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Documents filtered by: Author="Monroe, James" AND Period="Madison Presidency" AND Project="Madison Papers"
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I wished to obtain an interview with Bizet before I answer’d your favor of the 16th., that I might communicate to you something decisive relative to its object. Owing to his engagments at some distance, and to an injury which he lately received in blowing a rock, I could not see him till today, when I explaind fully your wishes respecting his services. He seemed to be much gratified at the...
Your letter of the 20th. instant reached me yesterday morning. The subject which it presents to my view is highly interesting, and has received all the consideration which so short a time has enabled me to bestow on it. My wish to give you an early answer, in complyance with your request, has induc’d me to use all the dispatch which the delicacy & importance of the subject would permit. The...
I have received your letter of the 26th instant. Its contents are very satisfactory to me. The just principles on which you have invited me into the department of State, have removed every difficulty which had occurr’d to me, to the measure. They afford also a strong ground for hope, that the joint counsels & labours of those who are thus associated in the government, will promote the best...
Mr Madison will be so kind as to inform me whether he went yesterday to the Fair, & if he did not, whether he intends to go this evening, as in that event he will go with him—and meet him at such time as he will appoint, at the door. If he went yesterday, he will inform him, whether it was attended with any charge. RC ( NN : Monroe Papers [microfilm ed.], Misc. Papers and Undated Letters, reel...
I arrived here late yesterday eving. having taken Richmond in my route. I had the great satisfaction to find Mrs. Monroe & our youngest daughter in better health than I had anticipated, as I had to find Mr Hay & our eldest. The early hour at which the post rider has called renders it impossible for me to say any thing on publick affrs. by this opportunity. I shall immediately turn my attention...
The incapacity for business produc’d by so long an application to it at Washington, has been increasd since my return home by a fall from my horse, being taken off by a limb of a tree under which he passed. My head, & left shoulder were bruis’d, & my leg cut a little by the stirrup, but I have almost recover’d from these injuries. I have walk’d about to day, & expect to be able to ride...
Mr Gales’s notice of the publication in the Aurora relative to Mr Foster was precisely what it ought to have been. It was undoubtedly proper to prevent such a statment going to the nation as a fact, & the mode of contradicting, being without a compromitment of the govt., the true one. I will endeavor to be with you in the course of the ensuing week. I expect to be able to wear my boot in that...
Some very interesting domestick concerns which could not well be postponed, seconded by the state of the wound on my leg, prevented my having the pleasure of waiting on you in the last week, but I shall be with you to morrow if no accident presents an obstacle to it. I shall bring all the papers with me which it will be necessary to submit to your view at this time. Indeed many things have...
The dispatches from France & England have kept me constantly occupied since their receit yesterday. A note to Gales shall be sent by the next mail. I now send a project of an answer to Mr Serrurier’s former letter, which you will dispose of as you find proper. I shall send one by the next mail, on the subject of his last letter, relating to the late proceeding in Phila. I have just recd. a...
Permit me to submit to your consideration a subject of peculiar delicacy. It is to suggest a doubt of the propriety of your making a visit at this time to this neighbourhood. You will be satisfied that I do suggest it from an attachment to your fame & that of your administration. If you come up, it being just before the meeting of Congress, it will be concluded, & probably so represented in...
The Secretary of State to whom was referred the Resolution of the Senate requesting information on certain points respecting the trade of the United States to France, has the honor to report to the President that he has examined the files of this Department, and found no precise information on the subject of the said Resolution, which has not been heretofore communicated to Congress. That in...
This letter represents the cases of the Catharine & Julian, as proofs that the Berlin & Merlin [ sic ] Decrees were in force, and repeats its call for the instrument of revocation. With respect to this repetition of this call, I refer to the superabundant explanations already given on that subject, remarking here only that whilst F. does not profess to have revoked such part of her decrees, as...
I recd. the enclosed on my return home. Be so good as read it, & return it by the bearer. I am convinc’d that it would be impolitick to raise difficulties at this time. I expect to see Ct. Crillon in a few minutes, having written to him to call. RC and enclosure ( DLC : John Henry Papers). Undated; date assigned here on the basis of the enclosure (see n. 1). Monroe’s enclosure was very likely...
