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    • Jefferson, Thomas
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    • Jefferson Presidency
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    • 1805-03-03
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    • Jefferson Papers


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Documents filtered by: Author="Jefferson, Thomas" AND Period="Jefferson Presidency" AND Project="Jefferson Papers" AND Ending date=3 March 1805
Results 31-80 of 2,496 sorted by date (ascending)
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No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
31 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 12 March 1801 1801-03-12 I offer you my sincere condolances on the melancholy loss which has detained you at home: and am...
32 Jefferson, Thomas Peyton, Francis From Thomas Jefferson to Francis Peyton, 12 March 1801 … 1801-03-12 General Wilkinson, the commander of our army, & [his aid] Capt. Huger, brother of the member of...
33 Jefferson, Thomas Randolph, Thomas Mann From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Mann Randolph, 12 March … 1801-03-12 I mentioned to you in my letter by mr Nicholas that I should be able by this post to fix a day...
34 Jefferson, Thomas Wright, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Wright, 12 March 1801 1801-03-12 I ought sooner to have acknowledged the receipt of your favr. of Feb. 20. which has been at hand...
35 Jefferson, Thomas Duvall, Gabriel From Thomas Jefferson to Gabriel Duvall, 13 March 1801 1801-03-13 The office of Chief judge for the district of Columbia being become vacant by the resignation of...
36 Jefferson, Thomas Ellicott, Andrew From Thomas Jefferson to Andrew Ellicott, 13 March 1801 1801-03-13 Th: Jefferson having referred mr Ellicott’s letter to the Secretary of the Treasury (mr Dexter)...
37 Jefferson, Thomas Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … From Thomas Jefferson to Lafayette, 13 March 1801 1801-03-13 I recieved a letter from you the last year, and it has been several since I wrote one to you....
38 Jefferson, Thomas Smith, Samuel From Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Smith, 13 March 1801 1801-03-13 I recieved last night your favor on the subject of capt Wm. Buchanan. mr Madison not being to...
39 Jefferson, Thomas Stoddert, Benjamin From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Stoddert, 13 March … 1801-03-13 Your claims on my time need no apology certainly when the subject relates to the affairs of the...
40 Jefferson, Thomas Barlow, Joel From Thomas Jefferson to Joel Barlow, 14 March 1801 1801-03-14 Not having my papers here, it is not in my power to acknolege the receipt of your letters by...
41 Jefferson, Thomas Kosciuszko, Tadeusz From Thomas Jefferson to Tadeusz Kosciuszko, 14 March … 1801-03-14 I inclose you a letter from mr Barnes on the subject of your affairs here. a loan at an interest...
42 Jefferson, Thomas Borough of Wilmington From Thomas Jefferson to the Borough of Wilmington, 14 … 1801-03-14 I return you my thanks, & through you to the corporation of the borough of Wilmington, for your...
43 Jefferson, Thomas Pardon for James Thomson Callender, 16 March 1801 1801-03-16 Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States of America, To all to whom these presents shall...
44 Jefferson, Thomas I. Tables of Justices of the Peace for the District of … 1801-03-16 Justices’ Commissions given out . Commissions not given .   Washington county     l 1 William...
45 Jefferson, Thomas II. Memorandum on Justices of the Peace for the … 1801-03-16 reduced the number from about 20. to 15. for each county adding to 11. of those named by mr Adams...
46 Jefferson, Thomas Fayetteville Republican Citizens From Thomas Jefferson to Fayetteville Republican … 1801-03-17 Your felicitations on the issue of the late election are highly gratifying to me. I never doubted...
47 Jefferson, Thomas Hanson, Samuel From Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Hanson, 17 March 1801 1801-03-17 I have by some accident mislaid the papers recommending mr Moore to be justice of the peace, &...
48 Jefferson, Thomas Humphreys, David From Thomas Jefferson to David Humphreys, with Levi … 1801-03-17 Mr. Madison the Secretary of State being not yet arrived at this place, and a favorable...
49 Jefferson, Thomas Mazzei, Philip From Thomas Jefferson to Philip Mazzei, 17 March 1801 1801-03-17 Your letter of Dec. 6. is just recieved, and a person leaving this place tomorrow morning for...
50 Jefferson, Thomas Pinckney, Charles From Thomas Jefferson to Charles Pinckney, 17 March … 1801-03-17 I have duly received your favour agreeing to accept an appointment as Minister plenipotentiary to...
51 Jefferson, Thomas Short, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 17 March 1801 1801-03-17 This letter will be handed you by mr Dawson, an antient acquaintance & fellow collegian of yours,...
52 Jefferson, Thomas Stoddert, Benjamin From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Stoddert, 17 March … 1801-03-17 Mr Dawson a member of the late Congress is appointed to be the bearer of the Convention with...
53 Jefferson, Thomas Volney, Constantin François Chasseboeuf, Comte de From Thomas Jefferson to Volney, 17 March 1801 1801-03-17 You left this country in a state of high delirium. the paroxysm was very [tense?], but has been...
54 Jefferson, Thomas Bonaparte, Napoleon From Thomas Jefferson to Napoleon Bonaparte, 18 March … 1801-03-18 To testify to you the sincerity of the Government of the United States in its negotiations, I...
