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    • Jefferson, Thomas
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    • Jefferson Presidency
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    • Jefferson Papers


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Documents filtered by: Recipient="Jefferson, Thomas" AND Period="Jefferson Presidency" AND Project="Jefferson Papers"
Results 8891-8940 of 10,389 sorted by date (ascending)
Having understood that George M Bibb has lately resigned the office of atto for the District of...
I have lately received the inclosed papers from Capt. Putnam of Georgia, with a request that I...
There is a small matter that has gave me some exersise & it opened in my mind to ask thy advice...
From Mr. Tazewells letter it appears that the Evidence addresd in these trials will not soon be...
From circumstances which it is out of my power to controul I am prevented from making a different...
In compliance with my promise I Take up my pen To write to my Dear Grandpapa. I was disappointed...
The Marine Militia Bill has had a fair & full discussion this Day & yesterday. And on a motion to...
Since my letter of the 5th. Instant advising you of the death of my esteemed friend J. W. Gurley,...
In a government, as popular as that of the United States, it is of high importance, that every...
It appears from the enclosed extract of a letter from the collector of Wilmington that we have no...
I understand that the part of South America where Mr. Peppin the writer of the enclosed is going...
The late persecutions which have been carried on against me by Mr. John Smith have been the cause...
I have heretofore avoided, making any direct communication to yourself, lest it should have been...
I assure you that I did not wait for a second invitation from you—The pleasure of Complying with...
Mr. Latrobe offers his most respectful compliments to the President UStates & sends his annual...
You will oblige me by attending to the enclosed letter from a respectable merchant of the city of...
Having been requested to prepare for the press, under the sanction of a variety of most...
The Acts of the last Session of the General Assembly having been just published, permit me to...
Il y a environ trois ans, que Monsieur Reibilt, me temoigna, le desir de procurer pour vous, du...
Agreeably to your desire I submit to you an estimate of one intercolumnation as erected on each...
On the 17th. August last year, I had the honor to address Your Excy. expressing my fears that Mr....
The attention that you pay to the arts & manufactures of america emboldens me to inclose the...
It has long been my determination if ever the U.S. should be engaged in a war to take an active...
I have the honor to transmit you herewith Returns of the Militia of the United States, made from...
It appears that Skipwith did not communicate the Milan Decree; nor is it otherwise authenticated...
I recieved the letter you honored me with of the 21st November, inclosing one for Mr Eccleston,...
The Commissioners of the western road will be glad to know as early as circumstances will permit...
The Senate resumed the consideration of the treaty between the United States and the cherokee...
I beg leave to introduce to your Excy the Bearer of this Letter—a Mr. Jesse Brown (an Unfortunate...
Wisdom and Justice requres Mercy and Forgiveness and may these Lines reach Congress with truth...
Immediately upon being acquainted That Mr Atwater would be nominated Secretary of the Territory...
Read the within. Who are the enemies of this Country? It’s Rulers. What do they deserve? Hell....
I will write to Genl. Macon for a return of the Militia of the District, and request him to...
The 7th Section of the Embargo act seems to require the adoption of some general rule for its...
I have paid Colo Monroe $:153.33—he says there are no charges on the box, it being so small that...
Statement of the Expenditure of the $15,000 appropriated 3d March 1807 for repairs & improvements...
I request you to be pleased to order the copy of the Ex: proceedings of Senate returned to my...
Convinced of your good intentions for the promotion & Success of our Manufacturing establishment...
Agreeable to a Suggestion in my letter to you of the 10th. Ultimo I did on the 1st. instant...
I received by the last nights mail your favor of the 13th. and shall forward the letters alluded...
From information which has come to my Knowledge, within a very short time past, I am induced at...
you will recolect that not far from the 1st. of February last; I handed some communications,...
I am this moment honored with your letter of the 15th. inst. Captain Hand having departed hence,...
Plese be so Kind as to use your Exertions and Authorety to Have the Within Message printed in the...
as the President of the United States there was early transmitted you the Illustrations of the...
I enclose you Mr. Quincy’s Speech. In the anxiety that I feel upon the subject I mentioned to you...
Ellen & myself have agreed that we will write to you every post that Mama & Papa do not so that...
I am glad my Dear Grand papa expresses approbation at my writing about little things as I always...
I received by the Last maile several hundred small Ciants. which I think are Called Privey for...
I forgot to ask you this morning whether the hint about returning in the Revenge was not in the...