The Secretary of State to whom was referred the Resolution of the Senate of the 4th. March last, has the honor to report, that the enclosed papers marked A. B & C contain all the information in this Department “relative to captures made by the Belligerants since the 1st. day of May 1811, of Vessels of the United States bound to or from the Baltic or with⟨in⟩ that Sea.” All which is...
We arrived here on sunday last, & had the good fortune to meet Mr Hay & our daughter on their way to the springs. Mrs. Monroe had intended to accompany them there, but will remain here, with the younger part, being not far from indisposition, & too much fatigued to pursue the journey. We took the Dumfries route, & breakfastd at Lansdowne’s, the worst house we ever saw. The upper route by...
Nothing new is recd. from England; or France. Mr Baker will remain at Fredericktown or some other interior town between this & Phila. Mr Serurier was with me yesterday. He stated many reasons for delay in his govt. to arrange our affairs, but dwelt most on changes in the treaty in discussion between it & Mr. Barlow, proposed by the latter. He mention’d several, all of a commercial nature. He...
I send within a letter from Mr Russell & one from Mr Beasley, which are of no great importance except in relation to the blockade of May 1806. Every thing we hear of Genl. Hulls conduct increases the high sense at first entertaind of its impropriety. Col: Huntington from Ohio is here, & Col: Cass is expected to day. H. says that even at the moment of surrender our force was sufficient to have...
I send by the mail a communication from the chr de onis, which was presented to me by mr Chacon. He professes a willingness to make a treaty, but I suspect his powers do not extend to the cession of E. Florida, especially under the new constitution of Spain. Mr Chacon says that the chr. is extremely anxious to prevent hostilities being commenc’d under genl. Wilkn.—that the letter of the Govr....
I enclose you a letter from Col Humphreys & also one from Col. Pike. I am glad to see by the former that some expln. can be given of the proceedings in Connecticut different from what has been imputed & suspected. Mr Serurier was with me, to day, & repeated what he had before stated of the cause of delay at Paris, & intimated that if any plan could be devised within the limit of his govt’s...
Nothing new has occurrd since mine of yesterday. I have yours of the 5th. Mr Eustis has been with me, & we have communicated on the subject of yours to him. He expresses a strong desire for me to take the command, & thinks that a volunteer comn., would serve the purpose. We will confer fully on this subject to day, and come to a decision, and by to morrow’s mail you shall have the result. The...
I have yours of the 6th. I am willing & ready to act in either character alluded to. The effect on public opinion would be greater, if indeed any useful effect might be expected from it, by appointing me to command, than merely making a visit to the country. In the latter case, I would do every thing in my power to promote an organization of the forces, to digest their plan of operations, &...
I have nothing from you to day. Col Cass has arrivd & gives the same acct. heretofore recd. from others of the surrender of Detroit. Genl Cushing thinks that a power to grant a volunteer comn., to give effect to the law, is a necessary construction of it. I shall, unless some other view be taken in the course of the day, accept such a comn. & set out in discharge of it, in a few days. A short...
I have yours of the 8th. Having been engaged the whole day in communication with Col. Huntington & Cass, I have only a moment to drop you a line. Cass says that he came here as the representative of all the officers, and indeed as the organ of the army to explain the conduct of Genl. Hull in the sacrifice of the army. He is engaged in making a statment which he wishes to go before the public...
Finding by your letter recd yesterday that you would set out on that or this day, & probably be here to morrow, I resolved to await your arrival, & make a visit in the mean time to Loudoun, rather than take Loudoun in my route to Albemarle. I shall be back to morrow. 6. 24 pounders, 10. 18s. 10. 12s. 6. 6s. & 4. 8 Inch Howitzrs. are orderd to fort Pitt. They are necessary to batter & take...
I have just received yours of the 21st. Smiths pretention is entirely unfounded. A major genl. in the militia takes rank of a Brigr. in the regular service, whether within or without the UStates, indeed the circumstance of being within or without our limits, can make no difference. The relation between the troops, and the officers commanding them is the same, in each case. I will write him on...
