
  • Author

    • Washington, George
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    • Mifflin, Thomas


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Documents filtered by: Author="Washington, George" AND Recipient="Mifflin, Thomas"
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Morristown [ New Jersey ] March 11, 1777. Orders preparations for approaching campaign. Mifflin was the quartermaster general of the Army.
Flemington [ New Jersey ] July 28, 1777. Believes that appearance of enemy fleet off Little Egg Harbor is proof that its destination is Philadelphia. Orders Mifflin to reconnoiter area around Philadelphia, and to obtain “drafts … of the Country.” Presents possible plan for stationing of American troops. Recommends baking of large quantities of hard bread. Df , in writing of H, George...
Valley Forge, April 24, 1778. Invites Mifflin to council of war. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Inclosed you will find the copy of a Proclamation, which I have thought proper to issue, in consequence of certain irregular and refractory proceedings, which have taken place in particular parts of some of the states, contravening the law therein mentioned. I feel an entire confidence, that the weight and influence of the Executive of (Pensylvania) will be chearfully exerted, in every proper...
As the Motions of The Enemy, & the Opperations of the Ensuing Campaign, renders it indispensibly necessary that a very large Body of Troops should be immediately assembled at, or near New York; You will immediately proceed to Norwich in Connecticut where you will, in Concert with the Brigadiers General Heath, & Sullivan, regulate the Embarkation of The Brigades under their Command: & settle...
As the period is fast approaching when part of this Army will stand released from their Engagements to serve the public, and little prospect remains of prevailing upon them to stay longer, it becomes highly necessary for you, in time, to set about a Collection (at least an Enquiry after) the Tents and other Stores which have been delivered from your Department, and see that they are carefully...
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. Thomas Mifflin, 24 Nov. 1776. On 26 Nov. Mifflin wrote to GW : “At 10 O’Clock last Evening I receivd your Letter of the 24th Inst.”
Some pieces of Intelligence renders it necessary for you to March your Troops immediately to this place —I expect your Brigade will be here by five O’clock in the Morning without fail. at any rate do not exceed 6. I am very sincerely Yr Most Obedt Sert Bring your Baggage—at least let it follow under a guard. ALS , owned (1994) by Mr. Joseph Rubinfine, West Palm Beach, Florida. Although the...
The Season is approachg when We shall have Use for Tents; You will therefore pay particular Attention to this Article—All the old ones should be collected & the necessary repairs be made now, that when called for they may be ready—The Tomhauks or light hatchetts also deserve yr Notice, they should be made light & substantial, so calculated as to be made apart of the Soldier’s Accoutremts &...
I have not, till now, had time to answer Yrs of the 4th Inst. My Sentiments respecting the treatmt proper to be observed to Martyrs coincide with Yrs Lenity will operate with greater force in such Instances than Rigour. ’tis therefore my first Wish to have our whole Conduct distinguished by it. Still it is not my desire, neither indeed is it within my power—to release any Man from Confinemt...