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    • Jefferson, Thomas
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    • Jefferson Presidency
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    • Madison Papers


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Documents filtered by: Author="Jefferson, Thomas" AND Period="Jefferson Presidency" AND Project="Madison Papers"
Results 81-90 of 214 sorted by recipient
The Virginia resolution inclosed was, I am sure, in full confidence that you would contribute your counsel as well as myself. I have only relieved you from the labour of the premier ebauche. I must you to consider the subject thoroughly, and either make the inclosed what it should be, or a new draught. It should go on without delay, because I shall desire Monroe, if there is any thing in it he...
Robert H. Jones of N. Carolina to be District attorney for N. Carolina. He resides at Warrenton. ViU .
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of the heads of the departments to examine and consider the charges of Colo. Worthington against Govr. St. Clair with the answer of the latter and the documents in support or invalidation of the charges; & to favor him with their opinion in writing on each charge distinctly, whether ‘established’ or ‘not established,’ and whether those ‘established’ are...
§ From Thomas Jefferson. 17 April 1806. “I presume the corresponce. between the Ambassador of Tunis & Secretary of State, must be considd. as exhibiting the only causes of difference, & that that correspondence alone need be sent to the Senate. Want of time for copies must authorize sending the originals, to be returned.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). 1 p. Below this note in an unidentified hand:...
On a view of our affairs with Spain, presented me in a letter from C. Pinckney, I wrote you on the 23d. of July that I thought we should offer them the status quo, but immediately propose a provisional alliance with England. I have not yet recieved the whole correspondence, but the portion of the papers now inclosed to you, confirm me in the opinion of the expediency of a treaty with England,...
Commissions are desired for the following persons. Alexander Moore of Columbia as Register of wills for the county of Alexandria. Thomas H. Williams of Misipi. territory as Secretary of the sd. territory. Jacob Descamps of Virginia as Surveyor of the port of Charlestown in the district of Misipi. Joseph Buell of Ohio as Surveyor of the port of Marietta in the district of Misipi. James W. Moss...
Can mr. King’s report in his dispatch No. 57. Dec. 10. 97. be seen? The question is whether it was worth £50. sterl. Every person who undertakes to expend money for secret service, must take on themselves the risk of being approved or not by the government, on view of the nature of the service, which can only be judged by a knolege of what it was. This kind of expenditure is susceptible of...
§ From Thomas Jefferson. 20 March 1806. “My list tells me I signed commissions for the following persons, which being omitted in the list now recieved from the office, renders it desirable that the office be again examined to ascertain whether the error is in their list or mine. “Mar. 9. Julien Poydrass of Orleans a member of the legislative council of Orleans. “20. Lemuel Trescott of Massach....
I now return you the papers reserved from the last post. Our regular answer to Mr. Livingston may well be that the Attorney General having given an official opinion that the right to the batture is in the US. and the matter being now referred to Congress, it is our duty to keep the grounds clear of any adversary possession until the legislature shall decide on it. I have carefully read Mr....
Your’s of the 4th. is recieved. I think the course which has been taken for sending Mellimeni home is the best: & I concur with you in the expediency of giving no answer to Turreau. Indeed his letter does not seem to call for one. In the present state of our affairs it will certainly be better not to appoint a Consul at St. Thomas’s. We must not risk great things for small. A Consul merely to...