790. Acknowledged in Jones to JM, 25 Mar. 1790 . Reports recent...
29 Madison, James Lear, Tobias From James Madison to Tobias Lear, 7 February 1790 1790-02-07 I have consulted with Mr. Brown on the subject of a Successor to Mr. Short. He is apprehensive...
30 Madison, James Lee, Henry From James Madison to Henry Lee, 1 March 1790 1790-03-01 Letter not found. 1 March 1790. Acknowledged in Lee to JM, 13 Mar. 1790 . Probably relates to the...