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Results 71-80 of 499 sorted by editorial placement
I received your favor of the 12th only on the 20th. Gen. Dickerson introduced to me at Philadelphia Mr. Evan Jones, whose appearance deportment, & conversation were such as might be expected from a brother of that family—such as might be expected from Gen Dickerson’s recommendation. I am perfectly satisfyed that you should give him a commission as consul, provided you think it can be done...
I return signed, the blank commission, intended for Mr Jones to be consul at New Orleans. I return to you, Mr. Liston’s note of the 10th of April. I consider this handsome present of his Brittanic majesty, as a testimony of his friendship to the United States, & I request you to communicate through Mr. Liston, the thanks of the American government for this mark of his majestys confidence in...
I received your favor of the 23d & have read all the papers inclosed with attention & much satisfaction. With the No 3. observations &c I was particularly pleased. I can see no rational objection to any of the seven articles ultimately signed by all the heads of department unless it be the 6th. When I first read this I was apprehensive that some embarassment would might soon arise in...
I have received in your letter of the 30th April the very handsome apology of Mr. Henry & the letter of chief justice Ellesworth from Hallifax of March 21st.—In several conversations with Judge Elsworth, I mentioned to him Gov. Davie, as one among several, whom I had in contemplation to appoint in the place of Govenor Henry, if he should decline as was apprehended by many. The character of...
I return signed the two patents to Christian Febiger & am / Sir &c MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
I have received your favor of the 6th. and considered the copy of instructions to Mrs. King, which have been examined and unanimously approved by the heads of departments. I am very well satisfied with them on the whole though, I wish that in the tenth article, you would introduce another idea in corroboration. As a principal mean of annoying a maratime commercial ennemy would be our...
According to your request in your favour of the 9th. I inclose your Letter to Mr King N. 7 and remain, Sir your most obedient MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
I last night received your favor of the 10th: Mr Liston’s note of the 8th was not inclosed as you intended. Mr. Barclay I know & his Exequator will be ready. Mr. Moodie I know not, nor do I know or suspect any objection to him. I thank you for the account of the tryal of Fries, which if it was attended to by as numerous a concourse of people in Philadelphia, as it would have been in some other...
Your favor of 15th is received. I have no doubt that an offence, committed on board a public ship of war, on the high seas, is committed within the jurisdiction of the nation, to whom the ship belongs. How far the president of the US. would be justifiable in directing the judge, to deliver up the offender, is not clear. I have no objection to advice and request him to do it. I am quite of your...
I have received your favor 14th inclosing Mr Listons note of the 8th. I am ready to grant the usual exequatur to Mr. Barclay and Mr. Moodie as soon as I shall see their commissions. I know not that there has been any precedent of an exequatur given, without a sight of the commission. If there has I pray you to inform me of it. The common course, I believe is for the ambassador to present the...