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    • Munroe, Thomas
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    • Jefferson, Thomas


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Documents filtered by: Author="Munroe, Thomas" AND Recipient="Jefferson, Thomas"
Results 31-40 of 83 sorted by author
Statement of the Expenditure of the $15,000 appropriated 3d March 1807 for repairs & improvements on the Presidents house & Lot. estimated to be due Amt. paid Amt. of Accounts settled & properly charged to that fund $6,800.90 Cost of wall and Gates built, & materials remaining to be used
The Sale of Lots which commenced on Monday the 30th. ulto. was continued from day to day during that week, and was adjourned on Saturday the 4th. Instant ’till monday the 13th Instant, and has since been continued daily.—About 100 Lots were sold the first week, & four only have been sold this week—the whole Amount of sales is about $9,500.—After the third or fourth day of sale competition...
T Munroe presents his best respects to the President— Immediately after receiving the Presidents note yesterday T.M. examined the wooden building at the corner of 15th & G streets, near the Treasury, and found on enquiry that it had lately been removed from the back part to the front of the lot on which it stands—that it was built many years ago, and that the only alteration making is the...
The writer of the enclosed Letter delivered it to me in person, and requested it might be laid before you; and as the style is not indecent or disrespectful I do not percieve any sufficient objection to complying with the request and therefore do myself the honor of enclosing it—. I Have the Honor to be with the utmost respect Sir Yr mo Ob Hum Servt. RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “President”;...
T Munroe respectfully enquires of the President whether the sheet iron charged in the enclosed bills, or either of them, was ordered by him for his private use—. The bills have been presented to me for payment, but there has been no such parcel of iron ordered for public use I am informed DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
The proper Officer has rendered, in behalf of the State of Maryland, the enclosed Account of a quarters Interest due the 1st. Octo. last on the two Loans of $100,000 each by the said State for the use of the City of Washington—I have no monies in my hands wherewith I can pay the same, nor do I believe a sum sufficient for the purpose can at present be raised by a sale of the Lots in the City...
Unexpended Balance of Appropriation 1803 } $2,387. 77 commonly, since the Appropriation of 1804, called the fund Applicable to High ways Unexpended Balance of the Appropriation 1804 7006. 83 Ds. 9,394. 60 estimated value of foundation stone taken from the footway on north side of Pennsylvania Avenue and used in the Capitol, about $1200. Memdm. of monies which from the best information the...
I have the honor of enclosing for your signature a requisition for the payment of the Interest due 1t. Instant to the State of Maryland on the Loan of $200,000 to the City.— I very reluctantly trouble you with any thing concerning City matters during your absence but Mr Barry is so importunate for the removal of the old buildings which were lately occupied by Mrs Fenwick the mother of Mr Danl...
T Munroe presents his best respects to the President—He did not until Saturday meet with a suitable person to top the trees—A beginning was made on that day (Holt the Gardner having previously given it as his Opinion that it might, at almost any time of the year, be done with Safety). Some persons, however, yesterday mentioned that the sap was too much up, and that many of the trees would be...
T Munroe contrary to his expectations finds that the $20,000 Drawn 28 ulto. will probably be out on Saturday, in consequence of some large payments which he did not expect would have been called for so soon—He therefore respectfully submits to the President whether it may not be as well to give a warrant for a further sum before his departure, say for $10000. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.