George Washington Papers
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From George Washington to Brigadier General James Mitchell Varnum, 8 October 1777

To Brigadier General James Mitchell Varnum

Head Quarters Pawlings Mill [Pa.] October 8, 1777


I send you the foregoing duplicate of mine of yesterday to prevent any delay or disappointment from miscarriages; as it is of the utmost importance no time should be lost in forwarding the detachment to the place of its destination. The army here marches this morning from hence to the Baptist meeting house in Montgomery Town ship;1 whither you will direct your course by the shortest rout and effect a junction as soon as possible. I am Sir Your most Obedt serv.

Go: Washington

P.S. Herewith is a letter of instructions for Col. Green which please forward immediately to him.2

LS, in Alexander Hamilton’s writing, NjGbS; Df, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. GW franked the addressed cover of the LS. The postscript is not included on the draft or the Varick transcript.

1The Montgomery Baptist Church is about half a mile north of present-day Montgomeryville, Pa., on the road to Bethlehem. GW established new headquarters on this date in Towamencin Township about five miles west of the Montgomery Baptist Church (see General Orders, 9 Oct.).

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