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    • Hartley, David


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ALS : New York Public Library; transcript: Library of Congress I receiv’d yours of the 18th and 20th. of this Month, with Lord North’s proposed Bills. The more I see of the Ideas and Projects of your Ministry, and their little Arts and Schemes of amusing and dividing us, the more I admire the prudent, manly and magnanimous Propositions contained in your intended Motion for an Address to the...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin . . . (4to ed.; 3 vols., London, 1817–18), II , 249. I thank you for your kind caution, but having nearly finished a long life, I set but little value on what remains of it. Like a draper, when one chaffers with him for a remnant, I am ready to say, “As it is only the fag-end, I will not differ...
ALS and copy: Library of Congress I am glad to learn by the Newspapers that you got safe home, where I hope you found all well. I wish to know whether your Ministers have yet come to a Resolution to exchange the Prisoners they hold in England, according to the Expectations formerly given you. We have here above two hundred who are confin’d in the Drake, where they must be kept, as we have not...
ALS : Stanley R. Becker, East Hampton, New York (1976); transcript: Library of Congress I wrote you a few Lines the 25th of last Month, mentioning that we had here 200 English Prisoners, and desiring you to propose an Exchange. I hope you receiv’d my Letter and that I shall soon be favour’d with an Answer. We are oblig’d to keep the Prisoners on Shipboard where I doubt they cannot be...
ALS (draft): Library of Congress; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society; copy and transcript: Library of Congress; two copies: National Archives <Passy, June 16, 1778: I received yours of the 5th, informing us that the government has agreed to an exchange of prisoners, and we have written Captain Jones for the list; it contains, I understand, at least two hundred men. We expect ours to be...
Two copies and transcript: Library of Congress Inclosed is the List of our Prisoners, which by an accident was long in coming to us. There are supposed to be about 15 more remaining in the Hospital, whose names we have not yet obtained, and about as many who being recovered of their wounds have been suffered to go home to England. If you continue in the Opinion of making the exchange at...
Transcript: Library of Congress I received duly your Favours of July 14. and August 14. I hoped to have answered them sooner, by sending the Passport. Multiplicity of Business has I suppose been the only Occasion of Delay in the Ministers to consider of and make out the said Passport. I hope now soon to have it, as I do not find there is any Objection made to it. In a former Letter I propos’d...
ALS and transcript: Library of Congress; copy: Public Record Office I now send you the Passport required. I postpon’d answering your last in hopes of obtaining it sooner; but tho’ it was long since agreed to, much Business in the Admiralty Department here has I suppose occasion’d its Delay. The Port of Calais was not approv’d of, and I think the Ports mention’d (Nantes or L’Orient) are better...
ALS : Library of Congress; copies: National Maritime Museum, Public Record Office; transcript: Library of Congress I received your Favour of the 9th. Instant, with a Copy of the Letter from the Admiralty Office relative to the proposed Exchange of Prisoners, in which the precise Number of those we have here is desired. I cannot at present give it you, they being dispers’d in different Ports;...
Transcript: Library of Congress I received yours without Date, containing an old Scotch Sonnet full of natural Sentiment and beautiful Simplicity, I cannot make an entire application of it to present Circumstances; but taking it in Parts, and changing Persons, some of it is extreamly a propos . First Jenie may be supposed old England and Jamie America. Jenie laments the Loss of Jamie, and...
ALS : National Library of Scotland; transcript: Library of Congress I have heard nothing from you lately concerning the Exchange of the Prisoners. Is that Affair dropt? Winter is coming on apace. I understand that your charitable Contribution is near expended, and not likely to be renewed. Many of those unfortunate People must suffer greatly. I wish to have a Line from you, informing me what...
ALS : National Maritime Museum I am glad to learn by your Favour of the 19th past, the good Disposition of the Board who are to manage the Exchange. They may depend on the fairest and most candid Proceeding on the Part of the Commissioners here. Our Agent at Nantes, whose Name you desire, is Mr Schweighauser, a Noted Merchant there, who does our Business by Sub-Agents in the other Ports of...
LS : The Current Company, Bristol, R.I. (1977); transcript: Library of Congress I a long time believed that your Government were in earnest in agreeing to an Exchange of Prisoners. I begin now to think I was mistaken. It seems they cannot give up the pleasing Idea of having at the End of the War 1000 Americans to hang for high Treason. You were also long of Opinion, that the Animosity against...
Copy: Library of Congress I have just received your favour of the 23d. past, in which you mention, “that the Alliance between France and America is the great Stumbling Block, in the way of Making Peace,” and you go on to observe, that whatever Engagements America “may have entred into, they may, (at least by consent of Parties) be relinquished for the purpose of removing so material an...
(I) LS , AL (draft), copy, and transcript: Library of Congress; (II) transcript and incomplete copy: Library of Congress I received your Favor of Jany 23d containing the Answer you had received from the Board of Sick and Hurt, in which they say they are taking Measures for the immediate Sending to France the Number of Americans first proposed to be changed, &c. I have heard nothing since of...
