George Washington Papers
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From George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, 24 March 1792

To Thomas Jefferson

[Philadelphia] Saturday Afternoon [24 March 1792]1

The Letters from Mr de Mirbeck2 and Mr Vall-travers3 to the P——and from the Proprietors of the Federal City to Mr Walker,4 he wishes Mr Jefferson to read & consider, that answers to, or proper notice of them, may result from it.

AL, DLC: Jefferson Papers.

1Jefferson endorsed this letter as having been received on Saturday, 24 Mar. 1792.

2The enclosed letter from Frédéric-Ignace de Mirbeck to GW is dated 6 Mar. 1792.

3For the enclosed letter from Rodolph Valltravers to GW of 30 Nov. 1791, see Valltravers to GW, 21 July 1791, note 5. Jefferson replied to Valltravers for the president on 2 April (see Jefferson Papers, description begins Julian P. Boyd et al., eds. The Papers of Thomas Jefferson. 41 vols. to date. Princeton, N.J., 1950–. description ends 23:366–67).

4For the enclosed letter from the proprietors of the federal district to George Walker of 9 Mar. protesting L’Enfant’s dismissal, see Kite, L’Enfant and Washington, description begins Elizabeth S. Kite, comp. L’Enfant and Washington, 1791–1792: Published and Unpublished Documents Now Brought Together for the First Time. Baltimore, 1929. description ends 168–69.

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