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    • Smith, Robert
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    • Jefferson, Thomas


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Documents filtered by: Author="Smith, Robert" AND Recipient="Jefferson, Thomas"
Results 31-60 of 293 sorted by date (descending)
The extent of our Coast, the prevailing winds during the winter, the length of the nights and the inclemency of the winter, making it impossible for our publick vessels cruising on our Coast to repress the violations of the Embargo law, I would submit to your Consideration the propriety of stationing one or more of the gun boats in each of our principal ports and of ordering the Cheasapeak,...
The enclosed are the only papers that have been sent to me in the Case of Neale. If there had been others, they would of course have been filed with the letter of the 30h. Sep. Respecty DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
If any papers had been sent to me in Neale’s case, they, according to the established forms of the Dept., must have been transmitted to Col Wharton.—To him I have made the necessary application. The result, when received, will be communicated to you without delay. With great Respect DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
The enclosed is the report of the Accountant of the Navy upon the case of mr Geo Blount— I have only to remark that I myself saw the sample of the Phila or Cartouch box, & the one made by mr Blount—& that that made by mr. Blount was greatly inferior to the other. I have the honor to be with great respect Sir yr ob St DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
The accompanying papers exhibit another melancholy instance of the remark of Erasmus—“Homo homini lupus”— As, however, these unhappy men, Hansen, Tingey and Cassin, in their mutual accusations, have asked for a Court of Enquiry they are, I presume, as is usual in such cases, to be indulged. Although many of the allegations, thus brought by these men against one another, may not be established,...
This Government cannot, in honor or in respect to the permanent interests of the U. States, retreat one inch from the Ground it has so solemnly taken in relation to France & England in the view of all the World and with a show of persevering fortitude. On the Contrary, the substance & tone of the last despatches incline me to think, that the honorable and manly feelings of the American people...
8th. Sect— The Blank to be filled up with 103 —of which three are for the lakes—The State as set forth in the enclosed paper— The words—“having the materials in readiness”—to be struck out—There were no instructions to have such materials in readiness. The materials that had been provided before the last session of Congress, have been noted in the building of the Gun Boats above mentioned. DLC...
Before I had received your favor of the 16h., covering the papers in the case of the demand of Governor Grand Pre, I had forwarded to you, for your instructions, papers received by me upon the same subject. It would be proper that the War & Navy Departments should pursue precisely the same course, and that no step should be taken, that would not be perfectly consistent with the principles, we...
From the nature of the service I have been under the necessity of giving the command of the gun Boats to young Officers. Many of the duties to be performed required more sense & discretion than some of them possessed. The News papers state the misconduct of two Officers commanding gun Boats—the one here—the other at New York. No complaints have been made to the Navy Dept. However, I lost no...
Your favor of the 9h. I have had the honor of receiving. To Mr Gallatin I forwarded the enclosure immediately with the requisite instructions for Com: Rodgers and an explanatory letter for Mr Gallatin. The same arrangement had indeed been some time since made by me. No gun Boats could be put upon the proposed service but such as could be spared from New York and I have submitted to M Gallatin...
The enclosed I forward to you merely because Mr Mitchell has sent them to me with a request to do so. My own Opinion is that the Office ought to be Offered to Capt Jones; Because the duties of the Office would by him be well & faithfully performed and because a respectable section of Republicans would thereby be happily conciliated. Affy. & Respectfy DNA : RG 59—LAR—Letters of Application and...
Upon receiving the enclosed I immediately made all the arrangements in my power to order the Cheesapeak, the Wasp & Argus to our Eastern Coast and upon that—taken to remain until otherwise instructed. I have particularly called the attention of the Commanders to the points requiring the greatest vigilance. This indeed I had previously done in a great degree. The enclosed I only received this...
Your favor of the 16h. I have had the honor of receiving. I had the satisfaction of seeing Mr Gallatin but for a moment. From New York he is to inform me of the several points at which gun Boats will be necessary. On my part every attention will be given to those calls, but I fear my limited means will not enable me to go far. An order has already been issued to Decatur to look well to the...
I have just a moment to state to you a Report brought from Halifax by a Capt Sherman—namely—that the British June Packet had arrived at Halifax and had brought intelligance that the British had again taken Copenhagen—that Mr Rose was preparing to sail for the U. States in the Latore frigate with full powers to adjust all matters in dispute &c— Capt Sherman, who is considered a man of good...
