
  • Author

    • Jarvis, William
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    • Madison, James


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Documents filtered by: Author="Jarvis, William" AND Recipient="Madison, James"
Results 31-40 of 208 sorted by author
I have the honor to embrace the earliest opportunity of commu n icating the agreeable intelligence co ntained in the foregoing letter from Co lo. Tobias Lear of the differences between the United States & the Dey of Algiers b eing amicably adjusted which I have communicated to Mr Mr Erving & Mr Montgomery. I wish it was also in my power to state, that our vess
I embrace the earliest opportunity to inform you of my arrival here the 1st. Instant which I yesterday communicated to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, as you will see by the annex’d, to which, from the tardiness of the Public Officers I probably shall not receive an answer for several days. On my arrival I was honored with your favour of the 6th. May last, acknowledging the receipt of mine of...
7 February 1803, Lisbon. “I have just time to communicate the inclosed which I this moment Rec’d.” RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Lisbon, vol. 2). 1 p. Docketed by Wagner. For enclosure, see n. 1. Jarvis enclosed a copy of a 7 Feb. 1803 letter from Almeida (1 p.; in Portuguese, with translation; printed in the National Intelligencer , 21 Mar. 1803) stating that after reviewing Jarvis’s...
23 May 1803, Lisbon . Wrote on 11 May enclosing a copy of a letter to Almeida regarding the Aurora and Four Sisters and a letter from O’Brien. Spoke with “a Portugueze Gentleman” who “observ’d that a considerable extent of territory” on the Río de la Plata “which had been a subject of much contention” between Spain and Portugal had been “made neutral Ground” at Spain’s insistence, in the...
20 February 1805, Lisbon . “The accompanying are duplicates of my letters of the 9th & 12th Inst, which went by the Ship Hare, Captn Beedle, for New York, the former of which Mr Rademakaer took charge of. In the last Copy of my letter of the 19th. Jany to Capan. Rodgers relative to the delivery of the Danish sailors, I find my Clerk omitted the postscript. “Letters that I have recd from...
2 November 1803, Lisbon. “It would seem that the British Gov⟨ern⟩ment are apprehensive for the safety of British Property in this Country and Spain, from the Notice put up at Lloyd’s Coffee house that all vessels intended for Spain & Portugal were not to be cleared out until further orders. This if a fact implies danger from a quarter altogether unexpected; however, it may only be a measure of...
13 October 1803, Lisbon . Encloses duplicates of letters and extracts sent by the brig Essex , Captain Webster, via Newburyport. As this vessel and another “sailed the afternoon of the 10th. with a strong North Easterly Wind,” has “no doubt they will not be in danger from the Moor.” “The Extract from the Dutch Consul at Tangier (see no 6) is the only information I have since received, worth...
§ From William Jarvis. 9 October 1805, Lisbon. “I have only time to inform you that a Courier arrived here the last night from Paris in 10 days, to Genl. Junot, & proceeded to the Caldres where the General now is. It is confidently reported that he said that the 26th. Ultimo war was declared on the part of France against Austria, but this will not be Known to a certainty for two or three days,...
The foregoing is a copy of my last, since which I have received the circular from His Excellency Mr de Araujo dated the 20 Instant of which the inclosed is a copy & translation. My answer of the 26th: will also accompany it. All talk of the Prince Regents going to the Brazils is entirely done away & that of the Prince of Beira’s going is daily subsiding. I am hourly more fully persuaded that...
My last respects of the date of the 26th. Inst. covering a dispatch from Mr. Pinckney was ⅌ the Brig Washington, Captn. Dyer via Provincetown in Massa ts. I have now the honor to inclose another from him which I recd. at the same time. The following is an extract of a letter from Mr. Gavino dated 9 Novr. “You will have heard of the American Ship Prosperity of Philada. being ordered out of...