James Madison Papers
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To James Madison from James T. Sandford and Others, 19 September 1814

From James T. Sandford and Others

Septr. the 19th. 1814.

Honored Sir.

We the under Signed being well acquainted with Dabney Wade of Maury County & State of Tennessee do recommend him, to your notice as a very fit Person, to fill the appointment of Agent to the Chickasaw Nation of Indians,1 as he said Wade is held in high repute by the Chiefs of said Nation, we are well convinced that no matter of Speculation in the views of Mr. Wade will authorise him to undertake said business, but purely to improve their Morrals, and secure their friendship to the United States, we know Mr. Wade to be a Man of Strict Morallity & virtue, and well quallifide to conduct such business, we are Honored Sir. Yours.

James T. Sandford2
[and thirty-nine others]

RC (DNA: RG 94, Letters Received, filed under “Wade”).

1U.S. agent to the Chickasaw nation James Robertson died on 1 Sept. 1814. His successor was William Cocke, who was removed in 1817 (A. W. Putnam, History of Middle Tennessee; or, Life and Times of Gen. James Robertson [1859; reprint, Knoxville, Tenn., 1971], 18; R. S. Cotterill, “Federal Indian Management in the South, 1789–1825,” Mississippi Valley Historical Review 20 [1933]: 348).

2Sandford was a representative from Tennessee in Congress, 1823–25 (Martis, Historical Atlas of Political Parties, 87).

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