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Enclosure: Luís Pinto de Sousa Coutinho to Edward Church, 22 October 1793

Luís Pinto de Sousa Coutinho to Edward Church

Translation of a Note from Louis Pinto de Souza Secretary of foreign affairs at Lisbon to Edward Church Consul for the US.

Palace of Queluz 22. Octob. 1793.

In answer to the letter you addressed to me of yesterday’s date on the protection and convoy which you sollicit in favor of the vessels of the US. of America which have to sail to their destinations, in danger from the Cruizers of Algiers, I am ordered1 to inform you that her most faithful majesty, desirous of manifesting to the said states whatsoever may benefit their navigation or commerce as far as may be compatible with her own supreme justice, is very ready to give2 her royal orders that the vessels of the said states shall3 enjoy in their passage the same protection which she has ordered to be extended to the vessels of the Hanseatic towns until4 the conclusion of the ratification of the truce adjusted between her M. F. Majesty and the regency of Algiers: provided nevertheless that the vessels of the US. which shall desire to shelter themselves under the protection of the said convoys, shall unite and assemble in sufficient number to merit to be convoyed; as this measure cannot be practised in favor of a few, for clear reasons which manifest themselves. I am with the greatest esteem Sir your servant

Luiz Pinto de Souza

Tr (DNA: RG 59, CD); entirely in TJ’s hand, with several revisions, the most important being noted below; at foot of text: “Mr. Edward Church.” Tr (same); in Portuguese; with notation by Church on separate sheet: “Copy of a Letter from the Minister of foreign affairs dated Palace of Queluz 22d. Octr. in answer to my letter of 21st. Octr. and granting a Convoy to the Citizens & Vessels of the United States—a true Copy examd. pr. E.C.” Tr (DNA: RG 46, Senate Records, 3d Cong., 1st sess.); in English.

1Preceding two words interlined in place of “have the honor.”

2Word interlined in place of “provide,” which had been interlined in place of “expedite by.”

3Word interlined in place of “may.”

4Word interlined in place of “before.”

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