Benjamin Franklin Papers
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From Benjamin Franklin to [Mary Hewson], 1 January 1784

To [Mary Hewson]

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Passy, Jan 1. 1784.—

Health and Prosperity, and many happy Years, to my dear Friend, and to her Children, for whom I send the three enclos’d little Books.1

B Franklin

Let me know if you have not the compleat Year.—2

Endorsed: Passy Jan 1 — 84 44

1The October, November, and December issues of L’Ami des enfans. Berquin ceased publication of the series at the end of 1783.

2BF had evidently lost track of what he had already sent Hewson, which were the books for January through August. She answered that she lacked September: XXXIX, 504; XL, 588; Hewson to BF, April 2, 1784 (APS).

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