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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Madison, James"
Results 3601-3630 of 19,646 sorted by relevance
I have the honor to submit for your consideration, a draft of the instructions prepared to be sent to the Commissioners appointed to treat with the Chickasaw Indians. I have the honor to be, most respectfully, Sir, your Obt. Servant. RC ( DLC ); letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 107, LSP ). RC in a clerk’s hand, signed by Crawford; docketed by JM . The draft has not been found, but for the final...
14 May 1801, Frederick Town, Maryland. Acknowledges JM’s letter of 19 Apr. , in which he promised to serve the interests of Polk’s family “if an Opportunity should Offer of its being in any degree subservient to the Public good.” Conveys his “ most grateful Acknowledgments for your prompt attention to my Letter, Amidst your many important Engagements.” RC ( DLC ). 2 pp.
The inclosed Letters were received this Morning. As they relate to an interesting subject and one that may require immediate attention I have thought it my Duty to forward them to you, without waiting for the return of the Secretary of State. You will of course receive by this Mail from the war office, the official Report of our having got possession of Malden which was abandoned by the Enemy....
§ From William Jones. 14 June 1814, Navy Department. “The Christian name of Mr French not being known at this Department, I have to ask the favour of you to give the enclosed such direction as will ensure its reaching him.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 45, LSP ). 1 p. The enclosure may have been intended for Robert F. French, who was commissioned as a midshipman on 11 June 1814 ( Callahan, List...
I have not been honord with any of yours since my last Communication No. 111 to which please be referrd. I have no late accounts of Commodor Morris, the Constellation proceeded a few days ago for the U. S. The Adams now here, and the Commander of the Moorish ship in question with a Crew from Tetuan is Expected to take her away. Mr: Wyk the swedish Consul is now here and is to go to the...
I think it proper to send thee inclosed a Note of sundry Vessels belonging to the U S of America brought into this district of late, with some remarks. Several have already been liberate d and I hope the others will soon be at liberty. I believe some of the Vessels were detain’d, in consequence of the Captors expecting there wou’d have been an order issued to detain American Ships. These...
The Secretary of State respectfully represents to the President, that agreeably to the several Acts of Congress authorizing the third Census or enumeration of the Inhabitants of the United States and the Territories thereof, instructions were issued to the several Marshals and Secretaries, conformably to the provisions of the Law; in consequence of which, regular returns of the population of...
Believing that if my view of the subject on which you did me the honor to ask my opinion could be of any use it would be expedient to transmit it without delay I have seized a few moments from the bustle of preparation for my intended voyage to give you in the best order and as correctly as the time and circumstances would admit my views of the several articles and in the order you prescribed....
18 December 1802, Gibraltar. No. 107. “I have the honor of Confirming my last Respects No. 105 [not found] & 106 [16 Dec. 1802] ⅌ this Conveyance who having returnd to Port by Contrary winds I now inclose you Copy of a Circular Letter received from Consul OBrion of Algier dated 15: October last.” RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Gibraltar, vol. 2). RC 1 p. Docketed by Wagner. Gavino...
Since the receipt of your letter of the 19th instant I have dropped a line to Mr Yates, and been with Mr Graham upon the subject of it. The case is, I hope, placed in a way to be satisfactorily adjusted. I enclose another letter from Mr. Dick. The accompanying documents to which he alludes, I have not thought it necessary to trouble you with. It does appear to me, that his sensibility has been...
the inclosed was sealed before I recollected that I have mentioned a petition instead of an address to the President, which is to be corrected. a nomination of Govr. Secretary & three judges to the Missisipi territory is sent in to the Senate , four of whom are agents, or interested in the land speculations of that country, two of them bankrupt speculators, & the 5th. unknown. the Senate...
Yesterday Morning expecting a Letter from Dr Rush I Sent early to the Post Office: but my Messenger brought me a Letter from Dr Waterhouse, which I inclose; having no words of my own to express my Feelings. The Shock was Sudden and unexpected. I had a Letter from Rush dated the 10th.; apparently written in full health and fine Spirits. An unchangeable Friend Ship of thirty Eight Years had...
Mr. Wirt declined the offices proposed to him. Mr. Lomax has accepted the Professorship of Law, and will open his school on the 1st. day of July. He has paid us a visit, and his appointment appears to have given the highest degree of satisfaction to every body, Professors Students, Neighbors, and to none more than to myself. We have now 166. students, and on the opening of the Law school, we...
I have been duly honored with the receipt of your letter of the 20th. Ultimo, and am happy to find that my correspondence with the Governor General of Techus, relative to fugitive Slaves, is approved. I am in daily expectation of receiving an answer from Governor Salcedo, and if my propositions are acceded to, I will endeavor to procure the passage of a Law as advised by the President....
I this moment met with the enclosed letter from Mr. Matthew Lyon to his constituents, and I sincerely hope it may be the only Copy that has reached this city. As a Western man, I feel myself under no obligations to Mr. Lyon for his boasted zeal for the Western interest, and although I am not disposed to question the purity of his motives, I am firmly persuaded, that during the last Session, he...
