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    • Jefferson, Thomas


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Results 3011-3060 of 27,020 sorted by relevance
[ Marseilles, 27 Jan. 1789 . Recorded in SJL as “ Fraissmet & co. Marc & Js. Marseilles. Jan. 27, ” received 2 Feb. 1789. Not found.]
Dr. Shaw who was nominated as a Surgeon in the navy has withdrawn his application. I beg leave to mention to you the name of Doctor Jasper Hand in his place. Doct. Hand was nominated a surgeon’s mate at the same time that Doct Shaw was nominated a Surgeon: tho’ by a mistake in his name made by the gentlemen who recommended him, his name was written Jesse instead of Jasper Hand his real name.—...
The enclosed letters were delayed for the purpose of being forwarded by the direct Charlottesville Mail—I have informed Majr. Newton, in answer to his letter of the 19th that his construction of the Proclamation is correct, and that the course which he proposes to pursue, is warranted by his instructions The letters enclosed by you from Mr. Clay, and from Mr. Belscher, shall receive a due...
The two Papers which are inclos’d not having a reference to the main question which was the Subject of my waiting on you on the 6: instant, were I apprehend given to me by mistake. I beg leave therefore to return the same, and have the honor to be, with great respect, Sir, Your most Obedient & Most humble Servt. RC ( DNA : RG 76, British Spoliations); addressed: “Thos. Jefferson Esqr....
Bergerac, 12 Nov. 1786. Informing TJ that he had written a letter on 20 Oct. asking information about the purchase of powder, flints, and cartridge paper for the state of Virginia, but that he has had no reply thereto. RC ( DLC ); 2 p. Noted in SJL as received 18 Nov. 1786. See Loreilhe to TJ, 20 Oct. 1786 and TJ to Loreilhe, 30 Oct. and 19 Nov. 1786.
[ Glasgow, 9 Mch. 1787 . Recorded in SJL as received 28 Mch. 1787 at Aix-en-Provence. Not found.]
Mr. Austin takes the liberty of submitting to the President, the consideration of a momentary interview. It may be had in the closet, or in the presence of any persons the President may think proper to admit. Mr. A. will submit to any interrogations the President may think proper to propose, in view of illucidating, more fully, the subject of former communications. The time & place are...
I sent you yesterday by a Mr. Monroe, Randolph’s abridgment of the Virginia laws; I would have look’d out for an earlier opportunity but this Gentleman has had it in possession for about 3 weeks, and has been going from day to day ever since. I am Dear Sir Your Very humble servt. RC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “Thos. Jefferson esqr. Philada.”; endorsed by TJ as received 21 Apr. and so recorded...
Your Circular of the 4th. instant did not come to hand till yesterday. In the present attitude of things the reappointment of Mr. Gilmer to the Law professorship seems a matter of course; though I am sorry to learn that there is some ground to apprehend that his qualifications are not as well understood & as highly estimated as they deserve to RC ( DLC ). Fragment. Remainder of text, closure,...
I am directed by the Wall-about Committee to transmit to your Excellency a Copy of the publication issued by them, on the Subject of their Appointment—This Duty I perform with high personal gratification— The Committee have directed me to say that it will oblige them, to learn, that your Excellency has received their Communication. I am with great Consideration Your Excellency’s Mo: obt....
[[5 Oct. 1788 . Recorded in SJL Index, but not found. See William Tatham to TJ, under 1 Dec. 1789.]]
I was yesterday honored with your note of the 26th. Inst. and, in compliance with its direction, immediately gave orders to the Contractor, for furnishing the necessary supplies of provisions to such of the Militia of New York as the Governor might detach under the authority given him. I am with perfect respect and esteem, Sir Your Ob: Servt DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
[ Ca. 14 Nov. 1786. Entry in SJL under this date reads: “Vergennes. Ct. de (passport).” Not found, but it must have enclosed the passport promised by Vergennes in his letter of 4 Nov. 1786.]
The enclosed came to my hand yesterday evening—I have heard nothing more of Mr Johnson. I wish the business to which these letters relate, was brought to an issue—an agreeable one is not, I perceive to be expected. AL , DLC : Thomas Jefferson Papers. Jefferson endorsed this undated note as having been received on 7 Feb. 1792. The enclosure was probably Pierre L’Enfant’s letter to GW of 6...
[ 31 Dec. 1785 . Recorded in SJL as received 4 Jan. 1786 from “ Frichet, curé de Gelannes à Pont sur Seine. ” Not found.]
[ Paris, 19 Mch. 1786 Noted in SJL as received 31 Apr. [1 May?] 1786. Not found.]
an other of the Quakers who visited the western Indians the last Spring has arrived and has brought the papers which accompany this note, they are desirious of seing you this evening if agreable—Wells has undoubtedly dictated that part of the Little Turtle, of each which expresses a desire to have no more to do with the Quakers. he is an unfaithful unprincipled fellow. DLC : Papers of Thomas...