I set out today, but being forc’d thro Caroline by some private concerns with the family of my late sister, shall not be able to reach Washington till the last of the week. I shall hurry on as fast as possible. The enclosed from Mr Crawford, it is proper that you should see. In its relation to two gentlemen, of real virtue (in my judgment) however they may stand with the public, or fit they...
Ca. 17 December 1812. Lists proposed appointments in the U.S. Army from North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Virginia, Vermont, Ohio, New York, South Carolina, Connecticut, Delaware, and Tennessee. Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 107, LSP ). 1 p.; undated; date assigned here on the basis of JM’s letter dated 18 Dec. 1812 submitting these appointments to the Senate ( Senate Exec. Proceedings...
The Secretary of State to whom was referred the Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 9th. Instant, requesting information touching the conduct of British Officers towards persons taken in american armed Ships, has the honor to lay before the President the accompanying papers marked A. B. C. from which it appears that certain persons, some of whom are said to be native, and others...
24 December 1812, War Department. Proposes for JM’s approval various “Promotions in the Army of the United States.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 107, LSP ). 1 p. Monroe’s suggestions for promotions in the Fifth and Seventh Infantry Regiments were recommended to the Senate by JM on 31 Dec. ( Senate Exec. Proceedings Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of...
8 January 1813, War Department. Forwards “copies of the several letters which have passed between the Secretary of War and his Excellency the Governor of Tennessee and Colonel Benjamin Hawkins, Agent near the Creek Nation, relative to murders committed by the Indians in the State of Tennessee and its vicinity.” RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 46, President’s Messages, 12A-E6); letterbook copy (...
15 January 1813. Proposes for JM’s “approbation the enclosed appointments in the Army of the United States.” Letterbook copy and letterbook copy of enclosure ( DNA : RG 107, LSP ). Letterbook copy 1 p. For enclosure, see n. 1. The enclosure (1 p.) lists twenty-three regimental appointments from North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio, Maryland, New York, Connecticut,...
25 January 1813. “The Secretary of State to whom was referred the Resolution of the Senate of the 18th. Instant, has the honor to submit to the President the enclosed Papers marked A & B.” RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 46, President’s Messages, 12A-E3). RC 1 p.; in a clerk’s hand, signed by Monroe. Enclosures (20 pp.) forwarded by JM in a letter to the Senate dated 26 Jan. 1813 (ibid.; 1 p.; in...
By the enclosed communication from General Dearborn, it appears, that Genl Prevost declines the proposed exchange of Genl Hull, & the officers designated here, for a reason, which is not warranted by any fact known to us. I suspect, it is a sequel, of the ⟨arbritary?⟩ exchanges made at Halifax without our consent. The letter to Genl Dearborn, written in haste, wh. I leave open for your...
2 February 1813, War Department. Lists proposed promotions in the U.S. Army for JM’s approval. Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 107, LSP ). JM forwarded the list of promotions in the Light Artillery Regiment, the First Light Dragoon Regiment, the Rifle Regiment, and the First through Seventh Infantry Regiments to the Senate in a message of 3 Feb. 1813 ( Senate Exec. Proceedings Journal of the...
The Secretary of State to whom was referred the confidential Resolution of the Senate of the 18th ult, has the honor in compliance therewith to submit to the President the following Papers. 1st. Instructions given by the Secretary of State to Charles Pinckney Esquire Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States at Madrid under date of the 6th. February and 10th. April 1804. 2d. The...
Mrs Monroe’s indisposition prevents my seeing you so early this morning as I had intended. For reasons which I will explain, I wish you not to suggest to general armstrong the idea of a military appointment of any kind to me. Respectfully your friend RC ( DLC : Rives Collection, Madison Papers). Docketed by JM, probably at a later date, “July 25. 1813.” Filed in the James Monroe Papers ( DLC )...
3 March 1813, Department of State. “The Secretary of State to whom was referred the Resolution of the House of Representatives of 1st. Instant, has the honor to submit to the President the enclosed papers marked A & B.” RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages, 12A-D1). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by Monroe. For enclosures, see n. 1. The House resolution of 1 Mar. 1813,...
