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AL : American Philosophical Society Je vous souhaite un tendre bonjour mon cher Papa, et vous prie de me prêter pour quelques instants le recueil des Romances de J.J. Rousseau. La chaleur excessive, des inquiètudes sans nombre, des affaires m’onts empechès tous ces jours ici d’aller vous dire combien je vous aime tendrement, c’est ainsi mon cher Papa, que je vous embrasse. Addressed: à...
Let me request of you, to turn your Attention as soon as possible to the Subject of a Treaty of Commerce between the United States of America and Great Britain, and transmit to me, a Project that you would advise me to propose in the first Instance. For my own Part I like the Plan agreed on with Prussia so well, that I must request you to send me a Copy of it, and with such Changes as you may...
Westminster, London, 20 June 1785 . Acknowledges their letter of 15 June; agrees “entirely … in sentiment respecting Gratification to be given to Mr. John Baptist Pecquet and the Letter to be written to him.” RC ( DNA : PCC , No. 84, v); 1 p.; at foot of letter: “Their Excellencies Messrs. Franklin & Jefferson.” FC ( MHi : AMT ); in Adams’ hand.
I have now the honour to inform you that having shewn my Commission to the Right Honourable the Marquis of Carmarthen, and left an Authenticated Copy together with a Copy of my Letter of Credence to the King according to the usage. I had the Honour on the first of this month to be introduced by his Lordship to His Majesty, in his Closet with all the Ceremonies, and formalities, practised on...
Our Secretary of State for foreign Affairs, in a Letter of 13. Ap. informs me, that he wrote Us a Letter by Capt. Lamb dated 11. March, inclosing a Variety of Papers respecting the Treaties We are directed to negotiate and conclude with the Barbary Powers. inclosed is a Copy of a Resolution of Congress of 14. Feb. 1785, inclosed to me, in the Secretary’s Letter.— I know nothing of Capt Lambs...
Our Secretary of State for foreign affairs, in a Letter of 13. Ap. informs me, that he wrote Us a Letter by Capt. Lamb dated 11. March, inclosing a Variety of Papers respecting the Treaties we are directed to negotiate and conclude with the Barbary Powers. Inclosed is a Copy of a Resolution of Congress of 14. February 1785, inclosed to me, in the Secretary’s Letter. I know nothing of Capt....
Since I had the honor to write you on the 4th. Instant I have received from the Ct. de Rechteren the inclosed copy of a letter from the Dutch consul in Marocco which I forward for the information of the commissioners. I am also advised by Mr. Harrison that the Spanish Consul to the Emperor, but now at Cadiz preparing Presents for that Prince, informed him that he was instructed by the Ct. de...
According to your desire, I went early this Morning to Versailles, and finding the Count de Vergennes unembarassed with Company, and only attended by his private Secretaries, I soon obtained the Honour of a Conference, in which I told him that my Colleagues were very sorry, that Indisposition necessarily prevented their paying their respects to him in Person, & obliged them to request me alone...
According to your desire I went early this morning to Versailles and finding the Ct. de Vergennes unembarassed with company, and only attended by his private Secretaries, I soon obtained the honour of a conference, in which I told him that my colleagues were very sorry that indisposition necessarily prevented their paying their respects to him in person, and obliged them to request me alone to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Inclosed Your Excellency will find a Letter from a Canadian who Requests I would Recommend Him to You— While I was with Congress, I wrote a public Letter Stating the Case of the Citizens of that province who Had Assisted us and were not paid— I Hope a Committee was Appointed to Consider the Affair— So far as Respects Mr. Calvet, I need not See the Lady, But...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In reply to your favor of the 5th: instt. I send you the Extract from the English translation of Kæmpfer’s history of Japan Vol. 2nd. Book 5. c. 6. p. 444–5, as follows. “The candles brought in at night, are hollow in the middle; the wick, which is of paper, being wound about a wooden stick, before the tallow is laid on. For this reason also the...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Je viens de lire avec un attendrissement inexprimable les lettres d’un cultivateur américain, elles me confirment dans ce que j’avois toujours pensé Sur la fausse description faite de ce paÿs par l’abbé Raynal historien peu véridique Sur les principaux points de Son histoire politique. C’est une Suite variée des tableaux les plus touchans et les plus...
(I) LS : Library of Congress; AL (draft) Columbia University Library; copy: National Archives; (II) LS : American Philosophical Society You will perceive from the enclosed Resolution of Congress which passed Yesterday That you are permitted to return to America as soon as convenient. This Circumstance must afford great Pleasure to your Family and Friends here, and I am persuaded you will...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai eté tres sensible à l’honneur de vos bontés, Monsieur, et je Vous en marque ma satisfaction par la version, que j’en ai fait moi même. Ce compliment passe la regle ordinaire, il Vous convient, agréez-le, Monsieur; et si j’ai reussi, procurez moi d’autres occasions d’augmenter, s’il se peut, vôtre celebrité en Italie. Vos Constitutions auront leur tour...
