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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Jefferson, Thomas"
Results 901-950 of 27,020 sorted by editorial placement
20 April 1804, Department of State. “Dr. S. went in the year 1799 to St. Domingo under a Consular...
I reced. this morning your favor of the 17th. instant. Among the papers inclosed from N. Orleans...
£50 paid to John Chisholm Extract from Mr. King’s explanatory remarks “It will be recollected...
I inclose such of the communications from the office of State recd. since my arrival at home, as...
I know not what to make of the inclosed letter. The purport of it clashes with every calculation...
I have now to acknowledge your two letters of the 3 & 7th. instant, with their inclosures; & to...
I submit to your perusal the inclosed letter as the most ready mode of explaining the wish of...
Inclosed is a letter of late date from Mr Monroe and the originals of those heretofore recd. from...
I recd. yesterday your two favors of the 15 & 16th. Among those now inclosed is a renewal of...
I have duly recd. yours of the 18th. with the papers to which it refers. It was neither sealed,...
I recd. yesterday afternoon your two favors of the 19th. & 23. I will write to Claibourne &...
The inclosed communications from Pinkney threaten some unexpected difficulties at Madrid. In the...
I recd yesterday yours of the 6th. with a return of the letters from Appleton and Savage. Under...
I inclose the letter alluded to in my last from Mr. Merry to Mr. Wagner; also a letter from...
I return to the Dept. of State the inclosed papers (excepting the private letter from Mr. L )...
Perhaps the language may be a little more effectually guarded agst. the idea of making a sort of...
The first enacting clause will be ineffectual, because vessels will clear for one place, when...
(a) and which have been encreased by peculiar circumstances in the W. Indn Seas; yet in the more...
⟨Mr.⟩ Levy Mr. Pinkney Judge Livingston Duvall. Granger. Rodney. J.T. Mason Dallas RC ( DLC :...
31 January 1805, Department of State. “The Secretary of State, to whom the President of the...
26 March 1782, Philadelphia. Reports receipt of a letter from Jefferson with a bundle of papers...
The Bearer waits on you for the Bag of Coffee brought round from Philada. with your Stock....
+ insert “thro’ the transactions of a portion of our Citizens whose intelligence & arrangements...
Is the fact certain that the amt. of the internal taxes not objectionable in their nature would...
I inclose two letters from Monroe recd. since your departure. The intermediate ones referred to,...
I recd. on monday evening your favor of Mar. 23. with the return of Armstrong’s & Monroe’s...
I find by a letter just recd. from Mr. Tomkins that he declines the appointment lately given him,...
Yours of the 1st. instant has been recd with the letters of Jarvis Monroe & Pinkney. I had a...
By this Mail you will receive the letters last received from Mr. Erving. No others have come to...
At the date of my last, I hoped by this time to be making ready for my journey on your track. A...
Having passed Dulton on the road, I have received the despatches from M. & Pinkney under the...
I select the enclosed papers relating the ship N. Jersey from a mass of which this is but a...
Your two favors of the 4 & 7th. Instant have come duly to hand. Letters from C. Pinkney to the...
I recd. yesterday yours of the 25th. The letter from Turreau appeared to me as to you, in the...
I inclose herewith sundry communications which I recd. yesterday. One of them is from Monroe at...
I duly recd. your favor of   from which I learn your purpose of meeting the Heads of Depts. in...
At the date of my last I entertained hopes of being at this time half way to Washington. Instead...
I recd. duly your favor of the 11th. at this place, where I am still very painfully detained by...
Doctor Park of this City is setting out with his daughter, on a trip Southwards and proposes to...
The decrease of the fever in the City has induced me to return with Mrs. M. to it, with a view to...
(a) after ‘others’—the insertion of “with commissions”—seems necessary, as others refers to the...
will become able to regulate with effect their respective functions in these departments. The...
Resol. 1. (Substitute within any part of the former Louisiana comprehended in the delivery of...
The Secretary of State, to whom the President has been pleased to refer the resolution of the...
The Secretary of State supposes, that the within abstract in the form of a report to the...
J. M. with respectful complts. to the Presidt. suggests an attention to the last paragraph in the...
Mr. Pinkney is now with us collecting his outfit of information, and is to sail from Baltimore on...
The communications which will be forwarded by Mr. Smith seem to render it certain that the...
The express returned with the document for London the night before the last, and the despatches...
Your letter of the 19th. by express, was duly recd. For the result of the consultation among us...