
  • Author

    • Hamilton, Alexander
  • Recipient

    • Olney, Jeremiah


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Documents filtered by: Author="Hamilton, Alexander" AND Recipient="Olney, Jeremiah"
Results 51-60 of 76 sorted by relevance
I take an opportunity as early as the hurry of business will permit, of transmitting to you my instructions and other communications to the several Collectors of the United States. As far as they may not be locally inapplicable to Rhode Island, I shall expect a careful observance of them. I am, Sir, Your obedt. Sert. Copy, RG 56, Letters to the Collector at Providence, National Archives; copy,...
I am informed by your letter of the 14th. instant of the decision of the Court in the case of Messrs Arnold & Dexter. I approve of your intention to take measures for an appeal to the proper Court of the United States. I could wish that you would request the District Attorney to forward to me the pleadings in the cause, and the reasons upon which the Court founded its decision. With great...
I have received your letter relative to the case of the Brig Polly from Cape Francois and Charleston. There is no doubt that under the existing collection law, goods of the growth and manufacture of the United States can be relanded after exportation and they are not chargeable with duty on their importation into the United States as you will perceive by the 24th Section of the Act. I...
Treasury Department, January 22, 1795. Encloses “the Copy of a letter from the Attorney General to me on the Subject of the Suits brought against you by Arnold & Dexter … also … the draughts of two Assignments to be signed by yourself and immediately returned to this Office.” LS , Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence; LC , RG 56, Letters to the Collector at Providence, June 17,...
Yours of the 29th. of June has been received. The Comptroller informs me that the forms for keeping and rendering your accounts, have been forwarded under cover to the Collector of Newbury Port; I doubt not they have since come to hand. I have generally authorised such boats as are requisite for the Surveyors & Inspectors to go on board of vessels, that is for harbour Service; for this purpose...
As my eldest son Philip , who lately graduated, will pass through Providence on his way to Boston, I give him this line barely to introduce him to you; since the time I have prescribed for his return will not permit the stay of more than a day at Providence. Yrs. with true regard ALS , Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence. Olney was collector of customs at Providence. Philip Hamilton...
We have a question of very great importance depending in Congress, in which the vote of your state would be decisive. It relates to the place of meeting of the future Congress—Six states and a half prefer New York five and a half Philadelphia. When your delegates were here they voted with us on the intermediate questions; but when the final question came to be put Mr. Hazard’s scruples...
I have yet to reply to your letter of the 3d. ultimo, and to acknowledge with approbation the attention which you have paid to the subject communicated in my letter of the 22d. Octr. I do not clearly understand whether the Stock which was deposited with the Commissioner of Loans, remains still in pledge, or not. If it does, I request that it may be released, and restored to the Bank. With...
I have to reply to that part of your letter of the 31st. of March relating to certain vessels which escaped the Embargo. The question is whether an indictment generally will lie for disobeying the injunction of the law? This is the only mode of punishment if any exists. The Collector of Newport has been instructed to report these cases to the Attorney of the district in order that what shall...
I am to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 10th Instant. Whatever constructions may have been put upon the Act for regulating the coasting trade, it is very certain that the law makes no provision for a second registry in the case as stated by you. It will be a natural conclusion therefore to suppose, that if any Ship or Vessel has been once registered agreeably to the forms...