8 April 1813, Charleston. “I am directed by Judge Drayton to forward to you, for the information of the President & to receive his determination thereon, copies of certain affidavits & other papers relative to an ⟨a⟩lien enemy.” RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 94, War of 1812, Records Relating to Prisoners, entry 127-A, box 8, folder 3, bundle 163). RC 1 p. For enclosures, see n. 1. Cochran...
On my return home I met the secretary of the navy who intimated his wish to go to Baltimore to make some arrangments for the naval defence of that place, & that he would probably set out in the morning. This circumstance, together with my anxity for the situation of the inhabitants on their coast or rather shores, of the bay, & rivers emptying into it, as well as of the principal towns,...
The Secretary of State, to whom was referred the Resolution of the Senate of the 3rd. Instant, requesting the President to cause to be laid before the Senate the Correspondence which may have passed between the United States and the King of Sweden respecting the Interchange of Public Ministers, has the Honor to report to the President, that no direct correspondence has taken place on the...
I have not seen Mr. Tazewell & therefore can add nothing to what I have already said respecting genl. Taylor. I am under a strong impression that Winder, Howard & Taylor ought if possible to be appointed. Perhaps, if there should be any difficulty in the business, it may be well, to send in only a part of the nominations to day. By the above, I do not mean, that Parkers pretentions ought to be...
The Secretary of State, to whom was referred several resolutions of the House of Representatives of the 21st ult, requesting information on certain points relating to the French decree of the 28th April 1811, has the honor to make to the President the following report: In furnishing the information required by the House of Representatives the Secretary of State presumes that it might be deemed...
The Secretary of State, to whom was referred the Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 21st of June, requesting copies of a Declaration and Order in Council of the British Government of the 21st of April 1812, has the honor to lay before the President copies of these papers, together with a copy of the Correspondence relating to them. RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 233, President’s...
I have stated fully the enemy force from what I have seen, & collected, to the Secry at war, & proposed to him a project for your consideration, that is an attempt to take by surprise the force on the Island. It does not consist of more than 3 or 400, at the highest estimate, and none of their armed ships are nearer it, than 8 or 10 miles at this moment. Boats may be collected secretly, & if...
The day being unfavorable I think it probable you will not get further than occoquan this evening. Mr Graham has seen Mr Wyer this morning, at my request, to ascertain, whether & when he can set out with our despatches for Russia, & finds that he is altogether destitute of the means. He proposes to take a sum not exceeding 1000. dolrs on loan, to be replac’d, with Mr Harris in Russia, where we...
You reach home I presume to day, and I hope with improv’ment in your health, by the journey. Mr. Wyer left this place, this morning, with the despatches for our ministers in Russia. He takes two sets, one under the seal of Mr Daschkoff, another, that of the Dept of State. He promises to make the greatest effort, to reach his destination, as soon as possible. He will call on Mrs Gallatin for...
Thinking it probable that my family might make a visit to Loudoun, & take advantage of the Hack which you took over with you, I went up there, on saturday, & return’d here this morning at an early hour. My object was to make preparations for their accomodation, in case they should come; but of which, I have no hope, since the rect. of a late letter from Mr Hay. I recd. just before I left town,...
I have yours of the 15th. and write merely to inform you that nothing new has occurrd, since yesterday. I am glad on the whole that my family did not come over to Loudoun, as they would have been uncomfortable there in the state in which things are, at this time. The Detac’hment from the navy dept. to Annapolis, has as I am informd, by Colonel Duval & Mr Stephen, produc’d a very good effect on...
Nothing new has occurr’d, except the arrival of General Bloomfield, with whom I have had much conversation, & whom find well disposed to forward, all in his power, the measures necessary to the defense of the district confided to him. I enclose you a letter to genl Mason from Mr Skinner, which you will be so good as to return, after perusing. Respectfully yr friend RC ( DLC : Rives Collection,...
For several days past I have been in the hands of Dr Elzey, in consequence of a slight bilious attack, never so bad, that I might not have written to you, had there any thing of importance to communicate. I am now recoverd. There being however no duty to detain me here, I propose to set out home, on wednesday, should nothing occur to prevent it. I shall take the stage, partly to avoid the sun,...