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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Staphorst, Nicolaas & Jacob van (business)"
Results 11-20 of 48 sorted by author
I have received your Letter of the 28 th. of June, and have conveyed your Letter to the Board of Treasury, by a Vessell which sails this Day for Rhode-Island— I feel most sensibly for the Misfortune of your late associates, De La Lande & Fynje—and as their affairs are most probably irretrievable, it would be to no purpose to enquire how the disaster happened, or to make any Reflections upon...
I have received your Favour of the 4 th of this Month and am surprised to hear of the bad Condition of the Hotel, after all the great Expences which have been laid out upon it to put it in tenantable repair.— the House is so vast and requires so much Expence to furnish it.— it stands upon so vile a Gragt and has so miserable a Prospect in Front, that I know not whether another Minister from...
having understood with much anxiety and Concern the unfortunate and critical situation of Public affairs in your Republick and particularly in Amsterdam, and considering the Accidents that may Happen, it has appeared to me most safe and Prudent both for the Public and for you as well as myself that the Money you have on Hand or may receive Should be lodged in the Bank of Amsterdam at least...
I recd in due Time your Favour of the 13. The inclosed Account of 13f.14s. I return with my Request that you would be So good as to pay and charge it to my private Acct with your Society, which I will pay when I come to Amsterdam. Inclosed also is another little Account of f.7.16s due to a Copper Smith, which I pray you to pay and charge it in the Same manner. Inclosed also is a third Account...
I have rec d your Favour of the 17 th. and the former Letters mentioned in it. I approve of your Paying to Mess s John De Neufville & son the seven Coupons, which you will please to charge to the United States. I Should think it best for the Holders of those Seven Obligations, to deliver them to you and take new ones from you to Save themselves as well as Mess s Deneufvilles Trouble in future....
Your Favour of the Sixteenth instant I received last night by Mr Fynje. In order to give as general Satisfaction As may be and in order to bring this Business to a Conclusion, I shall agree to the Terms proposed in it, with the following Explanation and alteration, which are indespensibly necessary. The Explanation is this, that my “Promise to open no other Loan at any other House or Houses in...
In answer to yours of the 15 th , I have only to say I shall leave all to your Judgment FC ( Adams Papers ); filmed at 15 May. LbC ( Adams Papers ); APM Reel 112. JA appended a Dft of this letter to the bankers’ letter of 15 May , above.
There is a Person, by the Name of Joseph Stevens in Amsterdam, a Native of America, who has attended me, through many a dangerous Voyage and painful Journey; but who has fallen in Love with and married a young Woman in Amsterdam, which obliged him to leave my service. I wish well to the Man, and should be glad to assist him if it were in my Power, in getting a Living. But I knew of no better...
The Letter in which this is inclosed, I received yesterday—open for my Inspection— The Bill of Exchange drawn by Mr. Morris for 144.000 florins, will I hope be some relief to you Our Secretary of State for foreign affairs informs me on the 7 th. of April that twelve of the States had granted the Impost new York only remained to come in— and it is not likely the Legislature of that State will...
Yours of 13 is received. I did approve of Mess rs Pullers paying the Account of M r Baker, the Broker, amounting to £105. 13s: 6d s t. — The Account appeared to me very high. But I could not do any otherwise than Submit it to the Judgment of Mess rs Pullers, who thought it could not be done for less. I have drawn an order, besides, within a few days upon Messieurs Pullers, for Seventy five...