Thomas Jefferson Papers
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From Thomas Jefferson to William Rawle, 26 June 1793

To William Rawle

June 26. 1793.


It being left to the Executive to determine the case of the ship William, I will beg the favor of your information whether the parties had provided evidence on both sides as to the distance of the capture from the shore, and whether a copy of it could be furnished us? We shall thank you also for the authorities (a citation of them I mean) quoted on both sides to prove what is the distance to which a state may extend it’s protection. I am with much esteem, Sir, Your most obedt. humble servt.

Th: Jefferson

RC (PHi: Rawle Papers); addressed: “Mr. Rawle.” Not recorded in SJL.

Rawle evidently responded in a letter of 26 June 1793, recorded in SJL as received the same day, but not found.

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