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Documents filtered by: Author="Hamilton, Alexander" AND Period="Confederation Period" AND Project="Hamilton Papers"
Results 401-450 of 552 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
401 Hamilton, Alexander Alexander Hamilton’s Account with the Government of the … 1789-03-07 I A March 7th. 1789 Army in old Emissions Dr. To John Pierce Pay Master General, his account old...
402 Hamilton, Alexander New York Assembly. Remarks on an Act for Repealing Part … 1787-03-21 On motion of Col. Hamilton, the house went into a committee on the bill for repealing part of the...
403 Hamilton, Alexander The Federalist No. 78, [28 May 1788] 1788-05-28 To the People of the State of New-York. WE proceed now to an examination of the judiciary...
404 Hamilton, Alexander New York Ratifying Convention. Fourth Speech of June 28 … 1788-06-28 Mr. Hamilton—There would be a rivalship of Power—That the danger was that the State Govts. would...
405 Hamilton, Alexander From Alexander Hamilton to ———, 3 April 1786 1786-04-03 [ New York ] April 3, 1786 . “In your affair with Brothers Coste & Co. I have received a...
406 Hamilton, Alexander Constitutional Convention. Second to James Madison’s … 1787-09-10 Philadelphia, September 10, 1787. On this date, Hamilton seconded the following motion made by...
407 Hamilton, Alexander Constitutional Convention. Withdrawal of a Motion, [10 … 1787-09-10 Col: Hamilton withdrew the remainder of the motion to postpone art XXII, observing that his...
408 Hamilton, Alexander Constitutional Convention. Remarks on the Virginia and … 1787-06-15 Col. Hamilton cannot say he is in sentiment with either plan— supposes both might again be...
409 Hamilton, Alexander New York Ratifying Convention. Third Speech of July 19 … 1788-07-19 Ham[ilton]—opposed to the leading idea of this clause —it tends to render the Militia of no...
410 Hamilton, Alexander New York Assembly. Report on the Petition of William … 1787-02-13 New York, February 13, 1787. As chairman of a committee Hamilton on this date issued a report on...
411 Hamilton, Alexander The Federalist No. 55, [13 February 1788] 1788-02-13 To the People of the State of New-York. THE number of which the House of Representatives is to...
412 Hamilton, Alexander New York Ratifying Convention. Seventh Speech of July … 1788-07-19 Ham[ilton]—would not object to the Idea—recommends this amend[men]t— Gilbert Livingston MS Notes,...
413 Smith, Melancton New York Ratifying Convention. Remarks (Melancton … 1788-06-20 The Govt. is to be rejected if bad. Not call reasoning, declamation. Radical defect of the...
414 Hamilton, Alexander New York Ratifying Convention. First Speech of June 21 … 1788-06-21 Mr. Hamilton then reassumed his argument. When, said he, I had the honor to address the committee...
415 Hamilton, Alexander The Federalist No. 15, [1 December 1787] 1787-12-01 To the People of the State of New-York. IN the course of the preceding papers, I have...
416 Hamilton, Alexander Constitutional Convention. Remarks on the Abolition of … 1787-06-19 Col. Hamilton coincided with the proposition as it stood in the Report. He had not been...
417 Hamilton, Alexander New York Assembly. Report on the Petitions of Samuel … 1787-03-24 New York, March 24, 1787. Hamilton, as chairman of a committee on “petitions of Samuel Thompson,...
418 Hamilton, Alexander The Federalist No. 80, [28 May 1788] 1788-05-28 To the People of the State of New-York. TO judge with accuracy of the proper extent of the...
419 Hamilton, Alexander New York Ratifying Convention. Remarks (Newspaper … 1788-06-30 On Monday Mr. Yates was again called upon by Mr. Lansing for his evidence; to which Mr. Hamilton...
420 Hamilton, Alexander Outline of a Charter for the Bank of New York, [23 … 1784-02-23 Plan for the Incorporation of a Bank 1st: The Stile of the Bank to be “The Bank of New-York.” 2....
421 Smith, Melancton New York Ratifying Convention. First Speech of July 2 … 1788-07-02 Mr. Hamilton—The Gentn. states, the danger of making Loans in extreme—no Instances to prove. A...
422 Hamilton, Alexander Oath of Allegiance, 20 October 1783 1783-10-20 Albany, October 20, 1783. On this date Hamilton signed an oath of allegiance to the State of New...
423 Hamilton, Alexander Constitutional Convention. Plan of Government, [18 June … 1787-06-18 A I   The Supreme Legislative Power of the United States of America to be vested in two distinct...
424 Hamilton, Alexander New York Assembly. Remarks on the Petition of Catharine … 1787-02-13 The committee on Catharine Livingston’s petition, reported, that the state ought to receive their...
