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    • Derieux, Justin Pierre Plumard
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    • Jefferson, Thomas


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Mon epouse m’ayant dit que vous etiés L ami de Mr. Mazzei mon beaupere, Je prends la liberté de vous informer que nous sommes dans ce port depuis le 1er. de ce mois, d’ou nous proposons de faire routte pour la virginie, aussitot que La Santé de ma femme qui est accouchée dans notre traversée de france, nous le permettra. Le desir de faire connoissance avec vous, Monsieur ajoutte beaucoup à mon...
Collé, Albemarle co., 1 June 1787 . Although unknown to TJ, he hopes TJ will forgive his presumption in enclosing some letters to be posted, for the province and for Paris. He asks that if necessary the letter for Philip Mazzei, his father-in-law, be forwarded or put into the hands of Favi, chargé d’affaires for Tuscany, who is generally in communication with him; that TJ deliver himself those...
J’ai reçu par le Colo. Nicholas Lewis, les deux Lettres obligeantes que vous m’avés fait L’honneur de m’écrire le 16. Sepbre. dernier. J’y ai lu avec la plus grande reconnaissance la démarche affectionée que vous avés eu la bonté de faire en ma faveur auprès de ma cousinne Bellanger; elle est sans prix et du plus heureux présage pour moi, puisqu’après avoir déterminé cette chère parente à...
Charlottesville, 26 Feb. 1790 . Encloses letter to his aunt, hopes TJ will write her as she would be distressed to receive his alone, and cannot call in person because he is “ indisposé de ma Jambe. ” [ In postscript :] After what TJ had replied concerning his desire to buy Colle if the price did not exceed its value, he had hoped to confer at length with TJ, but his affairs and precipitous...
Nous avons appris avec beaucoup de satisfaction que vous etiés heureusement arrivé à New-york, et nous voyons encore avec un plaisir plus sensible s’approcher le tems où nous devons vous revoir et vous offrir de nouveaux et foibles temoignages de notre reconnaissance. Je vous apprendrai avec doulleur que je n’ay point encore reçu de lettres de ma Tante Bellanger, ny même de Mr. Mazzei, et que...
La Situation de Mde. de Rieux etoit telle lors de votre depart qu’il me fut impossible de la quitter pour aller vous presenter mon respect et vous remettre les lettres dont vous me promites de voulloir bien vous charger. J’ai l’honneur de vous les adresser cy inclus, en vous demandant encore l’excuse de cette nouvelle importunité. D’après la liberté que vous m’avés donné de vous informer de...
J’ai reçu il y a quelques jours une Lettre de Mde. Bellanger du 25. juillet. Elle me dit combien elle a eté fachée d’apprendre par celle que vous lui avés fait L’amitié de lui Ecrire que vous ne retourniés pas; cette mauvaise nouvelle a affligé, me dit-elle, tous vos amis en France, tandis que Ceux d’ici s’en rejouissent. Elle m’ajoute aussi que vous avés eu La bonté de lui ecrire en ma...
Charlottesville, 25 Apr. 1791 . Has just received TJ’s of 24 Mch. and is most grateful for what TJ has written to Fenwick. If his hopes are realized he will owe this to TJ alone. If not, he will have the certainty that nothing in the world henceforth could move this unrelenting kinsman from the proceedings of an unjust mother. Hence, whatever the outcome of TJ’s kind effort in his behalf, he...
Charlottesville, 12 Aug. 1791 . Knowing that TJ will be interested, he informs him of the good news in the last letter from Mde. Bellanger enclosed in his to Mr. Randolph, which informs him that M. Le Roy of Bordeaux had died and left him a legacy of 15,000₶. This makes him happy once more and he hopes the measures he will take will provide a solid establishment. In her letter of 14 Apr. Mde....
Charlottesville, 15 Nov. 1791 . He has received TJ’s of 25 Oct. and the letter from Mde. Bellanger enclosed in it. He has read with appreciation Mr. Fenwick’s efforts to interest M. LeRoy to his advantage, and he supposes that it was at Paris, and not at Bordeaux, that M. LeRoy died. Mde. Bellanger informed him of LeRoy’s death as early as April and she now gives the names of the three...
