
  • Author

    • Smith, Robert
  • Recipient

    • Jefferson, Thomas


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Documents filtered by: Author="Smith, Robert" AND Recipient="Jefferson, Thomas"
Results 31-60 of 293 sorted by date (descending)
The extent of our Coast, the prevailing winds during the winter, the length of the nights and the...
The enclosed are the only papers that have been sent to me in the Case of Neale. If there had...
If any papers had been sent to me in Neale’s case, they, according to the established forms of...
The enclosed is the report of the Accountant of the Navy upon the case of mr Geo Blount— I have...
The accompanying papers exhibit another melancholy instance of the remark of Erasmus—“Homo homini...
This Government cannot, in honor or in respect to the permanent interests of the U. States,...
8th. Sect— The Blank to be filled up with 103 —of which three are for the lakes—The State as set...
Before I had received your favor of the 16h., covering the papers in the case of the demand of...
From the nature of the service I have been under the necessity of giving the command of the gun...
Your favor of the 9h. I have had the honor of receiving. To Mr Gallatin I forwarded the enclosure...
The enclosed I forward to you merely because Mr Mitchell has sent them to me with a request to do...
Upon receiving the enclosed I immediately made all the arrangements in my power to order the...
Your favor of the 16h. I have had the honor of receiving. I had the satisfaction of seeing Mr...
I have just a moment to state to you a Report brought from Halifax by a Capt Sherman—namely—that...
This Subscriber begs leave humbly to Sojest to your Exelancy that on ain Excursion to the North &...
The enclosed I have just received from Capt Tingey. In my answer to Com. Truxtun I have meerly...
The enclosed letters relate to capt Truxtun’s medal—I ask the favor of your determination upon...
Your favor of the 20 with the enclosed letter to Doctor Rush has been duly received. It is really...
You will herewith receive a copy of a letter just received from Commodore Truxtun. It is to be...
I have the honour of herewith sending to you the enclosed letter of Mr Mead Navy Agent at Cadiz...
If you approve the sentence upon William Hook, gunner of the Chesapeak, will you be pleased to...
I think the Sentence of the Court herewith enclosed upon Midsh. Swearingen ought to carried into...
Are the enclosed in conformity to your ideas? If not, will you be pleased to note the necessary...
I have the honor to request your signature to the blank Commissions herewith sent which are...
There are six vacancies in the corps of navy Lieutenants. To fill these vacancies, I submit the...
In consequence of the resignation of George Cox, a vacancy has arisen in the corps of Masters...
I forgot to ask you this morning whether the hint about returning in the Revenge was not in the...
From Mr. Tazewells letter it appears that the Evidence addresd in these trials will not soon be...
By the XLIst art. of the “Act for the better government of the Navy of the U. States” it appears...
I have had the honor of receiving your note in relation to Mr. Tarlton Webb—I will accordingly...