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Results 1801-1850 of 8,987 sorted by editorial placement
Je me faisois une grande feste, samedy dernier, D’avoir Ihonneur de vous voir, de diner avec vous et de boire a votre santé chez monsieurs alain, mais 1’utilité de votre travail pour le bien public m’a fait supporter plus aisement cette privation, j eus cependant eté bien content de pouvoir vous parler moy même au sujet des besoins urgents ou commence a se trouver la fregatte du roy de france...
I was greatly looking forward to having the honor of seeing you, dining with you, and drinking to your health at Mr. Allen’s house last Saturday, but the usefulness of your work for the public good has allowed me to bear this deprivation more easily. And yet, I would have liked to have been able to speak with you personally about the urgent needs that are beginning to be felt by the frigate of...
Your Favor of Octr. 17th. came this day to hand by the Post and contains such flattering Sentiments in regard to my subserving your Mission as almost to intoxicate me into a Wish that I had not spurned much personal Honor and family Emolument in pursuing a comparitively evident public Interest. But, nearly drunken as you have made me, depend upon it I am sober enough to distinguish between the...
On my return from the circuit a few days ago I was honoured with your letter of the 20th. Septemr. last, and proud to find that I was not forgotten by one I so much esteem. You must have had your difficulties in these times, I know, I too have had my full share of the anxieties cares and troubles attending the present war. For sometime I was obliged to act as President of the Delaware State...
D’après lespece de certitude que m’avoit donné monsieur allaine que j aurois Ihonneur et le plaisir de vous voir jeudy et de diner chez luy avec vous ce qui en grande partie m’a fait remercier monsieur déné a cambridge pour le même jour. Je me flattois de pouvoir prendre avec vous les arrangements qui vous eussent convenus pour votre embarquement qui reglera avec les vents notre depart. J...
Mr. Allen’s assurance that I would have the honor and pleasure of seeing and dining with you at his house on Thursday was my major reason for declining Mr. Dana’s invitation to Cambridge of the same day. I flattered myself that I would be able to make suitable arrangements with you for your embarkation which will, with the winds, govern our departure. I also would have liked to share with you...
The very kind Readiness which you express’d to me, to allow my Grandson to be a Companion to your Sons in the Voyage to France has laid me under an Obligation that I can never forget: Accordingly I now commit him to you happy in the Perswasion that he will pursue his Studies with them under your Eye, and Direction. His Father who accompanies him to the Ship will most gratefully acknowledge...
Not a Line by yesterday’s Post from either you or Mr. Dana; nor indeed from any Person whatever in Massachusetts. The Principles of Equality in the Treaty between France and us being held up as a model for future Treaties may betray Negotiators into an Error; because tho’ the Equality in regard to France and America is conspicuous, yet Partiality to France compared with other Powers has been...
You had an opportunity of seeing the commencement of this business of Jones and the Alliance, of which I enclose you the suite. Capt. Landais has been orderd from Amsterdam to Passy by Dr. Franklin where the Doctor, M. Chaumont and Dr. Bancroft have held a Court of Enquiry upon his conduct, and their report, I am told, is to be transmitted to Congress. In the mean time Jones has taken...
J’ai crû devoir differer de repondre a la depeche que Vôtre Excellence m’a fait l’honneur de m’adresser le 18 du Courant jusqu’a ce que je pusse rendre compte de Succès de mes demarches pour l’execution de Ses ordres. Je n’ai rien negligé pour y parvenir, mais j’ai eu la mortification d’éprouver que tous mes soins n’ont pas été suffisants a cet égard et qu’il ne m’a pas été possible de faire...
I thought that I should postpone answering the letter of 18 December, which Your Excellency did me the honor to send, until I could give you an account of the success of my efforts in the execution of your orders. I neglected nothing, but am mortified to find that all my pains have been insufficient and it has been impossible to prepare things as promptly as Your Excellency wished for his...
Having just heard of your being returned to Paris, I take the earliest opportunity to offer you my sincere congratulations on your safe arrival in Europe, and I flatter myself you left Mrs. Adams and Family perfectly well. On my departure from Paris you gave me a small commission to execute in this City, but your quitting that Metropolis almost as soon as I had reached London deprived me of...
