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Documents filtered by: Period="Colonial" AND Project="Washington Papers"
Results 21-70 of 10,190 sorted by editorial placement
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21[April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Fryday April the 1st. 1748. This Morning Shot twice at Wild Turkies but killd none. Run of three...
22[Diary entry: 1 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Fryday April the 1st. 1748. This Morning Shot twice at Wild Turkies but killd none. Run of three...
23[Diary entry: 2 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Saterday April 2d. Last Night was a blowing & Rainy night. Our Straw catch’d a Fire that we were...
24[Diary entry: 3 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 3d. Last Night was a much more blostering night than the former. We had our Tent Carried...
25[Diary entry: 4 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Monday 4th. This morning Mr. Fairfax left us with Intent to go down to the Mouth of the Branch....
26[Diary entry: 5 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 5th. We went out & did 4 Lots. We were attended by the same Company of People that we had...
27[Diary entry: 6 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 6th. Last Night was so Intolerably smoaky that we were obliged all hands to leave the...
28[Diary entry: 7 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 7th. Rain’d Successively all Last Night. This Morning one of our men Killed a Wild Turky...
29[Diary entry: 8 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Fryday 8th. We breakfasted at Casseys & Rode down to Vanmetris’s to get all our Company together...
30[Diary entry: 9 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Saterday 9th. Set the Surveyors to work whilst Mr. Fairfax & myself stayed at the Tent our...
31[Diary entry: 10 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 10th. We took our farewell of the Branch & travelld over Hills and Mountains to 1 Coddys...
32[Diary entry: 11 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Monday 11th. We Travell’d from Coddys down to Frederick Town where we Reached about 12 oClock. We...
33[Diary entry: 12 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 12th. We set of from Capt. Hites in order to go over Wms. Gap about 20 Miles and after...
34[Diary entry: 13 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday the 13th. of April 1748. Mr. Fairfax got safe home and I myself safe to my Brothers...
35[Diary entry: 4 November 1751] (Washington Papers)
November 4 th , 1751.—This morning received a card from Major Clarke, welcoming us to Barbadoes,...
36[Diary entry: 5 November 1751] (Washington Papers)
5 th. —Early this morning came Dr. Hilary, an eminent physician recommended by Major Clarke, to...
On Wednesday the 31st. of October 1753 I was Commission’d & appointed by the Honble. Robert...
On the 31st of March , I received from his Honour a Lieutenant Colonel’s Commission, The date of...
39[January 1760] (Washington Papers)
January 1 Tuesday. Visited my Plantations and receivd an Instance of Mr. French’s great Love of...
40[Diary entry: 1 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
January 1 Tuesday. Visited my Plantations and receivd an Instance of Mr. French’s great Love of...
41[Diary entry: 2 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Jany. 2d. Wednesy. Mrs. Barnes who came to visit Mrs. Washington yesterday returnd home in my...
42[Diary entry: 3 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Thursday Jany. 3d. The Weather continuing Bad & the same causes subsisting I confind myself to...
43[Diary entry: 4 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Friday Jany. 4th. The Weather continud Drisling and Warm, and I kept the House all day. Mrs....
44[Diary entry: 5 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Saturday Jany. 5th. Mrs. Washington appeard to be something better. Mr. Green however came to see...
45[Diary entry: 6 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Sunday Jany. 6th. The Chariot not returng. time enought from Colo. Fairfax’s we were prevented...
46[Diary entry: 7 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Monday Jany. 7th. Accompanied Mrs. Bassett to Alexandria and engagd a Keg of Butter of Mr....
47[Diary entry: 8 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday Jany. 8. Directed an Indictment to be formd by Mr. Johnston against Jno. Ballendine for a...
48[Diary entry: 9 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday. Jany. 9. Killd and dressd Mr. French’s Hogs which weighd 751 lbs. neat. Colo. West...
49[Diary entry: 10 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Thursday Jany. 10th. Accompanied Mrs. Bassett in a Visit to Belvoir. She this day determind on...
50[Diary entry: 11 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Friday Jany. 11th. Deliverd Rd. Stephens two Hogs in part of his Years Provisions weight  69  90...
51[Diary entry: 12 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Saturday Jany. 12th. Sett out with Mrs. Bassett on her journey to Port Royal. The morning was...
52[Diary entry: 13 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Sunday Jany. 13th. The Wind last Night Chopd about from Southerly to the No. West blew extreame...
53[Diary entry: 14 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Monday Jany. 14th. The Wind at No. West, and the Morning being clear and cold but otherwise fine...
54[Diary entry: 15 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday Jany. 15th. Mr. Gibourne and I, leaving Mr. Bassett Just ready to set out recrossd the...
55[Diary entry: 16 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday Jany. 16. I parted with Mr. Gibourne, leaving Colo. Champes before the Family was...
56[Diary entry: 17 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Thursday Jany. 17th. The Snow had turnd to Rain & occasiond a Sleet, the Wind at No. Et. and the...
57[Diary entry: 18 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Friday Jany. 18th. Continued my Journey home, the Misling continuing till Noon when the Wind got...
58[Diary entry: 19 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Saturday Jany. 19. The Wind got abt. to the No[rth] ward last Night and froze the Ground hard....
59[Diary entry: 20 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Sunday Jany. 20th. My Waggon after leaving 2 Hogsheads of Tobo. at Alexandria arrivd here with 3...
60[Diary entry: 21 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Monday Jany. 21st. Warm with Rain, the Wind at South till Noon when it veerd abt. to the No. Ward...
61[Diary entry: 22 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday Jany. 22d. The Wind continued No[rth]wardly—the weather clear & cold—the ground hard...
62[Diary entry: 23 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday Jany. 23d. Clear and more moderate than Yesterday—but the g[roun]d & r[iver] still hard...
63[Diary entry: 24 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Thursday Jany. 24th. Moderate and fine, the Wind at So. and a gradual thaugh.
64[Diary entry: 25 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Friday Jany. 25th. Fine warm morning with the wind at So. till abt. 10 Oclock when it came...
65[Diary entry: 26 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Saturday Jany. 26th. A Very white frost the ground and River hard froze. The wind at Sun Rise at...
66[Diary entry: 27 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Sunday Jany. 27th. A high South Wind continued to blow till about 4 in the afternoon and then it...
67[Diary entry: 28 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Monday Jany. 28th. The River close again & the ground very Knobby & hard. The wind got So. about...
68[Diary entry: 29 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday Jany. 29th. White Frost, and Wind at So. till 3 oclock then No. Wt. but not very...
69[Diary entry: 30 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday Jany. 30th. Very Cloudy. Wind at So. till 9 Oclock at Night when it instentaniously...
70[Diary entry: 31 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Thursday Jany. 31st. He was somewhat better; The wind continued at No. West all day—very cold &...