Alexander Hamilton Papers
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To Alexander Hamilton from James Donatien Le Ray de Chaumont, 6 September 1802

From James Donatien Le Ray de Chaumont1

General Alex. Hamilton Esq

Morisiana [New York] Sepr. 6. 1802


I Regret very much that I have not had the pleasure to see you at Morisiana, and hope at the Same time that this Cool weather will have restored your health.

I include here a receipt for the papers which belong to me and which are absolutely necessary to take with me in the Journey I am going to undertake. As I am to be at particular day at Albany I send you an express to desire you in case you cant go to town today to give him an order that he may get the papers in your office. I must set of this afternoon else I will not arrive in time & Mr. Constable2 will be gone to Montreal &c &c.

I am going to make him sign the paper you had drawn and which I think will answer all purposes.

With great regard I remain Sir   Your most humble & obedient Servant

Le Ray

Mr. T. Cooper3 is Kind enough to take charge of this and will give you the receipt on receiving the papers.

ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1For an explanation of the contents of this letter, see H to Gouverneur Morris, August 25, 1802.

2William Constable.

3Thomas Cooper.

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