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I received your favor by Capt. Heath, and notice what is said therein on the subject of the Marquee. Capt. Singleton has been certainly misinformed as to the delivery of it at Monticello. You know it was in the summer of 1782. I was at home the whole of that summer. My situation at that time enables me to say with certainty that I was not from home one day from the time the Marquee was...
Your favor of the 7th. came to hand yesterday and brought me the news, always welcome, of your being all well. I have taken effectual means of repairing the loss of the sugar maple seed, by bespeaking a new supply of seed, and purchasing a considerable number of young trees from Prince in Long-island who will forward them to Richmond in the fall. The species of rice which has succeeded, is...
Capt. Stratton arrived last night with the 4. hhds. of tobo. for which I gave you the bill of lading some time ago. He will call on you to-day. I should like that it were examined, because I believe, from the marks, that it is of the Bedford tobo.—I mentioned to you sometime ago that I believed I should have occasion for about 400. Dollars of this money, to be obtained by discount at the bank....
I have to acknowlege the reciept of your favour of Apr. 7. which came to hand on the 20th. I hope my letters on the subject of my tobacco have got to hand in time to prevent any contract there interfering with the sale I made here. I learn that 4. hhds. more are coming on. Being entitled to the highest price given before payment, I believe I shall be sure of 5⅓ dollars which will neat me 29/3...
I had always intended to endeavor to engage with some miller of capital here to erect my mill on such plan as he should chuse and then rent it to him for a term of years. Your letter informing me that Mr. Divers and others were proposing to take Mr. Henderson’s mill, but that they had not been able to agree, induces me to suppose it possible they might be willing to take mine. I should propose...
I wrote to Maria this day sennight, and to Martha three days before, to wit June 23. In this letter I asked information to be obtained from Colo. Lewis relative to my tobo. of which I had heard nothing. But having received the day after a letter from him, giving me full information, I mentioned in mine to Maria, that no notice should be taken of my desire expressed in the letter to her sister....
I am really mortified at the account I am obliged to give you of the fate of the ores you confided to my care. I gave them you know to Count Andriani whose regular chemical education, and his fondness for that study, together with his leisure, induced me to expect an attentive and scientific analysis of them. I enquired of him continually from time to time, and he always told me he was trying...
I received with great pleasure the present of your pamphlets, as well for the thing itself as that it was a testimony of your recollection. Would you believe it possible that in this country there should be high and important characters who need your lessons in republicanism, and who do not heed them? It is but too true that we have a sect preaching up and panting after an English constitution...
Having learned by Mr. Randolph’s last letter th[at the] post to Charlottesville is now regularly established, I ha[ve given] in to Freneau the list of subscribers you sent me to wit— John Nicholas William Woods Thomas Bell Divers & Lindsay Nicholas Lewis junr. Isaac Miller
Permit me to introduce to you the bearer hereof Mr. Cassinove, a gentleman from Holland of distinction and worth, who is paying a short visit to Richmond and the lower parts of Virginia. You will find in him the polished manners of a traveller with the plainness of retirement. Desirous that he should see our country advantageously, and particularly the charms of our country—situations, I will...
The day I left Philadelphia, I went for the first time up into the book-room which Mr. Carstairs is building, and then for the first time also observed he had left no place for the chimney. On asking an explanation I found that some how or other he had taken a notion from the beginning that there was to be none. I am sure he had it not from me. It is possible that I may not have particularly...
Mr. Madison and myself are so far on the tour we had projected. We have visited in the course of it the principal scenes of Burgoyne’s misfortunes, to wit the grounds at Still water where the action of that name was fought and particularly the breastworks which cost so much blood to both parties, the encampments at Saratoga and ground where the British piled their arms, and the field of the...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Mr. Vaughan. He has sent one of Argand’s double lamps to Mr. Bringhurst to have wickracks fixed to it, and has directed him to deliver it to Mr. Vaughan, when done, for the use of the Philosophical society whose acceptance of it he asks. He presumes that if suspended over the middle of the table it will sufficiently light it. RC ( PPAP ); addressed:...
Your favor of Mar. 5. came to hand on the 24th. and that of Mar.14. on the 1st. inst. With respect to Mr. Thompson it has been understood that his circumstances are desperate and that he is fond of the bottle. At the time the first appointments of consuls were made, their circumstances were not attended to, and an appointment or two took place of persons under embarrasments of that kind. We...
I have never been inattentive to the application made on behalf of your son: but there has been no vacancy, till now, to which he could be appointed. I have no doubt he will so conduct himself as to justify the recommendations which were handed to me, and on which I founded his claim. I hope to have the pleasure of seeing my neighbors in Albemarle in the course of the fall, tho I am unable yet...
