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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Jefferson, Thomas"
Results 3701-3750 of 27,020 sorted by author
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
3701 White, Hugh L. Jefferson, Thomas Trustees of the Lottery for East Tennessee College to … 1810-02-28 A few years since the Congress of the United States ceded to this State a part of the Lands...
3702 Campbell, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Campbell, 4 November 1822 1822-11-04 The enclosed papers were handed to me by M r William. C. Preston with a request that I Would...
3703 Campbell, John W. Jefferson, Thomas John W. Campbell to Thomas Jefferson, 20 December 1811 1811-12-20 I have taken the liberty of enclosing you a proposal for a work which I expect to publish during...
3704 Campbell, John W. Jefferson, Thomas John W. Campbell to Thomas Jefferson, 29 July 1809 1809-07-29 I avail myself of this method of making a proposition to you, respecting the publication of a...
3705 Campbell, John W. Jefferson, Thomas John W. Campbell to Thomas Jefferson, 19 September 1809 1809-09-19 I feel sensibly my obligations for your attention to my letter. From looking over the list of...
3706 Campbell, John W. Jefferson, Thomas John W. Campbell to Thomas Jefferson, 20 December 1811 1811-12-20 After reviewing the papers contained in the volumes you were pleased to lend me, I have concluded...
3707 Campbell, Richard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Richard Campbell, 3 April 1781 1781-04-03 I am under the necessity from my own feelings to inform your Exelency of the destressed situation...
3708 Campbell, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Campbell, 28 September … 1824-09-28 Being personally quite unknown to you I have not ventured to make this application to so eminent...
3709 Campbell, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Campbell, [July 1780] 1780-07-01 Immediately after my coming home from Richmond , I applied to the Commanding officers of...
3710 Campbell, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Campbell, 31 October … 1780-10-31 I came to this place last night to receive General Gates’ directions how to dispose of the...
3711 Canby, William Jefferson, Thomas William Canby to Thomas Jefferson, 11 February 1817 1817-02-11 an Accurrence took place som time past, w h caused a desire to write to thee, hoping som...
3712 Canby, William Jefferson, Thomas William Canby to Thomas Jefferson, 27 August 1813 1813-08-27 Esteemed friend, I have for years at times felt affection toward thee, with a wish for thy...
3713 Canby, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Canby, 1 February 1803 1803-02-01 Esteemed friend Thomas Jefferson— having cause to acknowledg thy friendly disposition freedom of...
3714 Canby, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Canby, 6 January 1823 1823-01-06 I lately saw the comm n between thee & John Adams( as in the News paper) with some satisfaction,...
3715 Canby, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Canby, 24 March 1808 1808-03-24 having during thy administration in the arduous office thou art engaged in, felt sympathy with...
3716 Canby, William Jefferson, Thomas William Canby to Thomas Jefferson, [ca. 13] May 1816 1816-05-13 it was with concern I heard (think in the 2 nd Year after I Rec d thy answer & Remarks on my Note...
3717 Canby, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Canby, 27 May 1802 1802-05-27 Esteemed friend Thomas Jefferson, thy Assertion, (when I attended with Dorothy Ripley , on her...
3718 Capellen van de Marsch, Robert Jasper, Baron van … Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Capellen, 29 February 1788 1788-02-29 Je me suis presenté hier avec Mr. van Staphorst à vôtre Hotel avec intention de vous présenter...
3719 Capello (Capellano), Antonio Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Capello, 28 December 1785 1785-12-28 Le Chevr: Capello est venu pour avoir L’honneur de voir Monsieur de Jestenon Ministre...
3720 Capitaine, Michel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Michel Capitaine, 8 December … 1786-12-08 Mézieres en Champagne, 8 Dec. 1786. Inquires about a power of attorney forwarded to Peters in...
3721 Captain Armstrong Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Captain Armstrong, 20 October … 1808-10-20 aftur my kind respects to you I must Inform you that we have every anscious desire to obtain our...
3722 Captains of American Ships Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from the Captains of American Ships … 1786-04-19 We humbly beg Leave to inform your Excellency that in Pursuance to the Orders we have recieved...
3723 Carburi, Comte de Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Carburi, 16 January 1787 1787-01-16 Ms. de Carburi presente ses respects à Mr. Jefferson, il lui envoye les 4 demiboutteilles qu’il...
3724 Cardelli, Peter Jefferson, Thomas Peter Cardelli to Thomas Jefferson, 8 July 1819 1819-07-08 Je suis bien desolé de ne pas recevoir la Caisse de Votre buste; il y a cinq saimaimes d que je...