I have the honor to enclose for your acceptance, Stephen Cathalan Junrs bill for $421.21 with letter of advice— I am very respectfully, Sir, yr obt. Servt MHi : Coolidge Collection.
As soone Mr Peyton, or myself can find a chance the books (which are ready and as I hope sincerely; executed to satisfaction) will be forwarded on—Sickness on my part has been the cause in a measure of this long delay MHi .
Newport, 27 July 1791 . Transmits copies of laws of his state written before receipt of TJ’s letter of “29th. of May [i.e., March] last” and all printed copies of other laws he has been able to procure. He regrets this collection is not more complete and will furnish additional copies when obtained in future. He encloses bill of his “disbursements in this business.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, MLR );...
Permit me to Introduce to your acquaintance the Bearer Mr. Wm Ward, he is a Son of Col. Thomas Ward of this Town has this moment informed me of his intention of Visiting the City of Washington—he is a young man of respectable Character and has been a Uniform and Decided friend and supporter of Republican principles—I have nothing New to inform you of—am in haste, with Much respect and Esteem...
[ 20 Dec. 1787. Recorded in SJL Index. Not found; this letter is probably an answer to TJ to Langdon, 18 Sep. 1787 , q.v.]
I sind you Capt. Pikes Journal and remarks, &c &c, his map of the Country through which he passed will soon be completed. may it not be proper to concider whether Capt. Pikes services in exploring the sources of the Mississippi, & the Arcansas will intitle him to some extra compensation, or other notice.—his Journal while passing through the Spanish Provinces, will form a seperate work. Yours,...
[ Richmond ] 29 Jan. 1781 . Encloses a certificate concerning payment of which the quartermaster wishes instructions. [ Reply :] “Our Quartermaster is not to pay this difference. We have nothing to do with it. I think he had better take his remedy at law to obtain a just price. Th: Jefferson.” RC ( Vi ); 2 p.; addressed; endorsed: “Letter to the Govr. respecting the Q: Mr. applying to me about...
Permit me to introduce to thee the bearer, Joseph Dunbar, a respectable citizen of the Mississippi Territory. The family of which he is a member and his connexions are extensive and respectable. He is now on his way home, expressed a desire to see thee, and will think himself honored and obliged by any commands thou mayst have to that Territory. I duly received, at Brookville, thy note of the...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 11th Inst. enclosing a letter for Mr. Nicholson which I delivered to him early this morning— I am Sir with the highest respect your obedient Servant MHi : Coolidge Collection.
J Graham has the Honor to inclose to the President some Papers which were transmitted to this office by the Secretary of the Senate and to ask whether they are be filed here. He at the same time begs to know whether the President will authorise him to give any answer to the Memorial of the House of Forbes & Co. which he had the Honor presenting some time ago. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Pease Love Comos and Glory—to all Man kind and indepandant to the Slaves & honard and Dear Sir With Plasher I Now in form you that the Grat God is Returned to Me My Comon Sances and as I have Bin out of My Reasen for thirty Nine years I Now a Plie to your Lord Ship to Stand My Gardean for I a Plied to the Grand Lodge in Boston But thea Nue Me Not all tho thea Sayed that the Grat God had Past...
Dublin, 18 Jan. 1792 . Encloses account of his expenses for obtaining recognition as consul and has forwarded an order to Henry Knox to receive the amount in question and receipt for the same. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD ); 1 p.; at head of text: “No. 5.”; at foot of text: “The Honorable Thomas Jefferson Secretary of State.” Recorded in SJL as received 4 Apr. 1792. Enclosure: Knox’s Account with the...
G Granger presents his Complimts to the President and incloses a Letter from Perpt. Edwards by which it appears he wishes to be district judge in Connecticut. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
for the consideration of the Secretary at War. [ Reply by Dearborn ]: Sir Mr. Hill has been considered as a wild adventurer, unfit for any public employment, In his enclosed list of surveys there are very few, not already in possession of this Department which are of any considerable value. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
i hope you will exscuise me for the following words. haveing seved 6 years to the wach makeing and gold smith bursoness and am now free and wishing to obtain that whitch is not in my power fore some time with out assistanc of some Gentleman or another he will lend me 200 or 100 Dollars for aboute 1 yeare whitch with industry and care will be able to Return the same with honor you being a man...
Received of the President of the U States Two Dollars for Eight months Subscription to the Spirit of the Press being from the commencement to No. 34 Inclusive— MHi : Coolidge Collection.