Charlottesville, 8 Jan. 1792 . Last November he sent TJ a packet of letters for Mme. Bellanger and acknowledged receipt of a letter from her which TJ enclosed in his letter to him of 25 Oct.—Since that time he has been hoping for a response to his request for help in obtaining a loan of 4,000 livres while awaiting the 15,000 of the bequest he is expecting.—The news since TJ’s letter of 25 Oct....
Charlottesville 14 Feb. 1792 . He has received TJ’s letter of 6 Jan. along with that enclosed from Mazzei. He thanks TJ for his efforts in obtaining money on the security from Mde Bellanger, although it was an impossible task. After reading the copy of the letter of the executors that TJ sent him, it is clear that they will not give up the bequest, even with his presentation of a baptismal...
Charlottesville, 25 May 1792 . He encloses a letter for Mde. Bellanger, responding to the one transmitted to him. She was flattered by compliments he sent her on TJ’s behalf, but she says that if TJ remembers her he need not write. She seems quite troubled by the Revolution’s aftermath, thinking “la Machine” is about to fall, and states that the efforts of the “assemblée forçenée” are...
[ Charlottesville ], “ Ce Mardi après midi ” [ 18 Sep. 1792? ]. He encloses a letter from Mme. Bellanger and the one received from Mr. Homassel. He also sends a new letter for Mr. Homassel which seems more concise and analogous to the subject than the one he delivered to TJ this morning. RC ( MHi ); 1 p.; in French; partially dated; docketed by TJ. The letter from Plumard de Bellanger has not...
Charlottesville, 20 Sep. 1792. He sends a little memorandum concerning his merchandise in Philadelphia. He will be much obliged to have TJ sell them in the manner he judges most advantageous, and to try to obtain for him now or from the 1st to the 15th of November a sum of £150 Virginia currency, whether it be by a loan on the person charged with the merchandise or by an extraordinary discount...
Charlottesville, 22 Oct. 1792. He has received TJ’s letter of 11 Oct. and is grateful for the trouble TJ has taken on behalf of his merchandise as well as for the sum TJ persuaded Vaughan to let him draw in advance. TJ is to make this sum payable to the Richmond merchant Robert Gamble, whom Derieux will ask by letter today to receive it, and is to inform Gamble of the letter from Fenwick to...
Charlottesville, 19 Nov. 1792. He has received the letter from TJ notifying him of the 250 dollars TJ had kindly sent him. Gamble has advised him that this sum was received in Richmond and credited to his account, and has given him notice that the bills of exchange for 5,000 livres had been returned to him protested. Consequently, he encloses a letter for Fenwick, who holds the power of...
Charlottesville, 10 Jan. 1793 . Owing to the carelessness of the Richmond courier, TJ’s letters of 22 Nov. and 14 Dec. arrived simultaneously. He has now received from Gamble another 250 dollars obtained by TJ as an advance from Vaughan, which relieves him of some financial difficulty because, his bill of exchange having been returned to Gamble protested, Gamble had credited the first 250...
Charlottesville, 1 Mch. 1793 . He has received TJ’s letters of 4 Jan. and 3 Feb., together with one from Mme. Bellanger, which frees him from anxiety, since his last letter from her was dated 22 June. Upon receiving TJ’s first letter, he informed Gamble of Fenwick’s 28 Sep. letter to TJ reporting that his bill of exchange for 5,000 livres had been paid, hoping that Gamble would repay him the...
Charlottesville, 25 May 1793 . He acknowledges TJ’s letter of 10 Mch. and thanks him for the eggplant seeds which accompanied it. The plant is rare here and difficult to raise, for only two or three of those he sowed have escaped destruction by flies, and only by covering them in gauze can he hope to keep the survivors. He wrote Fenwick asking for information about his bills of exchange, but...
