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    • Varnum, James Mitchell


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I this Evening received your favor of this date. The Regiments under Cols Greene & Angel are to...
A Body of the Enemy marched last night from Philada and crossed the Bridge at the middle ferry...
I imagine from yours of last Evening by Major Ballard that the Fort was totally evacuated last...
Yours of the 6th relieved me from much anxiety, as it was confidently reported that the firing...
However contrary to my wish and inclination it is to refuse the requests of my Officers, there...
The Loss of our heavy Cannon on the North River, and the possibility however remote, of our...
Capt. Duplessis has just delivered me yours of this Morning from Burlington. Every account from...
I received your Letter early this Morning by the return of the Express. Since the Order given for...
In Consequences of advices recd since I wrote you last night, I have ordered Genl Huntington to...
I am sorry to find from yours of Yesterday, that the fire of the Enemy had made so great an...
I received your favor of the 29th Ultimo. It is no easy matter, and always requires great efforts...
From various accounts I am convinced that the Enemy are upon the point of making a grand effort...
Since I wrote to you at One O’Clock this day yours dated twelve last Night came to hand. This has...
The necessity I am under for Troops obliges me to desire You to call upon the several Continental...
Colonel Olney deliver’d me your favor of the 23 June—I am much indebted to that Gentleman for his...
I am pleased to find by yours of the 8th that proper dispositions were formed for the Reception...
I have the pleasure of congratulating you upon your appointment to the Rank of Brigadier General...
I wrote you two Letters yesterday, the first contained positive orders to maintain the Fort on...
Not having been favoured with an Answer to my letter to you on the 3d Ulto I flattered myself...
Upon perusing the Petition hand’d by you this Morning in favor of Lieutenant Peck—I have given...
Your Favors of 9th & 10th Instant, I have duly received. I think we may reasonably hope, that...
The Situation of our Affairs again compells me to call upon you in express, and positive Terms to...
I have yours of Yesterday informing me that the detatchment under your command will be at...
Yours of the 6th instant this moment reached me, inclosing returns of the batalions raising in...
The Gens. St Clair, Knox and Kalb returned to Camp this Evening, they are all clear in their...
You are, as soon as the weather will permit, to proceed to Woodberry with the Brigade under your...
I have received your Letter of yesterday inclosing the opinion of Major Thayer the present...