George Washington Papers
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To George Washington from Major General John Sullivan, 2 July 1777

From Major General John Sullivan

Lincolns Gap, N.J., 2 July 1777. Encloses a copy of a letter from his brother Ebenezer Sullivan requesting help in obtaining his exchange and wages1 and asks GW to use his “Influence to Relieve him if possible from the amazing Difficulties his Late Capture has thrown him into if firmness in the Field or patience under the Insults of his Savage Captors would Render him u⟨nworthy⟩ of your Excellenceys Notice Witnesses would n⟨ot b⟩e wanting to prove both—but I fear Some Resolves of Congress May work him an Injury.”

ALS, DLC:GW. The text in angle brackets is mutilated.

1For Ebenezer Sullivan’s letter to John Sullivan of 6 June 1777, see William Heath to GW, 7 June, n.8.

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