George Washington Papers
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To George Washington from Abraham Baldwin, 30 April 1789

From Abraham Baldwin

New York 30th April 1789


An appointment from the State of Georgia as one of their representatives in congress lays me under the necessity of resigning my seat at the general board of commissioners for finally adjusting all accounts between the United States and the individual States.1 With the greatest possible respect I have the honour to be your most devoted humble Servant

Abr. Baldwin

ALS, DNA:PCC, item 78.

Abraham Baldwin (1754–1807) of Georgia graduated from Yale in 1772 and in 1779 joined the army as a chaplain. Baldwin remained with the army until June 1783. During his service he studied law, was admitted to the Georgia bar, and after the war set up practice in Georgia where he became active in politics.

1For the commissioners for settling accounts between the United States and the states, see Robert Barnwell to GW, 27 April 1789, n.1.

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