I forgot to ask you this morning whether the hint about returning in the Revenge was not in the private letter from Genl Armstrong to yourself—We cannot find it in any of the publick letters—This information Mr. Madison wants Respectfy DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
The report which you, my much respected sir, sent to me, had been seen and read over and over again by me three weeks ago. Thanks are due for it, and it is deposited among my treasures. RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received 14 Sep. 1790 and so recorded in SJL
I have not written to you for a long time, because I am aware of the burthen of your extensive correspondence, from my own experience in a much less degree. At present I have to write on my own affairs, but as they are connected in some measure with your own state, this may furnish an excuse for the trouble I give you. When I quitted Carlisle I came here with a view of being elected Chemical...
Yours by Mr. Chisolm was duly handed to me. I shall look for you & Mr. Barlow on Wednesday, & for the pleasure of your company at dinner. Among the papers herewith enclosed are a letter from Mr. Hackley of late date, and a Spanish documt. confirming the victory over Dupont. The letter from Graham mentions the disaster at the Capitol, of which it is probable you will have had a more particular...
[ Glasgow, 2 Feb. 1787. Recorded in SJL as received 14 Feb. 1787. Not found, but see TJ to McCaul, 4 Jan. and 19 Feb. 1787 .]
I take the liberty of sending to you the enclosed letter. It explains itself. Respectfully Your Hmble Servt DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I have sent the amount—of the Silk coverlid which is $40-50 Cents But Beage pardon for gaven you the Troubell of writing I Should have Inclosed the Bill with it But the Gentleman that took Charge of it went of in hast So that I had not time but for the futer I will pay the Strickest attention— Your Most Humble Servent DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation Robert J. McKenny as a Cadet in the Regiment of Artillerists Accept Sir, the assurances of my high respect and Consideration June 29. 05. Approved PHi : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I have the honor of transmitting to you, by the request of Mr. Persoon, his Synopsis Plantarum , in two volumes, accompanied with a letter; and am, Sir, with great respect, Your most obedient and very humble Servt DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
The Secretary of the Treasury proposes to the Secretary of State a Meeting of the Trustees of the Sinking Fund at the Office of the Secy. of State the day after tomorrow twelve oClock. If convenient to him he will please to give notice accordingly to The Atty. General. If the Sy. of the Treasury hears nothing to the contrary he will attend of course. RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received 13...
The anxiety that I feel for my brothers situation, and Mr. Minor’s absence from home, induces me to take the liberty of obtruding my self, to your notice, by inclosing Ryland’s, letter to me, on the subject of his inteded residence in Europe. You, will I, trust Good Sir, excuse my forwardness, and be assured of the high respect, & esteem of Dr. Sir Your Most Obt. Sevt. DNA : RG 59—LAR—Letters...
I sent you about a twelve month ago, a copy of my edition of Justinian’s institutes , and another copy of my introductory lecture ; I presume you received them as I sent them if I do not mistake under M r Madison’s care. I write at present to say that I have at my disposal D r Priestley’s library and apparatus. The library consists of about 4400 Volumes of all descriptions, some of them very...
Your favor of the 12th Covering Check on Bank US for 253 33/100 was regularly recd and is to your Credit. We have also delivered the Letter Inclosed to Mr. Stewart, and shall at any future time most cheerfully attend to any thing of the kind you may please to request. We are respectfully Your Friends MHi : Coolidge Collection.
I have the honor to enclose you William Hazards receipt for $231 9/100 paid him for your account. this I have been led to do in consequence of your letter to him (which you have enclosed) under date of the 11th. May. wherein you desire him to call on Mr. Ludlow to whom your Agent Mr. Barnes was to remit a draft on the Bank of the U.S. for the Amount, on which Subject I have to observe that no...
Philadelphia, 30 Mch. 1781 . Encloses ordinance of Congress “relative to the Capture and Condemnation of Prizes, and repealing all former Acts and resolutions” contrary thereto. FC ( DLC : PCC , No. 15); 1 p.; at head of text: “Circular.” Enclosure (missing): Ordinance of Congress of 27 Mch. 1781, printed in JCC Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789 , ed. W. C. Ford and others,...
[ Williamsburg ] 6 Apr. 1780 . In order to comply with pressing requisitions for linen, 100 pieces of Irish shirting have been purchased, allowing a rate of 50 for 1 on the sterling cost, payable in tobacco at £15 per hundred, if approved by the executive. Tr in Board of Trade Journal ( Vi ); 1 p. TJ’s reply has not been located, but a minute following the letter in the Journal instructs the...
Mr. Francis Bloodgood having informed me of his intention to visit the Seat of Government I take the liberty of introducing him to you. He is Clerk of the Supreme Court of this State, a steady friend & advocate of the administration of the General Government and a gentleman of high respectability. I am, Sir, with great respect and esteem Your Ob. St. MHi : Coolidge Collection.