I had until this moment intended visiting you this Evening with a view to full information in the matter so long since entrusted to me. The indisposition of my child of which I am just apprised renders my immediate return indispensible. For the present I can only say that there will be a decree for the Sale of the Mortgaged premises at the present term of the Fredericksburg Chancery Court and...
In conversation with mr Gallatin yesterday as to what might be deemed the result of our Tuesday’s conferences, he seemed to have understood the former opinion as not changed, to wit that for the Floridas East of Perdido might be given not only the 2. millions of dollars and a margin to remain unsettled, but an absolute relinquishment from the North river to the bay of St. Bernard and Colorado...
§ From Harry Toulmin. 8 August 1805 . “I mentioned to you in a letter some time since, that I understood that a Vessel then lying in the River was about to pass Mobille without calling. Captain Schuyler (who is just now from Orleans) tells me that she passed Mobille in the Night—that the Spaniards were exceedingly irritated, and threatened to imprison the owner of the Cargo on his return from...
I omitted in my letter of the 23d to say any thing on the subject of mr Wirt; which however was necessary only for form’s sake, because I had promised it. you know he is a candidate for the clerkship of your house, you know his talents, his worth, & his republicanism; & therefore need not my testimony, which could otherwise be given for him in the strongest form on every point. the desirable...
I am unwilling to trouble you—though, from the interest you have expressed in my health, & in the prosperity of my family, I am convinced you will pardon the liberty I now take, & cheerfully grant the favour I request of you. Mrs. Marshall’s health is delicate, though tolerable. Our children’s is perfectly good. Mine is little better than when I saw you last—though considerably better than it...
J’ai l’honneur de vous faire passer copie d’une lettre que Je reςois de M. Gallatin en réponse à celle que je lui ai écrite dernièrement, en même tems que j’avais l’honneur de vous en adresser une sur le même objet. Vous jugerez, Monsieur, combien cette lettre a du me surprendre d’après ce que vous m’avez dit et ce que m’a dit M. Gallatin lui-même lors de mon dernier Voyage à Washington. J’ai...
I had the Honor of writing you on the 1 Int. and enclosing some documents relative to this Government. Since then we have a new Governor Mr. Roustagnenq for the Iland, which remains very quiet. Thomas Budd an invalid Seaman of New York & discharged from an English Ship of War, Leviathan Capt. Christopher Cole, I have supplied with Clothes and provision and sent him to Wilmington No. Carolina,...
I had the honor of addressing you the 10th. ultimo No. 50, & the 18. Do. No. 51 By the former I inclosed duplicates of Collonel Lears letters to me and advised his dfts P $25,000 which are all paid, for the reimbursement of which he sent me his dfts on you to same amount which I indorsed and forwarded you to be Credited me by your Honourable Department. I then advised the Brig Neptune of...
18 September 1802, Demerara. Reports his arrival on 14 Sept. after a passage of forty days from Philadelphia. Met with Nicholas Rousselet, the former U.S. consul, who informed him that the British governor had refused to recognize him in his official capacity because the Jay treaty “made no provision for the Residence of American Consuls in their foreign possessions.” Rousselet “further...
In Consequence of the Death of Your Brother Ambrose, Colonel Richard Taylor & myself were under the Necessity of bringing Suits in Chancary against You & Nelly Madison for Lands we bought from Your Brother belonging to you & he, when he was in this Country in March 1792 he Sold us those lands. I gave him my Bond for the payment of 104½ Acres of the land I bought from him, which Bond he lost on...
§ From William Bushby. 24 September 1805, “Washington Navy Yard.” “Last summer I waited on you with a line from Mr. George Hite wishing your favour with Mr. Latrobe to obtain for me employment as a Painter on the Publick buildings in the City. As Mr. Latrobe was then absent, and you observed might return when you was not present—you advised me on his coming to show him my recommendations—(as...
I have the honor to solicit the renewal of my former Acquaintance with you, and to ask the favor of your good offices, in a matter which I presume to be within the sphere of your department. For several years past, I have had charge of the estate, lying in the Western parts of this state, and now belonging to the family of the late Sir William Pulteney, of London, an estate exceeding two...
I crave refference to my last dispatch No. 94. Since then I have been honourd with yours of 11t. May last, being well. My accos. had been sent to the Treasury Department to be adjusted. It inclosed a Letter for Consul OBrion and another for Consul Eaton. The former goes forward this day. Consul Simpson returnd to Tangeir the 26th. Inst. to conferr with the Bashaw who had then sett out for...
28 July 1803 . Has not heard from JM since he last wrote on 10 July . Encloses newspapers and a London price current; “the picture they draw is not the most exact resemblance of truth, yet they serve in some degree to shew the State & course of Public affairs.” “One would suppose from them that the War is popular but I must confess to you that my judgment fails me greatly if this is really the...
Some apology is, no doubt, due from me, for so long delaying my intended journey to Washington, but the truth is, that between the occupation of settling my family for the Winter in New York, and casting about here for their more permanent residence, my movements have been necessarily slow—and the more so, as, in cases of this kind, I leave something to both the taste & judgment of others,...