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Documents filtered by: Period="Revolutionary War" AND Project="Hamilton Papers"
Results 1891-1920 of 2,241 sorted by date (ascending)
In the necessaries delivered for my corps, two days since, there were only two wall tents which were the number mentioned and required for the company officers. The field officers therefore are unprovided for. Will you be so good as to give an explicit order for two more? We also want a Regimental orderly book and some regimental paper. Will you be pleased to include these articles in your...
The other day I applied to Col. Tilghman for an order for Shoes for the Two Companies of levies. He thought on a general principle it could not be granted; but as from the best of my own recollection confirmed by inquiry of others, I have reason to believe a distinction was made last campaign in favour of the advanced corps; in the case of Cortland’s regiment, I am induced to submit the matter...
The situation of these states is very unlike that of the United Provinces. Remote as we are from Europe, in a little time, we should fancy ourselves out of the reach of attempts from abroad, and in full liberty, at our leisure and convenience, to try our strength at home. This might not happen at once; but if the FOEDERAL GOVERNMENT SHOULD LOSE ITS AUTHORITY, it would CERTAINLY FOLLOW....
I have recd your Letter of the 7th. Shoes will be issued to the State Companies under your Command, upon your Return. I will only recommend that proper precaution should be taken respecting the delivery, & that the men of the State Companies should be made accountable for them; the same mode will be pursued, in supplying the other Companies, as has been formerly practiced. I am Dr. Sr.   Your...
I have received my beloved Betsey your letter informing me of the happy escape of your father. He showed an admirable presence of mind, and has given his friends a double pleasure arising from the manner of saving himself and his safety. Upon the whole I am glad this unsuccessful attempt has been made. It will prevent his hazarding himself hereafter as he has been accustomed to do. He is a...
In my last letter My Dearest Angel I informed you that there was a greater prospect of activity now than there had been heretofore. I did this to prepare your mind for an event which I am sure will give you pain. I begged your father at the same time to intimate to you by degrees the probability of its taking place. I used this method to prevent a surprise which might be too severe to you. A...
I had written the inclosed My Dear Betsey when the appearance of your father’s horses announcing his speedy approach induced me to defer sending it off. I flattered myself for a moment that my Betsey would accompany him; but alas! the hope was in vain. It was not my Betsey’s fault however, but the advice of her parents that prevented my seeing her. They were right my angel to dissuade you from...
The preceding numbers are chiefly intended to confirm an opinion, already pretty generally received, that it is necessary to augment the powers of the confederation. The principal difficulty yet remains, to fix the public judgment, definitively, on the points, which ought to compose that augmentation. It may be pronounced with confidence, that nothing short of the following articles can...
[ Albany, September 3, 1781. On October 18, 1781, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth Hamilton : “Your letter of the 3d. of September … never reached me till to day.” Letter not found. ]
[ Head of Elk, Maryland, September 5, 1781. On September 6, 1781, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth Hamilton : “Yesterday … I wrote to you … to the care of Mr. Morris.” Letter not found. ]
[ Head of Elk, Maryland, September 5, 1781. On September 6, 1781, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth Hamilton : “Yesterday … I wrote to you, inclosing you a letter in one to your father, to the care of Mr. Morris.” Letter not found. ]
Yesterday, my lovely wife, I wrote to you, inclosing you a letter in one to your father, to the care of Mr. Morris. To-morrow the post sets out, and to-morrow we embark for Yorktown. I cannot refuse myself the pleasure of writing you a few lines. Constantly uppermost in my thoughts and affections, I am happy only when my moments are devoted to some office that respects you. I would give the...
Whole Amount Names Company Regiment Dol 90th Thads Weed Capt Colo Swift 50 2nd Cornelius Russell Lt Capt Weed Colo Swift 32 2nd William Lord Ensn Selden Butler 25 4th
The mail which was taken a few days ago at Hampton has probably deprived me of the pleasure of a line from you. We are advised by a letter from Mr Carter that General Washington embarked with all except the rear division of the french at the head of Elk on the 8th Instant, hence I hope you are now operating against Cornwallis. It is difficult to judge with precision of your prospects at this...
How chequered is human life! How precarious is happiness! How easily do we often part with it for a shadow! These are the reflections that frequently intrude themselves upon me, with a painful application. I am going to do my duty. Our operations will be so conducted, as to economize the lives of men. Exert your fortitude and rely upon heaven. Hamilton, History John C. Hamilton, Life of...
