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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Merry, Anthony" AND Project="Madison Papers"
Results 31-40 of 49 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
31 Madison, James Merry, Anthony From James Madison to Anthony Merry, 9 November 1805 … 1805-11-09 § To Anthony Merry. 9 November 1805, Department of State. “I beg leave to trouble you with...
32 Madison, James Merry, Anthony From James Madison to Anthony Merry, 11 November 1805 … 1805-11-11 § To Anthony Merry. 11 November 1805, Department of State. “I beg leave to trouble with Duplicate...
33 Madison, James Merry, Anthony From James Madison to Anthony Merry, 7 January 1806 1806-01-07 I have the Honor to acknowledge the Receipt of your Letter of Yesterday’s Date, respecting the...
34 Madison, James Merry, Anthony From James Madison to Anthony Merry, [10] January 1806 1806-01-10 I have recd. the letter in which you have done me the honor to communicate for the information of...
35 Madison, James Merry, Anthony From James Madison to Anthony Merry, 16 January 1806 1806-01-16 In the Month of October 1804 the British Cartel, Norfolk Hero, sailed, by Order of Admiral...
36 Madison, James Merry, Anthony From James Madison to Anthony Merry, 27 January 1806 … 1806-01-27 ¶ To Anthony Merry. Letter not found. 27 January 1806. Mentioned in Anthony Merry to JM , 29 Jan....
37 Madison, James Merry, Anthony From James Madison to Anthony Merry, 29 January 1806 1806-01-29 I have been duly honored with your several letters, two of the 7th. another of the 8th. Instant....
38 Madison, James Merry, Anthony From James Madison to Anthony Merry, 18 February 1806 … 1806-02-18 § To Anthony Merry. 18 February 1806, Department of State. “You will receive herewith Duplicate...
39 Madison, James Merry, Anthony From James Madison to Anthony Merry, 25 February 1806 … 1806-02-25 § To Anthony Merry. 25 February 1806, Department of State. “You will receive herewith Duplicate...
40 Madison, James Merry, Anthony From James Madison to Anthony Merry, 6 May 1806 1806-05-06 The Misconduct of several British Ships of War, near the Harbour of New York, particularly the...