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    • Washington Papers


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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Jefferson, Thomas" AND Project="Washington Papers"
Results 181-230 of 240 sorted by date (ascending)
T. Lear has the honor to return to the Secretary of State the letter which he this day sent to...
Sometime last fall I sent to Mr Young transcripts of the accounts respecting the Agriculture of...
The President of the United States requests that the Secretary of State will lay the enclosed...
The President sends to the Secretary of State the enclosed Extract which he has just recd from a...
The President of the United States approves of the enclosed Letter to Mr Hammond, and likewise of...
T. Lear has the honor, by the President’s command, to return to the Secretary of State the...
By the President’s command T. Lear has the honor to return to the Secretary of State, the...
To call upon Mr Hammond without further delay for the result of the reference to his Court...
If you see any objections to the propositions contained in the enclosed pray furnish me with them...
The Secretary of the Treasury left the enclosed to day (without my seeing him) and is to call to...
The President of the United States sends to the Secretary of State a letter & enclosures which he...
The President sends to the Secretary of State the Counter part of An Agreement with the Bank of...
The President returns to the Secretary of State, with his approbation, the Answer to Mr Hammond’s...
I should be glad if you would give the enclosed a perusal and let me know if you think the...
By direction of the President of the U. States, Bw Dandridge has the honor to enclose to the...
I leave it to you, and the heads of the other two Departments to say what, or whether any answer...
If you should have leizure between this and my return, to furnish me with your thoughts on Mr...
The enclosed letter from the Governor of New York, covering a communication to him from the...
You will find by the enclosed letter from the Commissioners that Mr Hallet reports unfavorably of...
The President sends to the Secretary of State the enclosed letter from Mr Chiappe, which has been...
I send, for the information and consideration of the Heads of the Departments, a letter which I...
Before I had read the Papers put into my hands by you, requiring “instant attention” and a...
In obedience to the President’s commands T. Lear has the honor to return to the Secretary of...
The Chief Justice & Judge Paterson are in Town. The former called upon me yesterday evening to...
The President of the U. States requests the attendance of the Secretary of State at his House,...
A letter from Colo. S. Smith (of Baltimore) to the Secretary of the Treasury, giving information...
The President of the United States will be glad to see the Secretary of State tomorrow morning at...
As there are several matters which must remain in a suspended State—perhaps not very...
If the heads of Departments and the Attorney General, who have prepared the eight rules which you...
I clearly understood you on Saturday. And, of what I conceive to be two evils, must prefer the...
By the President’s command T. Lear has the honor to transmit to the Secretary of State the Report...
By the President’s command T. Lear has the honor to transmit to the Secretary of State the...
The President wishes the Heads of the Departments to meet at his house tomorrow at ten o’clock....
The Captn of Marines on Board the Ambuscade has just put the enclosed into my hands —He was sent...
I send, for the consideration & opinion of the Heads of the Departments and the Attorney General...
By the President’s command T. Lear has the honor to inform the Secretary of State, that the...
The President requests Mr Jefferson would bring with him the French Minister’s letter,...
The President sends to the Secretary of State two letters which he has received from Baltimore,...
The President wishes the Secretary of State to let him know what measures, in his opinion, will...
I have received your letter of yesterday’s date, and approving the measures sugg[e]sted therein,...
I return, from this place, the Papers which you put into my hands on the Road, to day. The...
I will thank you to have made out and forwarded to me a Commission for the Collector of...
It appearing to me that the public business will require the Executive Officers to be together...
Your dispatch of the 3d with it’s several enclosures reached Alexandria on Wednesday evening, and...
I think Colo. Humphrey’s in one of his letters to you, refers to his to me, for some article of...
Enclosed is another Specimen of Mr Genets Indecent conduct towards the Executive Government of...
Is there no clue to Mr Morriss meaning respecting Monsr Merlino? The next paragraph of his letter...
I am very well satisfied with the train things are in. You will recollect that the Proclamation,...
Bw Dandridge has the honor to inform the Secy of State that Congress adjourn at 1 o’Clock to day,...
By the Presidents order Bw Dandridge has the honor to transmit the enclosed papers relating to...