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    • Jefferson, Thomas
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    • Monroe, James
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    • Jefferson Papers


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Documents filtered by: Author="Jefferson, Thomas" AND Recipient="Monroe, James" AND Project="Jefferson Papers"
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I recieved your letter at dusk, when no candle was lighted, & not suspecting your so sudden...
I observe that the resolution of the legislature of Virginia , of Jan. 23. in desiring us to look...
The 1st. of mr Nicholson’s resolutions was decided yesterday affirmatively by 87. republ. against...
Your favor of the 2 d was rec d on the 16 th inst. together with the herb which accompanied it,...
I do not know by what individuals the association was formed which is the subject of the inclosed...
Your favor on your departure from Richmond came to hand in due time. altho’ I may not have been...
Instead of the unintelligible sketch I gave you the other day, I send it drawn more at large. mrs...
The reasons assigned in your favor of the 7 th for preferring to retain Loudon instead of...
My last to you was of Jan. 27. Since that I have received yours of Jan. 19. Information from...
Reynolds , collector of York, is dead, and Wm. Carey of that place is recommended very strongly...
[ Philadelphia, 25 May 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “[May] 25. Colo. Monroe. Inclosed the 270....
Yours of Jan. 4. was recieved last night. I had then no expectation of any opportunity of...
I wrote you last on the 21st. of Mar. since which yours of the 26th. of March is recieved....
I thank you for your letter of the 6 th . it is a proof of your friendship, and of the sincere...
Supposing the particulars of the New York election interesting to you, I will give you a...
I recieved yesterday by mr Giles yours of Jan. 27. and am well pleased with the indications of...
Your favor of June 17. has been duly recieved. I am endeavoring to get for you the lodgings...
The moment, my dear friend, is come which I was so anxious should happen in your time. the office...
Mr. Craven, who was here at the receipt of your favor of the 15th. & will probably be here a week...
Since mine of the 26th. Callender is arrived here. he did not call on me; but understanding he...
A confidential opportunity offering by mr Baring, I can venture to write to you with less reserve...
I some days ago made a remittance to mr Jefferson with a request that he would pay you the amount...
The bearer hereof is mr Whitney of Connecticut a mechanic of the first order of ingenuity, who...
The present is merely to inclose to you a letter I have received from a lady who is distressed on...
Our Visitors determined to make a report to the Governor as their patron, of the progress and...
Your favor of the 16th. came to hand yesterday, & by this day’s post I inclose you a draught on...
The doubt which you suggest as to our jurisdiction over the case of the grand jury v. Cabell, had...
It had escaped my recollection till this moment that you had desired me to send you the copy of...
Yours of the 12th. came to hand yesterday. we shall be happy to recieve mrs Monroe & yourself...
You informed me that the instruments you had been so kind as to bring for me from England would...
I recieved last night your favor of the 8th. and I readily embrace both ideas of amendment...
I wrote you on the 2d. inst. and now take the liberty of troubling you in order to have the...
I sent to mr Divers to-day to ask a dinner for mr Correa , D r Wistar , mr Gilmer & myself for...
Your letters of Nov. 30. & Dec. 21. have been recieved with great pleasure. a truth now and then...
The events which have lately taken place at Washington , & which truly disgrace our enemies much...
I thank you for the communication of the President’s message which has not yet reached us thro’...
Mr. Nathaniel Anderson , formerly of Richmond, but now of our county, informs me that he has a...
Yours of July 25. was recieved on the 31 st . I learn by it with extreme concern that you have in...
The rival propositions Objections. 1. The inaccuracies of admeasurements over hills, vallies,...
I have but a moment to inform you that the fever into which the Western mind is thrown by the...
I have duly rec d your favor of the 12 th inst. and concur in every sentim t you express on the...
The expectation that you are always from home, prevents my writing to you with regularity; a...
The question presented by the letters you have sent me is the most momentous which has ever been...
A mr Arm i stead , who married a neice of our governor , who is brother to the Col o Arm i stead...
I recieved your letter just as I was going to bed last night and being to set out early this...
We are waiting for your recommendation of Commissioners of bankruptcy for Norfolk. Moses Myers &...
I have recieved several letters from you which have not been acknoleged. by the post I dare not,...
Your letters of Aug. 19. and Oct. 12. have come duly to hand. My last to you was of the 11th. of...
The inclosed is the result of consideration & consultation between mr Madison & myself. if there...
Your favors of the 7 th & 16 th are recieved, & I now return you the Memoir inclosed in the...