55 Jefferson, Thomas Brent, Daniel Carroll From Thomas Jefferson to Daniel Carroll Brent, 18 March … 1801-03-18 Being to appoint a Marshall for the district of Columbia it has been intimated to me by a mutual...
56 Jefferson, Thomas Ellsworth, Oliver From Thomas Jefferson to Oliver Ellsworth and William … 1801-03-18 Mr. Madison the Secretary of State being not yet arrived at the seat of Government I have been...
57 Jefferson, Thomas Jones, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Jones, 18 March 1801 1801-03-18 In providing an administration for our government I was led by every just consideration to wish...
58 Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Paine, 18 March 1801 1801-03-18 Your letters of Oct. 1. 4. 6. 16. came duly to hand, and the papers which they covered were,...
59 Jefferson, Thomas Létombe (La Tombe), Philippe de From Thomas Jefferson to Philippe de Létombe, 19 March … 1801-03-19 I was honored last night with your favor of the 15th. by mr Rapin, and owe you a thousand...
60 Jefferson, Thomas Randolph, Thomas Mann From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Mann Randolph, 19 March … 1801-03-19 I snatch half a moment to inform you that a circumstance has occurred which will inevitably keep...
61 Jefferson, Thomas Tessé, Adrienne Catherine de Noailles, Comtesse de From Thomas Jefferson to Madame de Tessé, 19 March 1801 1801-03-19 After so long a time & such various events, I take the liberty of recalling myself to your...
62 Jefferson, Thomas Dupont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel From Thomas Jefferson to Pierre Samuel Du Pont de … 1801-03-20 How many hard struggles, my dear friend, would it save me, had I really parted with my last vice...
63 Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin, Albert From Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 20 March 1801 1801-03-20 The inclosed, tho’ false and frivolous, yet requires to be answered with care. the other side of...
64 Jefferson, Thomas Rayneval, Joseph Mathias Gérard de From Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Mathias Gérard de … 1801-03-20 Mr. Pichon, who arrived two days ago, delivered me your favor of Jan. 1. and I had before...
65 Jefferson, Thomas Warren County Inhabitants From Thomas Jefferson to Warren County Inhabitants, 20 … 1801-03-20 I tender my thankful acknolegements to the inhabitants of Warren county for their congratulations...
66 Jefferson, Thomas Caines, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Caines, 21 March 1801 1801-03-21 The desire you express to prefix my name to the work you are about to publish is gratifying to me...
67 Jefferson, Thomas Logan, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Logan, 21 March 1801 1801-03-21 An immense press of business has prevented my sooner acknowleging your favors of Feb. 20. & 27. I...
68 Jefferson, Thomas Priestley, Joseph From Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Priestley, 21 March … 1801-03-21 I learnt some time ago that you were in Philadelphia, but that it was only for a fortnight, &...
69 Jefferson, Thomas Warren, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Warren, 21 March 1801 1801-03-21 I am much gratified by the reciept of your favor of the 4th inst. and by the expressions of...
70 Jefferson, Thomas Weaver, Isaac, Jr. From Thomas Jefferson to Isaac Weaver, Jr., 21 March … 1801-03-21 I was duly honoured with your favor of Feb. 25. and am [from] duty bound to return my thanks for...
71 Jefferson, Thomas Fay, Joseph From Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Fay, 22 March 1801 1801-03-22 Your favor of Feb. 21. has been too long unacknoleged. the press of business on a first entrance...
72 Jefferson, Thomas Griffiths, Elijah From Thomas Jefferson to Elijah Griffiths, 22 March … 1801-03-22 Your letter of July last was delivered to me at Monticello, from which place I had nothing new,...
73 Jefferson, Thomas Niles, Nathaniel From Thomas Jefferson to Nathaniel Niles, 22 March 1801 1801-03-22 Your favor of Feb. 12. which did not get to my hands till Mar. 2. is entitled to my...
74 Jefferson, Thomas Columbia, South Carolina, Citizens From Thomas Jefferson to Columbia, South Carolina … 1801-03-23 The reliance is most flattering to me [whic]h you are pleased to express in the character of my...
75 Jefferson, Thomas Giles, William Branch From Thomas Jefferson to William Branch Giles, 23 March … 1801-03-23 I recieved two days ago your favor of the 16th. and thank you for your kind felicitations on my...
76 Jefferson, Thomas Newton, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Newton, 23 March 1801 1801-03-23 I duly recieved your favor of the 12th. inst. and thank you for the information respecting the...
77 Jefferson, Thomas Page, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Page, 23 March 1801 1801-03-23 Your’s of Feb. 1 did not reach me until Feb. 28. and a press of business has retarded my...
78 Jefferson, Thomas Robinson, Moses From Thomas Jefferson to Moses Robinson, 23 March 1801 1801-03-23 I have to acknolege the reciept of your favor of the 3d. inst. and to thank you for the friendly...
79 Jefferson, Thomas Rounsavell, Andrew From Thomas Jefferson to Andrew Rounsavell, 23 March … 1801-03-23 I am sincerely sorry it is not in my power to attend to the explanation of your invention for...
80 Jefferson, Thomas Allegany County Republican Citizens Enclosure: To Allegany County Republican Citizens, 23 … 1801-03-23 I am sensible of the kindness of the republican citizens of the county of Alleghany in Maryland,...