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No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
1 Massachusetts General Court Adams, John General Court to John Adams and Robert Treat Paine, 3 … 1777-01-03 The Committee of both Houses appointed to consider a Letter from General Washington to the...
2 Adams, John Paine, Robert Treat From John Adams to Robert Treat Paine, 8 December 1778 1778-12-08 I have now been Eight Months in Europe, and have received very few Letters from America, and I...
3 Adams, John Paine, Robert Treat From John Adams to Robert Treat Paine, 4 August 1799 1799-08-04 I have received, with great Pleasure, your very handsome Letter of the 27th of July inclosed with...
4 Adams, John Paine, Robert Treat From John Adams to Robert Treat Paine, 9 April 1774 1774-04-09 How does the Impeachment set upon the stomachs at Middle borough? Cant you steal a Moment in an...
5 Madison, James Paine, Robert Treat James Madison to Robert Treat Paine, 23 March 1832 1832-03-23 I have recd. your favor of the 19th. & am much indebted for the trouble you have taken in...
6 Adams, John Paine, Robert Treat From John Adams to Robert Treat Paine, 6 December 1759 1759-12-06 I was too much gratified with the Proposal you made me of writing to you, to neglect it long. For...
7 Madison, James Paine, Robert Treat James Madison to Robert T. Paine, 19 February 1832 1832-02-19 J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Paine, with many thanks for the Copy of his very valuable...
8 Massachusetts General Court Continental Congress, Massachusetts delegates The General Court to the Massachusetts Delegates, 9 – … 1776-05-09 Inclosed you have an Account of Powder supplyed the Army lately before Boston, by this Colony. We...
9 Gerry, Elbridge Adams, John Elbridge Gerry to the Massachusetts Delegates, 20 June … 1775-06-20 I Received the Letters, with which you were pleased to favor me per Mr. Fessenden on Saturday...
10 Massachusetts House of Representatives Continental Congress, Massachusetts delegates Credentials of the Massachusetts Delegates to the … 1775-11-11 Watertown, 11 November 1775. (Misc. Papers of the Continental Congress, Reel No. 8). Although the...