George Washington Papers

From George Washington to the Board of War, 31 January 1781

To the Board of War

Head Quarters New Windsor Janry 31st 1781


Not having been as yet made acquainted with the Mode proposed for remounting the Regiments of Dragoons, or whether it is expected that the Horses for this service will be furnished by the Continent, or the States to which the Regiments are now assigned—I could wish to be informed of the intentions of Congress & that Measures might be adopted to put the Cavalry on a respectable footing for action at the opening of the Campaign.

If the designs of Congress on this subject are not sufficiently known to you, I have to request you will make application to them, & communicate the result to me.1

Col. Sheldon having advised me, that No Horses are to be expected from the State of Connect: for his Regt—this makes me the more particular in my enquires.2

Df, in David Humphreys’s writing, DLC:GW; copy, DNA:PCC, item 147; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1The board replied to GW on 3 March. Congress had already informed GW of the passage of a resolution requiring the quartermaster general to provide the remounts (see Samuel Huntington to GW, 27 Jan., n.3). For GW’s acknowledgement, see his first letter to Huntington of 13 Feb.; see also GW to Timothy Pickering, 5 February.

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