I gladly embrace the first opportunity I have had of writing to you since you left this Country. Mr. Jona. Loring Austin is the Bearer of this Letter. He is appoint ed by the General Assembly to negociate an Affair in Europe which will be communicated to you by a Letter written to you by the President of the Council and signd in their Name. The Measure is the favorite offspring of the House of...
The General Assembly having for many Reasons, and for purposes appearing to Them advantagious, taken the Resolution to negociate a Loan of One hundred and fifty Thousand Pounds Sterling in Europe, to be conducted agreeable to the enclosed Instructions given to the Agent Jonathan Loring Austin Esqr. appointed for that purpose. The Success of this undertaking is important to This State, and We...
I heartily congratulate you on your safe Return to Europe and thank you for your obliging Care of my Letters from my Friends, which I received last Post from Bilboa. I shall be greatly obliged to you if you will employ a leisure half Hour in giving me a little Sketch of our public Affairs in America, so far only as is prudent for you to communicate, and proper for me to know. Please to let me...
Humbly Sheweth that your Petitioner is a poor american just arived from Marttanico to Rochal in a french frigat. At my arival I got my Disscharge, and from that I travild by Land hear to, Bordeaux. A few days after I Came hear I Was taken Very Ill in the Small pox. I being a stranger in this City, not knowing Where to go, or what to do for any Quarters to Lay my Self Down in this Dissorder...
I take the liberty, to address myself to your Excellency, about a project I have send to Mr. Franklin the 20. of Septr. last; which contains in short the following. I propose that if I could have the honour to be admitted into the Service of the United States, with the Commission of Major, to form a small Corps of Artillery, consisting in 300. Men, divided into 6. Companies; all the...
When I was Advised of your Arrival at Corunia I had the Pleasing hopes that Your Destination Was the Court of Madrid and Accordingly porposed myself the happiness of Paying you my devoirs there in the month of Aprile. I Also Presumed on taking the Liberty of Writing My Banker in that City Messr. Peter Casamayor & Co. to Make you a Tender of their Services in my Behalf, and to Supply you with...
Permit me to Congratulate you on your happy return to Europe, and to make this enquiry after your Welfare. I much flatter myself that nothing but affairs of the utmost Consequence cou’d induce you to undertake the Ardous task of again quitting your happy native Country, and I am well Convinced evry inhabitant on our Continent stands highly indebted to you for this fresh proof of your Zeal for...
Versailles, 15 February 1780. printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams, ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 4:245 Vergennes stated that he thought it best to await the arrival of Conrad Alexandre Gérard, who presumably would bring a copy of Adams’ instructions and additional information on the nature and scope of his mission, before...
Si je nay pas eu l’honneur de vous ecrire depuis mon arrivée a brest, c est que ayant scau su a la corogne que votre projet etoit d’aller a madrid, je vous crois tout au plus rendu soit a paris, soit a versailles, mais je prends un interest trop sincere et trop vif a votre santé a celle de vos chers enfants, de messieurs denas et allain pour ne pas vous en demander des nouvelles, en vous...
If I have not had the honor of writing to you since my arrival at Brest it is because, having understood at La Coruña that your plan was to go to Madrid, I thought at the very most you would have arrived at Paris or Versailles. However, I take too strong and sincere an interest in your health, and that of your children and Messieurs Dana and Allen, not to ask you for news while reiterating my...
In consequence of the orders you was pleas’d to directt us to ynvest the value of the 200. dollars in sundry goods and to ship them for America, we have now the satisfaction to enclose you an Invoice of them, being shipp’d on the Phinix Capt. James Babson who sail’d the 5th. Instant for Newburyport, where we have consign’d to our freind Mr. Nathaniel Tracy desiring of him to forward to your...
Invoice of Sundries shipp’d per the Phinix James Babson master for Newburyport on Account of the Honble. John Adams Esq. No. 1 a 2. I.A. 1. A Case containing 4. Dozn. of tumblers a 8. rials 48. 2. Do  Cups 8. do. 16. 48. 2. a Barrell 6. lb. Green tea a 60. rs. 360.
I cannot express the pleasure it gave me; when I heard of your Safe Arrival in Europe; permit me to congratulate you and myself thereon, and what is more our Country, whose true Interests I Know you have so much at heart. If I may trust the Common reports, you come in the Character of the blessed Peace Maker, who is always welcome to the Friends of Mankind; No one can wish you more success in...
