James Madison Papers
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To James Madison from Josiah Meigs, [ca. 17 March 1815]

From Josiah Meigs

[ca. 17 March 1815]


I have the honor to transmit herewith a number of letters recommending persons who are desirous of being appointed register of the Land office West of pearl river in the place of Henry Dangerfield Esqr; deceased,1 vizt. Samuel L Winston recommended by the Hon. William Lattimore (who also names Saml. Brooks and Mr. Thruston) by Maxwell Ludlow, & by Joseph Gales jun. Edmund Thruston recommended by the Hon. J. Smith of Virginia, & by the Hon. J. G. Jackson.

Colonel Nicholas Gray, recommended by D. Parker Adjutant General.2

Without suggesting anything to the prejudice of the other candidates I think I perform a duty to a brave and meritorious officer of the army of the U. States when I recommend Nicholas Gray Esqr. late Inspector General of the third military district which is respectfully submitted.

Letterbook copy (DNA: RG 49, Division C, Misc. Letters Sent). Undated; conjectural date assigned based on evidence in n. 1 and the letter’s placement in the letterbook.

1The enclosures have not been found. Daingerfield died on 19 Feb. 1815 (Daily National Intelligencer, 25 Mar. 1815).

2Following Gray’s recess appointment to the position, JM nominated him to the Senate on 8 Jan. 1816. The appointment was confirmed on 17 Jan. (Senate Exec. Proceedings description begins Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America (3 vols.; Washington, D.C., 1828). description ends , 3:19, 24).

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