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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Jefferson, Thomas"
Results 4291-4320 of 27,020 sorted by recipient
I do not perceive that any alteration is necessary in the enclosed. But I think that it would be...
Le nommé savisse est venu me trouver, monsieur pour me prier d’interceder vos bontés pour lui,...
A long confinement to my chamber (with a Rhumatic and Pluracy complaint) will I hope plead my...
Doctor Buchan says in the Introduction to his Domestic Medicine that “Very few of the valuable...
By my friend Mr Lee I have an opportunity of writing more freely, than by the post. The folly of...
Finding it necessary to remove my family from this place for the recovery of thier health, I have...
I am now about to make a request to your Exellency, which I hope if its unreasonable, that you...
Since receiving yours of 19th. Inst. I have spoken to Mr. Clark about its contents— He says he...
As I owe you more for your Letters of Oct. 12. and 28 than I Shall be able to pay. I Shall begin...
Suffer Me to Inform you that Mr. Chipindall, one of the English Creaditors to me which I...
I have long been acquainted with the Character of Saml. R Jocelyn Esquire, and beleive What is...
J; Oldham sends M r Jefferson the Draughts of the window frames for his examenation. the Dorick...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Docketed by JM, “Madison Jas. Feby. 13. 1783.” The Chevr. de la...
This morning the Leopard & Melampus are off , in the last 4 Hours. The Triumph remains, but no...
If Thou Should Live 3 Months after leavng Thy office, (which permit [me to] Doubt) thou Wilt...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation Sterling Everitt of North Carolina, Alpheus...
I take the Liberty of introducing to you Mr. George Newton a Son of my old Friend Col. Newton of...
Your Excellence will pardon and old Traveler, that is a Native of Germany, never learnt English...
As few Americans have tho’t proper to Submit their observations & travels in other Countries to...
Not having had the Pleasure of Seeing or even of hearing from you for a long time I am at length...
J’ay étté bien charmée de recevoir de vous une lettre. Impatiente d’apprendre de vos nouvelles,...
[ Williamsburg ] 22 Mch. 1780 . There is little prospect of procuring supplies absolutely...
I feel a reluctance in addressing myself to you, which the knowledge of your character will...
Your favour of the 29th. Ultimo has been duly received, and the proposition which it contains, I...
I was last evening Honored by your two favs. 12th & 15th. the former, respected the inclosed Bill...
The Board have recieved a Letter from Col. Rawlins Commissary of Prisoners at Fort Frederick in...
We the undersigned take the liberty of recommending the Honr Marmaduke Williams for the...
at the request of one of our Woman Friends Anne Miflin , resideing in the City of Phillidelphia ,...
I should before now have answered your esteemed favor of the 9 th Feb y last , but I wished to...
This will be handed to you by Mr. Monet a Minister of the Methodist Church who goes to your City...