This Subscriber begs leave humbly to Sojest to your Exelancy that on ain Excursion to the North & Westerly part of the State of New york, That he discovred large quantities of pot Perl ashes & provisions of all Kinds driving & Carying to the Head Waters & leading Streams to the Lakes Onterio & Champlain & all other posable pasages to the River St. Lawrance at the Shoars & Banks of places...
The enclosed I have just received from Capt Tingey. In my answer to Com. Truxtun I have meerly informed him that it would be submitted to you. Respectfy DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
The enclosed letters relate to capt Truxtun’s medal—I ask the favor of your determination upon that subject. I have the honor to be with great respect sir yr ob: Sr. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Your favor of the 20 with the enclosed letter to Doctor Rush has been duly received. It is really distressing that medical “partyism” should, upon an occasion so unimportant, have excited such acrimonious broils in Boston. But, some how or other, the disciples of Esculapins, having to grope their way over a ground not sufficiently lighted by the torch of philosophy, are ever thus jostling...
You will herewith receive a copy of a letter just received from Commodore Truxtun. It is to be regretted that the errors therein stated should have been committed by our predecessors in the execution of his medal. However, as the Legislative Department of the Government have authorised and directed that a medal be presented to him emblematical of a Certain military achievement, it is the duty...
I have the honour of herewith sending to you the enclosed letter of Mr Mead Navy Agent at Cadiz with the accompanying publick papers just received by me and also a private letter from Bullus as to the state of parties in New-York, and also a letter addressed to yourself which was this moment delivered to me by Doctor Ridgly late acting consul at Tripoli. With real Esteem & Yours entirely DLC :...
If you approve the sentence upon William Hook, gunner of the Chesapeak, will you be pleased to place your signature under the word “confirmed”. I think it ought to be confirmed. I have the honor to be very respectfully Sir y ob S DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I think the Sentence of the Court herewith enclosed upon Midsh. Swearingen ought to carried into effect. If you are of this opinion be pleased to give your signature to it under the word approved. Very respectfully yr ob S DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Are the enclosed in conformity to your ideas? If not, will you be pleased to note the necessary alterations—It would be well to let the Secretary of the Treasury see them— Respectfy &c &c. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I have the honor to request your signature to the blank Commissions herewith sent which are required for the six Lieutenants whose appointments have just been confirmed by the Senate. I am very respectfully Sir, yr mo ob St. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
There are six vacancies in the corps of navy Lieutenants. To fill these vacancies, I submit the Nomination herewith transmitted, to your consideration. I have the honor to be with great respect Sir, yr mo ob. Servt I Nominate, Walter Winter—of Maryland,—a midshipman from 22 march 1799, George H Geddes—of Delaware—a midshipman from 14 Octr. 1799, George Merrill—of Connecticut—a midshipman from...
In consequence of the resignation of George Cox, a vacancy has arisen in the corps of Masters Commandant—Mr. Tarbell is senior to all the Lieutenants excepting Lieut. Blake, who, it is thought, is not entitled to promotion. I have the honor to be with great respect Sir, yr mo: ob: Servt DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I forgot to ask you this morning whether the hint about returning in the Revenge was not in the private letter from Genl Armstrong to yourself—We cannot find it in any of the publick letters—This information Mr. Madison wants Respectfy DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
From Mr. Tazewells letter it appears that the Evidence addresd in these trials will not soon be transmitted to us. When received it will be forwarded you. Then you will be enabled to judge of the propriety of the several Sentences of the Courts Martial—Respectfy DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
By the XLIst art. of the “Act for the better government of the Navy of the U. States” it appears that all sentences of courts martial going to the dismission of a Commissioned or Warrant officer, must, before they can be carried into execution, be approved by the President of the United States. I have the honor to be with great respect Sir Yr ob svt. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I have had the honor of receiving your note in relation to Mr. Tarlton Webb—I will accordingly have his name placed on the roll of applicants—There are no vacancies at present in the corps of midshipmen; but when vacancies shall occur, the application of Mr. Webb shall be respectfully considered. I have the honor to be with great respect sir, yr. mo: ob: st DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.