Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Thomas Jefferson to Henry Wheaton, 14 February 1812

To Henry Wheaton

Monticello Feb. 14. 1812.

Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Dr Wheaton and his thanks for the Address he was so kind as to inclose him on the advancement in Medecine. having Little confidence in the theories of that Art, which change in their fashion with the Ladies caps & gowns, he has much in the facts it has established by observation. the experience of Physicians has proved that, in certain forms of disease; certain substances will restore order to the human system; and he doubts not that continued observation will enlarge the catalogue, and give relief to our posterity in cases wherein we are without it. the extirpation of the smallpox by vaccination, is an encouraging proof that the condition of man is susceptible of amelioration altho we are not able to fix it’s extent. he salutes Dr Wheaton with esteem & respect.

PoC (DLC); dateline at foot of text.

Index Entries

  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; receives books search
  • medicine; smallpox vaccination search
  • medicine; works on, forwarded to TJ search
  • smallpox; vaccinations search
  • Wheaton, Henry; letters to search
  • Wheaton, Henry; sends address to TJ search