425 Hamilton, Alexander The Federalist No. 57, [19 February 1788] 1788-02-19 To the People of the State of New-York. THE third charge against the House of Representatives is,...
426 Hamilton, Alexander New York Ratifying Convention. Ninth Speech of July 19 … 1788-07-19 Ham[ilton]—this not an explanitory amend[men]t— may be recommendatory—which he would wish—in...
427 Hamilton, Alexander New York Assembly. Motion for Leave to Bring in a Bill … 1787-02-16 Mr. Hamilton moved for leave to bring in a bill, to render more effectual, the act granting...
428 Hamilton, Alexander The Federalist No. 60, [23 February 1788] 1788-02-23 To the People of the State of New-York. WE have seen that an incontroulable power over the...
429 Hamilton, Alexander New York Ratifying Convention. First Speech of June 21 … 1788-06-21 Mr. Hamilton. Agrees with me in the first principle of a broad basis. It resulted from...
430 Hamilton, Alexander Report of a Committee of the Trustees Columbia College … 1787-12-06 New York, December 6, 1787. As members of a committee of the trustees of Columbia College...
431 Hamilton, Alexander Constitutional Convention. Remarks on the Organization … 1787-06-21 Col. Hamilton considered the motion as intended manifestly to transfer the election from the...
432 Hamilton, Alexander New York Assembly. Remarks on an Act Directing a Mode … 1787-03-28 The house then went into the consideration of the objections of the council of revision to the...
433 Hamilton, Alexander The Federalist No. 82, [28 May 1788] 1788-05-28 To the People of the State of New-York. THE erection of a new government, whatever care or wisdom...
434 Hamilton, Alexander New York Ratifying Convention. Second Speech of July 2 … 1788-07-02 Mr Hamilton sd. If the States are not united, therefore necessary to clog it—concludes the other...
435 Hamilton, Alexander Draft of a Constitution, [17 September 1787] 1787-09-17 § 6   A senator when impeached shall continue to exercise his office until conviction The People...
436 “H. G.” H. G. Letter XIV, 9 April 1789 1789-04-09 In mine of the 25th of February last, I observed, that there were reasons to conclude that the...
437 Hamilton, Alexander New York Assembly. Report on the Petition of Isaac … 1787-02-14 Mr. Hamilton, from the Committee to whom was referred the petition of Isaac Gouverneur, junior,...
438 Hamilton, Alexander New York Ratifying Convention. Motion, [21 July 1788] 1788-07-21 That Mr. Hamilton Moved that the Clause last read should be expunged, and the following...
439 Hamilton, Alexander The Federalist No. 62, [27 February 1788] 1788-02-27 To the People of the State of New-York. HAVING examined the constitution of the house of...
440 Hamilton, Alexander New York Ratifying Convention. Second Speech of July … 1788-07-22 Ham[ilton]—among other reasons ag[ains]t it— mentions the probability of having the appointments...
441 Hamilton, Alexander New York Ratifying Convention. Third Speech of June 21 … 1788-06-21 The Hon. Mr. Hamilton . Mr. Chairman I rise to take notice of the observations of the hon. member...
442 Hamilton, Alexander Election Circular, [23–28 February 1789] 1789-02-28 As it will evidently be of great use in the ensuing election to have some Gentlemen of activity...
443 Hamilton, Alexander The Federalist No. 19, [8 December 1787] 1787-12-08 To the People of the State of New-York. THE examples of ancient confederacies, cited in my last...
444 Hamilton, Alexander The Federalist No. 23, [18 December 1787] 1787-12-18 To the People of the State of New-York. THE necessity of a Constitution, at least equally...
445 Hamilton, Alexander Constitutional Convention. Remarks on Wages to Be Paid … 1787-06-22 Mr. Hamilton apprehended inconveniency from fixing the wages. He was strenuous agst. making the...
446 Hamilton, Alexander New York Assembly. Report on the Petition of Margaret … 1787-03-31 New York, March 31, 1787. On this date Hamilton, as chairman of a committee on the petition of...
447 Hamilton, Alexander The Federalist No. 84, [28 May 1788] 1788-05-28 To the People of the State of New-York. IN the course of the foregoing review of the constitution...
448 Hamilton, Alexander New York Assembly. Report on the Petition of Henry … 1787-04-14 New York, April 14, 1787. In his petition, Ludenton asserted that “certain depreciation...
449 Hamilton, Alexander New York Ratifying Convention. Third Speech of July 2 … 1788-07-02 Power of Restraint dangerous—we may have a War of defence—therefore dangerous. The reasoning...
450 Hamilton, Alexander Conjectures about the New Constitution, [17–30 … 1787-09-17 The new constitution has in favour of its success these circumstances—a very great weight of...