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Documents filtered by: Volume="Jefferson-01-27"
Results 91-120 of 806 sorted by recipient
I have laid before the President your letter of the 16th. instant, and in consequence thereof...
I have the honor to inclose you the copy of a letter from Mr. Moissonier Consul of France at...
Your publication in the newspapers in the form of a letter to me of the date of Oct. 27. reached...
In my letter of Oct. 2. I took the liberty of noticing to you that the commission of Consul to M....
I have the Honor to inform you that the District Attorney of Maryland is this day instructed to...
In consequence of the notice given to the Governor of Pensylvania of the apprehensions that a...
In answer to the several letters you have done me the honor of writing on the subject of tonnage...
In my letter of June 25th. on the subject of the Ship William, and generally of vessels suggested...
I am honoured with your letter of the 10th. inst. on the subject of the arrest of Capt. Johannene...
I have the honor of your letter of the 6th. instant, and can assure you with real truth of the...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 3rd. instant, which has been duly laid...
I laid before the President of the US. your two letters of the 11th. and 14th. instant on the...
I have now to acknowledge and answer your letter of September 13. wherein you desire that we may...
In a former letter which I had the honor of writing you, I mentioned that information had been...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to present his respects to Mr. Genet and to acknolege the receipt by...
The correspondence which has taken place between the Executive and yourself, and the acts which...
I shall be late in acknowledging the receipt of your several letters written since my departure...
Th: Jefferson with his respectful compliments to Mr. Genet has the honor to inform him that his...
In a letter which I had the honor of writing to you on the 12th. of July I informed you that the...
Immediately on the receipt of your favor of the 2d. inst. informing me of a conspiracy among the...
Th: Jefferson presents his respectful compliments to Mr. Genet and sends him Mr. Cassan’s...
Your letter of the 15th. of Nov. on the subject of your bills refused paiment at the Treasury,...
I was honored yesterday with your letter of the 14th. of Sep . covering the commission of the...
I have laid before the President of the US. your letter of Nov. 25. and have now the honor to...
I have the honor to inform you that the district Attorney of Pennsylvania is this day instructed...
I have laid before the President of the United States your letter of the 20th. instant,...
I am to acknoledge the receipt of your letter of the 19th. instant, and to thank you for the...
By a Letter from the Board of war on the subject of the first and second state regiments, they...
Your favor of Aug. 29 . was brought to me in the country yesterday. I immediately sent to town by...
I have duly received your memorial praying that your sloop Betsey, a prize to the Citoyen Genet,...