Charlottesville, 19 July 1793 . He wrote on 25 May thanking TJ for the seeds and acknowledging his letter of 10 Mch. He fears that his letter may have miscarried and so repeats his request that TJ advise him of the progress of the sale and propose to Vaughan that his merchandise which is perishable or selling slowly be exchanged for coarse dry goods such as brown cloth which would easily be...
Charlottesville, 30 Aug. 1793 . Only great worry at TJ’s silence and his own distressful situation can overcome his fear of bothering him again when he may barely have leisure for his own affairs. Since TJ’s letter of 10 Mch., he has written on 25 May and 19 July asking what success he could count on from his merchandise and whether TJ could get Vaughan to send the amount from the sales. He...
J’ai reçu par Mr. G. Jefferson la lettre que vous m’avés fait L’honneur de m’ecrire Le 28. oct. et jose prendre la liberté de vous supplier de voulloir bien agreer mes plus sinceres remerciments du certifficat que vous avés eu la bonté dy joindre. J’ai eu le bonheur il y a quelques jours de me procurer une si bonne recommandation auprés du Capitaine du navire le Triton destiné pour le Hâvre, a...
N’ayant pu me procurer aucune occupation a Richd. je suis venu a Petersburg, ou il paroit que mon succés ne sera pas meilleur. Le vaisseau sur lequel j’ai l’offre d’un passage Gratis, à eté rétardé dans son chargement, et ne partira d’ici que le second jour du mois prochain. Je n’espere pas, Monsieur, que telle que soit la distresse de ma presente situation, je puisse d’aucune maniere etre...
Les bontés de pere dont vous avés eu la bonté de m’honorer depuis que je suis dans ce pays, jointes encore a la derniere preuve que vous venés de m’en donner, me pénétrent d’une trop grande reconnaissance pour que la crainte de vous importuner puisse L’emporter sur mon empressement a satis faire ce sentiment. J’ai reçu ce matin les 25. $. que vous avés chargé Mr. G Jefferson de me faire...
Je viens d’arriver au Havre aprés une Traversée de 52. Jours, qui fut trés orageuse. J’ose prendre la liberté Sachant combien ma famille doit avoir d’inquietudes à mon Egard, de vous adresser cy joint une Lettre pour ma Femme, a fin d’eviter Les retards, qui resultent Souvent de La négligence des Capitaines pour les mettre a la poste, quand elles ne Sont pas adressées a des personnes de...
N’ayant reçu aucune réponse a La Lettre que je pris la Liberté de vous ecrire en arrivant a New-york, j’ai lieu de craindre que la personne a qui je la confiai, ait négligé de la mettre a la poste, car la fievre qui régnoit des-ja dans cette ville m’empecha de quitter le Batiment. Si cependant elle vous etoit parvenue, et que ce fut L’indiscretion de mon importunité qui m’ait privé de...
J’ai reçu de Mr. Wagner La Lettre dont vous avés bien voulu m’honorer le 1er. de ce mois en me remettant le Certificat que j’avois pris la Liberté de vous communiquer. Je suis aussi sensible que reconnaissant aux marques des bontés que vous daignés me donner, en me permettant d’aller vous presenter mon respect; C’est un Empressement que j’aurois craint de satisfaire malgré toutte la...
Me croyant toujours honoré de votre bienveillance; J’ose prendre la liberté de vous reiterer l’expression de mes sentiments de respect, et de vous faire part de l’evenement qui a detourné la résolution que j’avois prise d’aller vivre dans le KusKusKy. Prèsqu’ausitot mon retour de France, mon fils ainé S’est marié a la fille d’un fermier du voisinage, et n’ayant pu le determiner, n’y son frere...
La reponse dont vous avés bien voulu m’honorer m’est parvenue par le dernier courier, et je m’empresse de vous donner les details que vous desirés sur l’espece de Bled blanc Solide que j’apportai de France, qui doit se planter a un pied de distance, sa paille es trés grosse et remplie d’une Substance trés nourissante pour les Bestiaux, Ses Epis Sont Larges et d’une forme qui différe beaucoup...