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    • Madison, James
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    • post-Madison Presidency


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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Madison, James" AND Period="post-Madison Presidency"
Results 2311-2314 of 2,314 sorted by author
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Excuse me of taking the liberty to send you one of the papers inclosed within concerning the African Abolition of Slave Trade. RC ( DLC ). Addressed to JM at Washington, and franked. Docketed by JM: “Africans in Boston, Celebration by.” JM’s copy of this broadside, entitled Celebration of Freedom (Boston, 1821; Shoemaker 4931), with text that begins: “Monday the Africans and descendants of...
Give me leave to Congratulate you on the success of your Administration, and to accept of my best wishes for your present & futer Happiness, being well persuaded you retire from the cares of State with the full approbation of your own consience. Presumeing you may have some moments of lieusure, let me draw your attention to a class of men who have supported the measures of Goverment dureing 10...
“Nulla dies sine linea.” Upwards of seven years have elapsed, since you had plunged the United States into flagranti bello: and, as you were the Author of that War, & responsible for the consequences, mediate and immediate; you will pardon me, for the feeble attempt, I shall make, in the narrow compass of a Letter to remind you of a few of the probable consequences all which and many more were...
“Nothing sells high but land which is kept up to an extravagant price from the particular situation of that article. All the valuable land in the State is either forfeited to Govt or in the hands of individuals who calculate on this situation, & do not expect a sale of the forfeited lands for many years, when they will have disposed of their land, at a high price to the Emigrants to this...