Musquetts Swords Bayonets Cartridge Boxes Gun Slings Gun Worms Screw Drivers Brushes and Prickers Drums Fifes Flints Cartridges Good 230 2 232 238 114 10
[ Camp before Yorktown, Virginia, October 10, 1781. On October 12, 1781, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth Hamilton : “I wrote you two days since.” Letter not found. ]
I wrote you two days since My Dear Betsey, but as I am informed by one of the Gentlemen at Head Quarters that there is an opportunity for Philadelphia, I embrace it with that pleasure which I always feel in communicating with you. You complain of me my love, for not writing to you more frequently, but have I not greater reason to complain of you? Since I left Kings ferry, I have received three...
I have the honor to render you an account of the corps under my command in your attack of last night, upon the redoubt on the left of the enemy’s lines. Agreeable to your orders we advanced in two columns with unloaded arms, the right composed of Lt. Col Gimat’s batalion and my own commanded by Major Fish, the left of a detachment commanded by Lt Col Laurens, destined to take the enemy in...
Lt Col Majors Capts Subalterns Serjeants Rank & file Killed Wounded Killed Wounded Killed Wounded Killed Wounded Killed Wounded Killed Wounded Lt Col Hamiltons batalion
Two nights ago, my Eliza, my duty and my honor obliged me to take a step in which your happiness was too much risked. I commanded an attack upon one of the enemy’s redoubts; we carried it in an instant, and with little loss. You will see the particulars in the Philadelphia papers. There will be, certainly, nothing more of this kind; all the rest will be by approach; and if there should be...
Your letter of the 3d. of September my angel never reached me till to day. My uneasiness at not hearing from you is abated by the sweet prospect of soon taking you in my arms. Your father will tell you the news. Tomorrow Cornwallis and his army are ours. In two days after I shall in all probability set out for Albany, and I hope to embrace you in three weeks from this time. Conceive my love by...
You have read with astonishment in several American papers, that a man who in various actions of this war has owed his success to his valour, who in the field has been rather the first soldier than the General of his army, has, during the siege of York-Town, entirely lost his reputation of bravery and ability. You inquire of me as of a person too well acquainted with Lord Cornwallis to add a...
[ Albany , November, 1781. “Mrs. Hamilton begs me to assure you how much she is indebted to you for your obliging offer. She requests the favour of you to let the waggon, on its way to Albany, call on a certain duchman a tavern Keeper at Rynbeck for some apples and cyder purchased by him for General Schuyler.… If you do not leave this side of the river tomorrow, we shall be happy to see you at...
[ December, 1781. In March, 1782, Hamilton wrote to Meade : “An Half hour since brought me the pleasure of your letter of December last.” Letter not found. ]
[ Boston, December 10–25 , 1781. In a letter written in April, May, or June, 1782, Hamilton wrote De Noailles of his pleasure “at receiving, after an inexplicable delay, the letter you were so obliging as to write me before your departure from Boston.” Letter not found. ] Louis Marie, Vicomte de Noailles, arrived in Boston on December 10, 1781, and sailed with Lafayette and other French...
I thank you, My Dear Friend, for your letter by Gamber and for your attention in forwarding the articles which fell to my share. I was unlucky in their conveyance. Mr. Gamber, through hurry, forgot them at New Windsor. When he recollected them and returned, he found the bundles had been opened and pilfered. As he had had no list he could not tell me what articles had been taken. He delivered...
Engrossed by our own immediate concerns, I omitted telling you of a disagreeable piece of intelligence I have received from a gentleman of Georgia. He tells me of the death of my brother Levine. You know the circumstances that abate my distress, yet my heart acknowledges the rights of a brother. He dies rich, but has disposed of the bulk of his fortune to strangers. I am told he has left me a...
I reckon, my dear sir, among the contrasted events which have diversified my life, to have been made the confidant of the author of Publius, and as a Senator of Maryland to have been present at Mr Chase’s defence in our house of delegates against charges contained in your pieces. I send you the proceedings which have been published and letters which have been passed between Major Giles and...
[ Philadelphia, February 1, 1782. The description of this letter reads: “Alexander Hamilton, to Col. Wadsworth, begging the loan of one hundred pounds.” Letter not found. ] “Original Correspondence of Colonel Jeremiah Wadsworth of Hartford, Connecticut, Commissary General of the Continental Army.” Items offered for sale by William Todd (Jeremiah Wadsworth Papers, MS Division, New York Public...