3725 Cardelli, Peter Jefferson, Thomas Peter Cardelli to Thomas Jefferson, 12 September 1819 1819-09-12 C’est j’en suis sur un annui que d’ecrire si souvant et Vous étourdire pour un sujet de peu...
3726 Cardell, William S. Jefferson, Thomas William S. Cardell to Thomas Jefferson, [ca. 26] … 1820-02-26 I shall need neither apology nor a long introducting introduction in addressing you on a subject...
3727 Cardell, William S. Jefferson, Thomas William S. Cardell to Thomas Jefferson, 11 January 1821 1821-01-11 I had the honor to address you in February last , in behalf of a number of Gentlemen, on the...
3728 Carden, Youen Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Youen Carden, 14 June 1824 1824-06-14 Youen Carden in acc t D r Note he came into my service Sep. 12. 1813. @ 40.D. a year. 1814. Dec....
3729 Carden, Youen Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Youen Carden, 7 April 1825 1825-04-07 By the bearer hereof I have Recved twenty Dollars two Bank notes one farmers Bank of Virginia one...
3730 Darmsdatt, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas Joseph Darmsdatt to Thomas Jefferson, 24 June 1812 1812-06-24 Acording your order I have send 6 Bls Herring to mess Brown & Co —to Lynchburg —& shal send 6 Bls...
3731 Darmsdatt, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas Joseph Darmsdatt to Thomas Jefferson, 6 July 1810 1810-07-06 I have a Quantity of fine fish now coming up of M r Sam l Tredwells putting up—of Edenton they...
3732 Carey & Lea Jefferson, Thomas H. C. Carey & I. Lea to Thomas Jefferson, 17 June 1822 1822-06-17 We take the liberty of addressing you in consequence of having rec d a letter from M r J M c...
3733 Carey, Henry Charles Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Charles Carey, 4 June … 1825-06-04 By the mail with this, we send you the sheets of your excellent work. The book is just from the...
3734 Carey, Henry Charles Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Charles Carey, 13 March … 1824-03-13 A small balance ($4 25/100) has remained for a considerable time to your credit on the Books of M...
3735 Carey, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Carey, 30 June 1792 1792-06-30 Encouraged by a Resolution of Congress, of May 25, 1784, allowing Mr. Gordon a free access to...
3736 Carey, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Carey, 26 March 1793 1793-03-26 I have the honor of submitting to your inspection the enclosed draught of an index to the...
3737 Carey, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Carey, 6 October 1792 1792-10-06 Understanding, that there is now a vacancy in your department, I beg leave respectfully to offer...
3738 Carey, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Carey, 1 May 1793 1793-05-01 I have the honor of presenting to you the remainder of my manuscripts; and beg leave to observe,...
3739 Carey, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Carey, 13 July [1792] 1792-07-13 Having amended my proposals in conformity to the ideas you were pleased to suggest, permit me...
3740 Carey, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Carey, 31 January 1793 1793-01-31 Before I proceed in the business of copying the records, which your kindness has enabled me to...
3741 Carey, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Carey, 6 April 1795 1795-04-06 I do myself the honor of transmitting you two volumes of those official documents, which, through...
3742 Carey, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Carey, 20 February [1793] 1793-02-20 Whenever you are pleased to favor me with my transcripts of the state-papers, I wish to proceed...
3743 Carey, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Carey, 1 September 1796 1796-09-01 It may appear presumptuous in me to address you, since I have not been honored with any reply to...
3744 Carey, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Carey, 23 April 1793 1793-04-23 I have the honor of presenting, for your inspection, the remainder of what I have been able to...
3745 Carey, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Carey, 4 July [1791] 1791-07-04 [Philadelphia], “Monday, July 4 [1791], No. 96, South Street.” Apologizes for trouble given him...
3746 Carey, Mathew Jefferson, Thomas Mathew Carey to Thomas Jefferson, 14 January 1815 1815-01-14 By this day’s mail I send you a copy of the Olive Branch, of which I request Your acceptance, &...
3747 Carey, Mathew Jefferson, Thomas Mathew Carey to Thomas Jefferson, 4 February 1819 1819-02-04 Your favour of the 29 th ult. I have duly rec d . It is now before me. The fifteen Dollars...
3748 Carey, Mathew Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Mathew Carey, 17 October 1823 1823-10-17 I take the liberty to enclose three copies of the first Number of a Set of papers, the design of...
3749 Carey, Mathew Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Mathew Carey and Others, 19 … 1802-07-19 Having received information of the death of John W. Vancleve, Commissioner of Bankruptcy for the...
3750 Carey, Mathew Jefferson, Thomas Mathew Carey to Thomas Jefferson, 26 January 1814 1814-01-26 By this day’s mail, I take the liberty of forwarding you a copy of the second Edition of the...