LS : M.H. Venables, Bristol, England (1976); copy and transcript: Library of Congress I received duly yours of the 2d Inst. I am sorry you have had so much Trouble in the Affair of the Prisoners. You have been deceived as well as we. No Cartel Ship has yet appear’d. And it is now evident that the Delays have been of Design, to give more Opportunity of seducing the Men by Promises and...
Copy and transcript: Library of Congress; copy: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères I received your several favours, viz: One of April the 10 one of the 20th. and two of the 22d. all on the same Day but by different Conveyances. I need not repeat, what we have each of us so often repeated, the Wish for Peace. I will begin by frankly assuring you that tho’ I think a direct, immediate...
LS , copy, and transcript: Library of Congress I am glad to hear that another Cargo of Prisoners are on the Way. I will give Directions to assemble an equal Number immediately at Nantes in order to dispatch the Cartel with all Expedition: And I will direct Mr. Schweighauser to correspond more exactly with the Board, and send Returns of the Prisoners as desired. I shall endeavour to obtain...
Copy and transcript: Library of Congress It is a long time Since I have had the Pleasure of hearing from you. Your last favours received were two of the 24th of June, and one of july 5. The second Cargo of Prisoners you mentioned is since safely arrived. M. Schweighauser wrote to me that the Captain of the Cartel was impatient to return, and as Capt. Babcock of the general Mifflin, and others...
LS , copy, and transcript: Library of Congress My Dear Friends late Letters have been long in coming, having met some Delay on the Way. I am told the Communication is now more open. As Captain Tattwell cannot now perform his Engagement specifically by procuring the Release of Captain Harris and his Crew, I think he may be discharged of his Parole by obtaining the Release of some other Captain...
LS : M.D.A.F.H.H. Hartley Russell, on deposit in the Berkshire Record Office (1955); copy and transcript: Library of Congress Having just received the Passport desired for the Cartel to make use of the Port of Morlaix, I take this first Opportunity of sending it to you, in hopes of releasing by more expeditious Voyages the poor Prisoners on both Sides before the Severity of Winter comes on....
ALS , copy, and transcript: Library of Congress I received your Favour of Oct. 26. containing Copies of sundry Letters you had before sent me, which you apprehended had not been receiv’d. For the same reason I send you herewith Copies of several I have sent to you. I am sorry my Proposition of Exchanging in Holland was not attended to. It would have prevented a good deal of Misery to those...
Copy: Library of Congress It is some time since I procured the Discharge of your Capt. Stephenson. He did not call here in his Way home. I hope he arrived safely, and had a happy Meeting with his friends and family. I have long postponed answering your Letter of the 29th. of June. A principal Point in it, on which you seemed to desire my Opinion, was the Conduct you thought America ought to...
LS and copy: Library of Congress I received, my dear Friends, kind Letter of the 15th. Instant, and immediately communicated your Request of a Passport to M. le Comte de Vergennes. His Answer, which I have but just received, expresses an Apprehention that the Circumstance of granting a Passport to you, as you mention the Purpose of your coming to be the discoursing with me on the Subject of...
Reprinted in William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin … (3 vols., 4to, London, 1817–18), II , 269. I received your favour of September 26, containing your very judicious proposition of securing the spectators in the opera and play-houses from the danger of fire. I communicated it where it might be useful. You will see by the inclosed that the subject...
Copy: Library of Congress I received a few Days since your Favour of the 2d. Instant, in which you tell me, that Mr. Alexander had informed you, “America was disposed to enter into a separate Treaty with great Britain.” I am persuaded that your strong Desire for Peace has misled you & occasioned your greatly misunderstanding Mr. Alexander, as I think it scarce possible he should have asserted...
Copy: Library of Congress I received your favour of the 24th. past wherein you have taken the Pains to rectify a Mistake of mine relating to the Aim of your Letters. I accept kindly your Explication and hope you will excuse my error when you reflect, that I know of no Consent given by France to our treating separately for Peace, and that there has been mixt in most of your Conversations &...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; LS : Keya Gallery, New York (1997); copy: William L. Clements Library I have just received your Favours of March 11 & 12. forwarded to me by Mr. Digges, and another of the 21st. per Post. I congratulate you on the returning good Disposition of your Nation towards America, which appears in the Resolutions of Parliamt. that you have sent me: and I hope...
Copy: Library of Congress I wrote a few Lines to you the 31st. past, and promised to write more fully. On pursuing again your Letters of the 11th. 12th. & 21st. I do not find any Notice taken of one from me dated Feby. 16. I therefore now send you a Copy made from it in the Press. The uncertainty of safe Transmission discourages a free Communication of Sentiments on these important Affairs;...
Copies: Library of Congress, William L. Clements Library Since mine of the 5th. I have thought farther of the Subject of our late Letters. You were of Opinion that the late Ministry desired sincerily a Reconciliation with America, and with that View a separate Peace with us was proposed. It happened that at the same time Lord North had an Emissary here, employ’d to sound the French Ministers...