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    • Washington, George
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    • McHenry, James
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    • Adams Presidency
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    • Washington Papers

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Documents filtered by: Author="Washington, George" AND Recipient="McHenry, James" AND Period="Adams Presidency" AND Project="Washington Papers"
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Enclosed is a letter and sundry Certificates which have been handed to me by a Monsr Demoumonier,...
I have received your letter of the 19th inst. enclosing recommendns of sundry persons in Kanhawa...
Your favour of the 2d instt came duly to hand. For the perusal of the enclosure I thank you—It is...
Enclosed are two letters of application for appointments in the immediate Army. One from John...
Private Dear Sir, Mount Vernon 3d April 1797 Your letter of the 24th Ulto has been duly received,...
Your letter of the 1st instant is received. Whatever appearance, or shape, the Uniform intended...
Knowing nothing of Mr John Parker (whose letter I enclose you); of his fitness for the work he...
Your two letters, both dated the 1st instant, came to hand yesterday only. I thank you for giving...
Your favour of——came safe, and in due time; for the information contained in it I thank you; your...
Private My dear Sir, Mount Vernon 5th May 1799 Your private letter of the 29th Ulto was received...
I was very glad to find by your letter of the 13th instant that you had got well enough to resume...
This letter will be presented to you by Mr Elliot, the son of a meritorious Officer in the...
I have duly received your private letter of the 29th Ulto with its enclosures, and return your...
Your letter of the 16th instt came by the last Mail. The enclosures are well calculated to effect...
It gave me very sincere pleasure to find by your letter of the 17th —recd last night—that Genl...
Private My dear Sir, Mount Vernon 26th Sepr 1798. Your confidential letter of the 21st instant is...
Some of the Officers of Cavalry, who accepted their appointments, and were informed by you in the...
By the Act “To augment the Army of the United States, & for other purposes.” Twelve Regiments of...
I am indebted to you for several unacknowledged letters, but ne’er mind that; go on, as if you...
Amongst the variety of matters which have come before Congress for the purpose of preparation, in...
Private Dear Sir Mount Vernon 27th July 1798 The Greyheads of Alexandria, pretty numerous it...
It is a point from which I have not deviated, to forward all recommendations, & applications,...
Your letter of the 26th Ulto propounds a very serious, interesting & important question to me: a...
Your letter of the 7th instt from Trenton is before me; and no plan yet decided on that I can...
After reading, & putting a wafer into the enclosed letter, be so kind as to send it as directed....
The enclosed letter for Mr McAlpin (my Tayler in Philadelphia) left open for your perusal, may be...
From a mistaken idea, numberless applications for appointments in the Army of the U. States are...
Private My dear Sir, Mount Vernon 1st Octr 1798 Your confidential letter of the 19th ulto did not...
The enclosures transmitted in your letter of the 20th instant are retd. I derived great pleasure...
I have duly received your letters of the 5th 10th & 21st & 22d of this month, with their several...
Private & confidential My dear Sir, Mount Vernon 10th Augt 1798 You will consider this letter as...
I have lately received information, which, in my opinion, merits attention. It is that the...
To a person as well acquainted with the writers of the letters herewith enclosed, as you are, it...
Private Dear Sir, Philadelphia 13th Decr 1798 I am really ashamed to offer the letters &ca...
Being detained on the East bank of this River by Northwesterly winds & consequent low tides, I...
I am not disposed to withdraw your attention from more important matters; or to be troublesome in...
Private & confidential My dear Sir, Mount Vernon 16th Sepr 1798. Your confidential letter—dated...
I find, by looking over my files, that your favours of the 14th & 24th of August have never been...
Your private letters of the 29th Ulto & 5th instant, have been duly received. Mr Bordley for...
Your favours of the 24th & 25th instant have been received. For the Stars, enclosed in the...
Private My dear Sir, Mount Vernon 7th April 1799 When your letters of the 30th & 31st Ulto were...
Your letter of the 25th Ulto has been duly received. The list of applicants from the Southern...
Your favour of the 18th was brought by the Post of yesterday. The nominations, according to your...
The Messenger that carried my letters of the 10th to the Post Office brought me your favour of...
I take the liberty of enclosing a letter from Colo. Parker to Mr Lear, in which he requests that...