L (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères J’ai communiqué M. a M. le Mal. de Castries la nouvelle note que vous m’aviez fait l’honneur de me remettre relativement à la Contestation qui S’etoit elevée a Nantes entre le Contre maitre et le Capne. du navire americain La marianne. Ce ministre vient de me faire la reponse dont je joins icy une copie. Vous y verrez, M. les raisons qui...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The packet sent me for Mrs Barry shall be taken care of, & this letter for Governor Pownal as it relates to her affairs I shall deliver my self & shall be glad if he can say any thing that may be advantageous to the good little Woman. My Niece & I return you our warmest thanks for your polite wishes on our journey & for the many Civilities shew’d us at your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society C’est avec le plus grand plaisir du monde, que je vois par l’obligeante reponse dont vous m’honnorez Monsieur, que vous approuvez mon déssein; mais je Suis bien Surpris, que les exemplaires, que j’ai eu lhonneur de vous addresser ne vous Soient point parvennus. Le paquet a été fermé Sous mes yeux, et la ettre, que j’ai eu lhonneur de vous ecrir Se trouvoit...
AL : American Philosophical Society ⟨March 1, 1785: Mr. Jefferson sends Mr. Adams and Dr. Franklin his notes on the treaty with Prussia. When Mr. Adams has perused them, he should send them to Dr. Franklin. Mr. Jefferson proposes a meeting at Passy on Thursday [ March 3 ] at 12 o’clock. He sends “the Prussian propositions, mr. Adams’s & Dr. Franklin’s notes, & the former project & observations...
L : American Philosophical Society The enclosed is a rough sketch of a few data, which I mean to enlarge, as soon as I am informed; of the certainty of these data. May I request the favour of a line; which shall be confidential. I have a copy of the enclosed, which need not be returned. I have desired my frd, Des Gesnettes to wait upon thee for any commands; in order to take off any trouble of...
Mr. Jefferson’s compliments to Mr. Adams and Doctr. Franklin and sends them his notes on the treaty with Prussia. He prays Mr. Adams, when he shall have perused them to send them to Dr. Franklin and proposes to meet them on the subject at Passy on Thursday at 12. o’clock. He sends the Prussian propositions, Mr. Adams’s and Dr. Franklin’s notes, and the former project and observations which...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Bon. de Grimm, Ministre Plénipe. de Saxe Gotha, prend la liberté de recommander aux bontés de Monsieur Franklin les porteurs de ce billet, M. Landolt de Zurich et Son Mentor, M. le Chanoine Neckerman de Coblence. Ces deux voyageurs ne peuvent Se résoudre à quiter la France, Sans avoir rendu leurs hommages à Monsieur Franklin. Le Bon. de Grimm Supplie...
ALS and copy: National Archives I have delayed writing to your Excy in Expectation of having it in my power to advise you that the unfortunate Mr Hartwell would be entirely extricated from the Situation to which however as you will see by the inclosed papers, his imprudence exposed him. Much About the Time I recd. your Excys. Letter respecting his confinement at Logroño One written to me from...
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’Ecrire, Et J’ai fait Expedier aussitot le Passeport dont a besoin le sr. Vonheinen pour retourner En hollande. J’ai l’honneur d’Etre avec un respectueux attachement Monsieur, Votre trés humble Et trés obeissant Serviteur Not found.
AL : American Philosophical Society It is long since I have heard from you. The present is the first opportunity I have had for writing to you by a private hand, & my ignorance of the party still prevents my being particular. You will receive herewith a parcel of books. I am sorry not to have another copy of the Cincinnati at hand, with one or two other pamphlets, but these shall come by...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous m’aviez fait l’amitié de me promettre que vous m’avertiriez quand le petit modele de presse que vous attendiez d’Angleterre vous seroit parvenu. Je vous serai infiniment obligé de vouloir bien me le faire savoir, parce que j’irai la visiter jeudi prochain si vous voulez me donner à dîner. Je serai bien enchanté d’avoir le plaisir de passer quelques...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It is some time since I did myself the honor to Address you, & in the present instance I importune you with this only that my situation in Life demands it,—sensible that your time must be engrossed by your attention to matters of more importance.— I have experienced considerable loss by being as yet disappointed in not receiving the Types which so long has...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Votre Excellence est peut être informée que Le Capne Buttler Commandant L’Aréthuse arrivé en ce port e Vingt huit du Mois dernier & Venant de Baltimore auroit amené avec lui dudit Lieu Une jeune fille agée d’environ dix Sept ans qui Se Seroit engagée Sous l’habit D’homme en qualité de Novice. Le Navire étoit bien amaré Dans notre port depuis deux jours...
L : American Philosophical Society M et Mde. La Mise. De la Fayette prient Monsieur Franklin de leur faire lhonneur de Venir diner chez eux Lundy prochain. Feb. 21. There are five additional invitations for Monday dinners during the remaining months of BF ’s stay in France. All are engraved forms with MS insertions, issued in the name of the marquis only and written in English, with dates of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Comme plusieurs personnes m’ont proposé de n’achetter de ma fonderie que certains articles, laquelle fonderie j’ai eu l’honneur de vous offrir dans le temps, je me suis decidé de la vendre par parties détachées; cette vente Se fera chés moi, et commencera le 20 ou le 25 avril prochain au plus tard; jj’ai l’honneur de vous en prévenir pour que Si vous êtes...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Messieurs du Portail Gouvion et moi avons regu dernierement des lettres de Mr. de Marbois Consul Genal. de france à Philadelphie, par lesquelles il nous mande que Mr. Millegan lui a dit vous avoir envoyé les nouveaux certificats des Sommes qui nous Sont dues par le Congrès, et dont l’Interest doit être d’orênavant payé à paris par Mr. Grand.— Oserois-je...