[ Philadelphia, 31 July 1791 . “Will Dr. McHenry do Thomas Jefferson the favour to make one of a small committee of friends to dine tomorrow at half after three? Sunday July 31, 1791.” MS sold at City Book Auction Sale No. 420, 18 Sep. 1948, lot 84. Not found and not recorded in SJL.]
Your favor of Sep. 28. 1790. did not come to my hands till Feb. 11. and I have not answered it sooner because it said you would be here in the Spring. That expectation being past, I now acknolege the reciept. Indeed I am glad you did not come away till you had written your ‘Rights of man.’ That has been much read here, with avidity and pleasure. A writer under the signature of Publicola...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to inclose to the President a note of such articles as he supposes will be interesting to Mr. Young, so far as he is enabled to do it with some degree of certainty. RC ( DLC : Washington Papers); undated, but date is established from that on enclosure and from entry in SJL reading: “[Aug.] 3. Washington Presidt. for Young.”
Your favor of April 30. came to hand on the 7th. inst. and I thank you for your information relative to the Opossum, which I hope the next season will enable you to complete. You may count it as fortunate that so interesting an investigation remains still to be made, and that, being made with care and science, it cannot fail to attract general notice.—In my letter of last week I mentioned my...
I this moment recieve yours of the 26th. The sugar of which you inclose a sample would by no means answer my purpose, which was to send it to Monticello, in order, by a proof of it’s quality, to recommend attention to the tree to my neighbors.—In my letter of yesterday I forgot to tell you there is a brig here to sail for Halifx in 10. days. She is under repair, and therefore may possibly...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Mr. Coxe and returns him the table of shipping with thanks for the opportunity of examining it. He sends for Mr. Coxe’s examination one of the returns, which Th: J. has required half-yearly from our Consuls in foreign ports, and will thank Mr. Coxe for any hints for it’s improvement either by insertions or omissions. RC ( CtY ); addressed: “Mr. Coxe”;...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 4th. inst. The books you mention had come to hand and been regularly entered. I have assured myself by an examination of my own notes of letters recieved, made in the moment of recieving them, and also of the letters filed in the office, that no letter came with those books. In such cases, where there is no indication whither or how the certificate is to...
According to my promise when I had the pleasure of seeing you at Hudson, I have examined my notes made when I was at Bordeaux and find that the lowest priced white wines of that canton cost 75 livres the ton, which contains 1000 French pints, their pint almost exactly our quart: that they yeild from a fifth to a sixth of spirit on distillation, and that the smallest wines make the best brandy....
My letters to you of the present year have been of the 12th. and 17th. of Mar. the 11th. of Apr. and 16th. of May. Yours of Jan. 24. is still the only one I have from you. We have not yet been able to fix on a satisfactory subject for the Consulship of Cadiz which would furnish a convenient channel of conveyance for letters between this place and Madrid. The present goes by the way of...
On the reciept of your favour of the 17th. I applied to Mr. Willing, President of the bank, to answer your enquiry as to loans of money on a deposit of lands. He assured me it was inadmissible by the laws of their institution.—From subsequent enquiries and information here I am the more confirmed in my opinion of the superior advantages of Edinburgh for the study of physic, and also in point...
I have received my dear Maria, your letter of Mar. 26. I find I have counted too much on you as a Botanical and zoological correspondent: for I undertook to affirm here that the fruit was not killed in Virginia, because I had a young daughter there who was in that kind of correspondence with me, and who I was sure would have mentioned it if it had been so. However I shall go on communicating...
Th: Jefferson presents his respects to the gentlemen of the committee on the Hessian fly, and prays their attendance at the Hall of the Philosophical society tomorrow (Friday) at half after seven P.M. He has conjectured that that hour will be most convenient to them, and that not a moment of their time may be lost unnecessarily, he will attend himself at the very moment precisely, and for...
Since my entrance into the office of Secretary of state I have been honoured with several of your letters, and should sooner have acknoleged the reciept of them but that I have from time to time expected the present occasion would occur sooner than it has done. I am authorised to express to you the satisfaction of the President at the zeal and attention you have shewn to our interests and to...
I did not expect to write to you again till my return to Philada., but as I think always of you, so I avail myself of every moment to tell you so which a life of business will permit. Such a moment is now offered while passing this lake and it’s border, on which we have just landed, has furnished the means which the want of paper would otherwise have denied me. I write to you on the bark of...
I take the liberty of troubling you with the perusal of the inclosed papers from Mr. Shaw, consul for the U.S. in the East Indies, wherein you will observe he complains of a prohibition from the government of Batavia to American ships by name to have any trade in that port, while such trade was permitted to other nations. I do not hesitate to presume that something has been misunderstood in...