As I came but this morning from Versailles, it was not in my power sooner to answer to the letter you have honor’d me with, and this duty I now perform with the more pleasure that it is of some importance to the interests of America. Since the first day when I had the happiness of making myself, and of being considered in the World as an American, I have always observ’d that among so many ways...
I had the Pleasure of Addressing you the 5th Currente to Which Please be Referd and Since am Honour’d With your Truly Esteem’d Letter of the 31 ultimo and am Happy to Learn your Safe Arrival at Bordeaux on your Route to Paris. Your Thanks is Much more than an Equivilante for any Services I Wished to do you At Madrid. I onley Considred that as part of My duty, as well to Serve the united States...
Vous avés craint d’importuner M. le Comte de Vergennes et vous m’avés fait l’honeur de vous addresser à moi pour savoir ce que vous devès penser de differens bruits que les anglois se sont attachés à répandre. Je suis infiniment flatté de la marque de confiance que vous avés bien voulu me donner mais j’ai cru devoir mettre votre lettre sous les yeux de ministre. Il m’a chargé de vous assurer...
Hesitating to bother the Count de Vergennes, you have done me the honor of addressing me in order to determine what to think of the var­ ious rumors that the English have taken upon themselves to circulate. I am greatly flattered by this mark of confidence that you have had the goodness to bestow on me, but thought that I should place your letter before the minister. He has directed me to...
I did myself the Honor of writing to You, two days Ago by Mr. Brusch, to congratulate you on your Safe Arrival in Europe, and to Assure you of my Disposition and wish to Execute whatever Commands, you may lay on me here or Elsewhere. As I Know your Attention to whatever may affect our Country, I take the Liberty of making an Extract out of a Letter I receivd yesterday from England, from the...
printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams, ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 4:251–252 Replying to John Adams’ letter of 19 Feb. (calendared above), Vergennes noted that Adams’ account of his commissions agreed with that of Conrad Alexander Gérard and that the most important aspect of his mission, the negotiation of a peace treaty,...
Je ne manquerai point de rendre compte a monseigneur le Comte de Vergennes de la lettre dont vous venés de m’honorer. Je vais écrire aussi à Ostende pour qu’on vous fasse venir Sous mon couvert deux gazettes les plus renommées dans chaque parti. Suivant moi c’est dans celui de l’Opposition le General advertiser imprimé par W. Parker—et dans celui du Ministere le Morning post. Ce sont les deux...
I will not fail to inform the Count Vergennes of the letter with which you have honored me. I will also write to Ostend to ask them to send, under my name, two gazettes, the most influential in each party. To my mind they are, for the Opposition, the General Advertiser , published by W. Parker—and for the Ministry, the Morning Post. These are the two that I will request and forward to you...
J’ai écrit à Ostende pour les deux gazettes en question. En attendant je continuerai à vous en prêter des miennes, toujours le plutôt qu’il Sera possible. Je Suis charmé de Savoir que mr. votre fils est de retour en bonne Santé à Passy. Quelque jour de ce printems il faut que vous me l’envoyés avec Mr Cooper’s grand child , et mr. votre autre fils. Je leur ferai voir Versailles, et je ferai en...
I have written to Ostend for the two gazettes in question. In the meantime, I will continue, always as soon as possible, to lend you mine. I am very happy to hear that your son has returned in good health to Passy. Some day this spring you should send me him, together with Mr. Cooper’s grand child and your other son. I will show them Versailles and ensure they return satisfied. My son will be...
I received your much esteem’d letter of the 22d. with the memorandums it inclosed of the articles you wish to send to Boston by the Alliance. Captain Jones, on my application to him to permit those goods to be loaded on his vessel, immediately consented and told me he wou’d write you by this post, in consequence of which I shall prepair them and distinguish the property as you direct. In Mrs....
Jay receu la lettre que vous m’avez fait lhonneur de mecrire a l’honneteté que je vous connois jen ay deviné une partie, un americain de boston qui est icy dont je cultive la societé m’a expliqué le reste. Jay eté infiniment sensible ainsi que madame de chavagnes a votre souvenir, et aux nouvelles preuves de votre amitié que je cheris beaucoup. Je ne lay pas eté moins D’apprendre par vous,...
I have received the letter that you did me the honor to write. Knowing your honesty, I was able to understand a portion and an American from Boston, whom I have befriended here, explained the rest. Madame de Chavagnes and I have been very touched by your remembrance and by the new proofs of your friendship, which I greatly cherish. I was equally pleased to learn from you that after suffering...
In a letter from Mr. L of the 16th Feby. I find He was good enough to mention me to You and that you gave direction for any letters I might have occasion to write to be forwarded a Mons. Mons. Fernando Raymond San, Nogiciant chez Mons. Hocherau Libraire Pont neuf Paris. I shall be very happy in giving you any information of movements here that may come to my knowlege because in doing so I am...
I had the honor of receiving your favor of the 27th Ultimo, which gives me much Satisfaction to find that England is not likely to have any foreign Assistance; I was, I must Confess, much imposed on this head, not by the common reports but by an account, which a very faithful and, in general, an intelligent Correspondent gave me. The regular Troops in Ireland cannot possibly exceed 4000, and...
Since my letter of the 3d. a Gazette Extraordinary, has announcd the arrival of dispatches from Adl. Digby, who is returnd with the fleet and spanish prizes from Gibraltar, and brought in with him a french 64 Gun Man of War and three store ships bound under Her Convoy from L’Orient to the East Indies. The French and Spaniards seem lately to have been totally unadvisd as to the movements of...
You are so united by commission, in mind views and principles, that there is no writing to the one without the other; for which reason I address you jointly . I rejoiced when I heard that you were safely landed upon the Terra Firma of Europe; and hope that you have had a secure journey over the Pyrenean mountains, which I suppose to be as high as any you ever crossed in America, tho’ not so...
I have done myself the Honor of sending You a Copy, of what was written into Holland and have since (the 5th Instant) taken the Liberty of giving my Idea of the Conduct of the Parties in England and Ireland, and likewise laying before you an Extrait of what I have written on the Phantastic Notion taken up of a Constitutional Impossibility of Acknowledging the Independance of America. I receivd...
A packet boat is arrivd from Jamaica which saild from thence the 29th Jany. with accounts of Fort Omoa being again in the possession of Spain, and that one of our Men of War has taken a Spanish Ship of War bound to that quarter of So America with Stores. She was piercd for 64 Guns but carryd only 52. The Jamaica fleet saild the 24th. Jany. Convoyd rather slightly only with a force of about two...
Circumstances I flatter my self will plead my Excuse for addressing to you this letter. Agreable to the advise of my friends and my own Inclinations, I Embarked ab’d of the Mercury Packett last Augt. with an Intention of persuing my mercantile proffession (till the war is happily terminated) in France; and of travelling in Europe, previous to this resolution in the years 77 and 78, I made a...
I should have had the pleasure of answering your respectfull favour of 20th. past ere now had I not waited to have inform’d you what was doing here. The States are still sitting and I have reason to believe will not adjourn soon, various are the Reports of their proceedings but from what I am able to gather from there I can depend on. The Grand business is done between the Northern Powers on A...
We have in course been honour’d with your much esteemed 25th. Feby. and 1st Instant and are happy to hear of your safe arrivall at your place of residence where most sincerely wish you all manner of success. We expected ’ere now to have had the pleasure of giving you some agreable intelligence from America, from whence we dayly expectt some arrivalls, but none has apear’d to this day, however...
By the bursting of the Lock of one of my trunks on the journey, I was so unfortunate as to lose the packet of M. Gerards Letters; among which was that you copied, and of which I must beg you to send me an authenticated Copy. Since my arrival here, I receivd a Packet from Congress which came by the Confederacy. In that is the Copy of one of the most false and wicked Papers I have read upon the...
I understand the our Enemies have now in contemplation, the offering of some terms to America, which go no farther than a Truce; probably, somewhat similar to the propositions made last year by Spain to Great Britain. Tho’ I am not inform’d of the terms of Peace with which you are charged, nor whether your powers are discretionary, I trust you will not think it an intrusion in me to offer my...
I Have the Honor of having receivd your Favor of the 12th Instant, which flatters me much in informing me of your Approbation of my Letters of the first the fifth and the Eigth. I beg the Continuance of your Partiallity, and that You woud Command me in all things. I now set down to Answer your Enquiry into the “Sums paid Annually, as Subsidies by France or England to the House of Austria or...